Thursday March 21st, 7pm – 8:30pm
In CSL Portland Sanctuary and Zoom

The Spring Equinox is a balance point in nature where Day and Night are of equal length. Nature is at balance and we can join nature in the Spiritual Principles of Harmony and Vitality. Our ancestors around the world recognized this day as one of great spiritual significance. We will honor that tradition within the context of Science of Mind philosophy and blend sacred sound experientials with modern scientific insight and contemplative spiritual practice. At this event Practitioner Sean AB Larkin and
Lead Practitioner Kathryn Richer will share a collection of sacred sound offerings, wisdom shares, affirmation and spiritual mind treatments to support the spiritual journeys of our Sacred Community.
They will lead group mantras for collective attenuation and Tibetan singing bowl ringing for group harmony. Sean will share his contemplative handpan music for an inward journey as well as uplifting celebration. There will also be a wisdom

share about the significance of this time in astronomy, ecology, biology and psychology. Kathryn will lead us in prayer and affirmation. All of this is being offered as a sacred gift to support your spiritual practice with a deep experience in community.
Come join us in recognition of Harmony in nature and in our own selves. Everyone is welcome!
If you are unfamiliar with Zoom teleconferencing set yourself up before the meditation. Once you’re ready, here is the link to join us online:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 1324 6614
Passcode: 337907