Social Justice Group
Our Social Justice Book Club meets 12:30-2:00 PM on the first Saturday of every month at the Center for Spiritual Living in Portland; 6211 NE Martin Luther King., Jr., Blvd. Everyone is welcome. Contact Nancy Ashley, (Phone: 503-880-0308, Email: to get more information on what books are being covered each month.
For now the club is meeting online using Zoom teleconferencing:
Meeting ID: 151 544 688
Password: 199761
We also provide a list of all the books that we’ve covered. They’re a great place to start for anyone who would like to be better informed.
New Thought Justice Collaborative
The Center for Spiritual Living has partnered with other New Thought churches and centers in the greater Portland metropolitan area to form the New Thought Justice Collaborative.
New Thought spirituality includes Unity and Science of Mind and is a spiritual practice and way of life that welcomes those of all religious backgrounds. We believe that we all thrive when we live in an inclusive and diverse world that works for everyone. Our social justice work is dedicated to creating such a world.
Visit the Facebook page where those in the New Thought spiritual community can share and find announcements of upcoming social justice events in the Portland, Oregon area, and post information and photos about those events.
Centers for Spiritual Living is committed to create “A World That Works for Everyone.” To this end, we are a welcoming congregation where diversity is embraced. We also work towards the systematic end of racism. We believe that Black Lives Matter and support finding solutions to local and national racial injustice. Following the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, many white people want to know why protests and civil disobedience are erupting throughout the country. To give this issue proper consideration, you may wish to watch this 20-minute video presentation by Trevor Noah of “The Daily Show.”
In Our Neighborhood
The Center for Spiritual Living routinely sponsors and attends a variety of cultural and neighborhood diversity events.
In 2018 we started marching in the Good In The Hood parade to help celebrate the Unity in our NE Portland CommUnity. Join us for the parade in 2019 on Saturday, June 22, 11:00 AM—1:00 PM.
For many years we have been one of the sponsors of the M. L. King “Dream Run” to benefit young entrepreneurs in the N/NE neighborhood. The Sunday-morning race goes right by our Center and we provide a “water station” to make sure the runners have ample hydration and encouragement.

Supporting Our Diverse Community
In addition to fostering education and providing prayer support, we believe that economic parity is key to solving racial inequality. Consider using local minority-owned and -operated businesses to begin shifting money from the white-dominated power structure. Although we do not endorse any particular business, we provide an index of minority businesses in the greater Portland area for your reference.