- Wed, February 12, 2025
Love Thy Neighbor as You Love Yourself
7:00 PM Meditation

Title: “Love Thy Neighbor as You Love Yourself“
Facilitator: Rev. Barbara Wuest
With 2 days until Valentine’s Day, how can we prepare for it by focusing on this Second Great Commandment?
Everyone is welcome to join our weekly Practitioner-led Wednesday night meditation.
If you are unfamiliar with Zoom teleconferencing set yourself up before the meditation. Once you’re ready, here is the link to join us online:
Meeting ID: 502 642 724
Password: 823969
Sun, February 16, 2025
Peace and Nonviolence: Inspiration for These Times
10:50 AM — Prelude Music with the “Friends” Band
11:00 AM — Celebration Service
Talk Title: “Peace and Nonviolence: Inspiration for These Times”
Speaker: Rev. Bridget McCann
Peace! Everyone wants it, many pray for it, some even devote their life’s work to it. Yet, there is so much that is not peace in the world. How can we be the Peace we want to see in the world? And, does it make a difference? This week, we turn to some of the great advocates and practitioners of Peace and Non-Violence for inspiration.

Inspirational Music from
our beloved community member:
Over the years LaRhonda has enjoyed performing and recording with national, international and local artists such as Curtis Salgado, Taj Mahal, Norman Sylvester, Linda Hornbuckle, Janice Scroggins, Paul Delay, Obo Addy, Thara Memory, Ken DeRouchie, NW Women in Blues, Mark Bosnian and Linda Rossi/Out of the Blue w/Mark Steele and so many more.
Community Participation Opportunity (on Zoom)
6:00 to 8:00 PM via Zoom
Teleconference on Feb. 10th.
(Link button will be activated just prior to each meeting.)
Howard Thurman Movie Watch Party
Onsite at the Center AND on Facebook Live
Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman was a great spiritual teacher, mystic, writer, and advocate for nonviolence. He is often referred to as the pastor, behind the scenes, to those leading the civil rights movement, including Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Join us in celebrating Black History Month by learning more about this great spiritual leader, a man whose teachings are still profoundly relevant today. We will break into small groups after the movie to explore its impact on us as individuals and as a community.
Community Potluck immediately after the Celebration Service and before the movie. Sign-up online or in the sanctuary to let us know how many will be attending and what dish you intend to bring. Please, bring your own plates and utensils.
Nonviolence as a Spiritual Path: Small Groups

Do you enjoy connecting with your community peers, growing your relationships while deepening your spiritual practice? Then PCSL small groups are for you! Our next small group adventure is: Nonviolence as a Spiritual Path
Sign Up (Online ONLY) It’s Free!
Deadline: Friday, February 21st

6211 NE MLK Jr., Blvd.
Portland, OR 97211
Welcome Home

Portland Center for Spiritual Living is a Science of Mind community that teaches spiritual tools to help individuals transform their lives and make the world a better place. All we ask is that you stay open to the possibility of changing your entire life—simply by changing your mind.
sundays, 11:00 am celebration service
The 11 o’clock Sunday Service is in-person and broadcast on Facebook Live. It features transformative speakers such as our Senior Minister and Spiritual Director, Rev. Bridget McCann and inspirational music with Lauri Jones, the “Friends” Band and visiting guest artists.
Wednesdays, 7:00 PM Meditation Service
Our weekly Meditation Service is presented by our Licensed Practitioners using Zoom Teleconferencing.
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