We are now fully open to everyone for in-person and Facebook Live services. Due to new guidelines from the Oregon Health Authority, we ask you to wear a mask if you are attending in person.
10:50 AM — Prelude Music with the “Friends” Band
11:00 AM — Celebration Service
12:30 PM — Town Hall Meeting (Upstairs at the Center and on Zoom)

Talk Title: “Being Human“
Speaker: Rev. Larry King
Featuring Tim Burkett’s Zen in the Age of Anxiety
Learn how we might accept the human condition, heal feelings of unworthiness and still, at the same time, lead lives of success, fulfillment and joy. It’s possible when we live a dream that’s of our own making.

Inspirational Music from
Our Music Director:
LaRhonda Steele
“…the legacy of the love of music will continue on through and as the irresistible soul music of LaRhonda Steele.”

12:30 Town Hall Meeting
Everyone is welcome to join our quarterly Town Hall Meeting. We’ll present program and financial reports and highlight educational offerings for this fall. Join us via Zoom Teleconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82323158414?pwd=RE95cWVMRE9PZzZKQnBYYmlEbzA5dz09
Meeting ID: 823 2315 8414 — Passcode: 548728
New to zoom? Read more about it to get set up before the meeting.