Thursday, June 20th, 7pm – 8:00pm
In CSL Portland Sanctuary and on Zoom
The Summer Solstice is a day where Light and Life are at their terrestrial zenith. Nature is in full bloom and we can join this crescendo in the consciousness of the Spiritual Principles of Harmony and Vitality. Our ancestors around the world recognized this day as one of great spiritual significance. We will honor that tradition within the context of Science of Mind philosophy and blend sacred sound experientials with modern scientific insight and contemplative spiritual practice. Come join us in recognition of Harmony in nature and in our own selves. Everyone is welcome!
At this event, Practitioner Sean AB Larkin will share his contemplative handpan music for an inward journey as well as uplifting celebration.

PCSL Music Director LaRhonda Steele will share singing and chanting of deep spiritual resonance and profound joy.
Practitioner Kathryn Richer will lead us in setting the sacred space and imbuing it with prayer and affirmation.

If you are unfamiliar with Zoom teleconferencing set yourself up before the meditation. Once you’re ready, here is the link to join us online:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 3977 8588
Passcode: 849307