Getting What You Expect

So often I hear variations on a time-honored theme: What will we get out of life? I’ve heard it expressed in several ways:

  • “You’ll get what you deserve”
  • “You’ll get what you pray for”
  • “You’ll get what you desire (if you work hard for it)”

But I wonder if these stand up to the Science of Mind idea of “Mental Equivalent.” Ernest Holmes, in the Science of Mind, says that:

“We must not only believe, we must know that our belief measures the extent and degree of our blessing.  If our belief is limited, only a little can come to us, because that is as we believe.  We call this the law of mental equivalents.”

It seems to me that we will not get what we deserve unless we believe we are worthy and accepting of having it. It also seems like prayers, alone, may not be enough if we cannot embody our desires.

Eric Butterworth’s Spiritual Economics

I think Eric Butterworth says it best in Spiritual Economics:

“Faith is expectancy. You do not receive what you want; you do not receive what you pray for, not even what you say you have faith in. You will always receive what you actually expect.”

To me, it’s like ordering something on When I find something I like and want, I put in my order. Then I expect it to be delivered in the next week. I don’t “hope” it will arrive; I don’t wish for it or even pray for it. I certainly don’t worry about whether I deserve it or not.

I have faith in—and I just expect that my order will be fulfilled.

Should I not be embarrassed to have less faith and expectancy in God?

God is the unlimited abundance in the Universe. It encompasses all (including the vast warehouses of God also has just as much “desire” to lavish Its good on us. It doesn’t care if we’re worthy. It doesn’t care if our desire is large or small. God would gladly give us the world—if we would raise our expectancy and acceptance to that level.

God: the original “big box” store.

So, today, I place my order for Love and Happiness in my celestial shopping cart. I create, in my open heart, a willingness to accept this limitless Good. I have faith in the true Source of all things and expect to see this good later in the week.

I know that God is never out of stock. The shipping is always free. Returns, though seldom needed, are always graciously received.