You Can Lift Yourself Up!
Taking a certified class or an online class or workshop are the best ways to learn Science of Mind principles. They will help you change the way you think and create new opportunities for growth and healing. When it is not possible to do this, we offer our self-study guides. Select an area of interest and purchase the book (books are linked to Amazon.com). Then, read the book and listen to the corresponding podcasts. Some of the podcasts have discussion/study questions to go with them. We hope this is a useful way to make spiritual progress when you’re unable to attend our classes and services.
Currently we have books and lectures in the following categories:
- Abundance and Prosperity—Spiritual principles and practices to experience financial freedom and live a more abundant life.
- Bible Wisdom—Key teachings from Jesus, one of the “Master Teachers,” and other bible-based spiritual wisdom, including how to interpret scripture metaphysically.
- Intentional Living—Give up victimhood and learn to live on purpose.
- Love & Relationships—Learn about unconditional love and how to improve relationships of all sorts.
- Managing Change—Key lessons on acceptance and how to positively deal with change in your life.
- Peace & Peace of Mind—Outward peace begins with a peaceful mind. Learn how to deal with the craziness of life and find inner tranquility.
- Power—Find your true self and the authentic power that naturally comes from your higher wisdom self.
- Science of Mind Textbook Guide—A guide to reading through the Science of Mind textbook by Ernest Holmes over the course of a year.
- Science of Mind Basics—Key teachings from Ernest Holmes, the founder of the Science of Mind.
- Wholeness & Health—How to apply spiritual principles to achieve physical healings and robust good health.
- Miscellaneous Subjects—A variety of other topics including creativity, diversity, gratitude, happiness, optimism and service to others.