Science of Mind Textbook Guide

The Science of Mind Textbook (linked to for ordering)

Would you like work your way through the Science of Mind textbook by Ernest Holmes over the course of a year? This easy to use guide was created by Rev. Dr. Edward Viljoen of the Center for Spiritual Living in Santa Rosa.

The guide gives you a road map for easily organizing your reading into bite-sized chunks of daily inspiration and illumination. Many study groups have been formed using this method of learning about the Science of Mind. If you don’t already have your copy, make sure you order the “Definitive Version” of the text to ensure you get the proper page numbers.

Here’s the abbreviated guide with just the references. You can print it out on double-sided paper and it folds into a bookmark. It’s really all you need.

You can also download the full text in monthly segments. Did you know you can send these pdf documents to your kindle or e-reader to save on paper?

Ernest Holmes, the founder of “The Science of Mind.”

Of course, if you’d like your Ernest Holmes inspiration in even smaller doses, sign-up to receive our daily “365 Ernest Holmes” email affirmations.