Joy: Compass of Our Heart

The Sunday Service is in-person, on Facebook Live and later on YouTube and audio podcast.

Due to guidelines from the Oregon Health Authority, we require masks to be worn indoors at the Center. If you do not have a mask, we can provide one for you.

10:50 AM — Prelude Music with the “Friends” Band
11:00 AM — Celebration Service

Talk Title: “Joy: Compass of Our Heart
Speaker: Rev. Marilyn Sprague

When faced with a choice, our heart “knows” what we really, really want. This inner knowing has been called a spark, intuitive hit, buoyant quickening, high calling, and so much more.  Join us as we explore the compass of our heart—Joy.

Inspirational Music from
Our Music Director:
LaRhonda Steele

“…the legacy of the love of music will continue on through and as the irresistible soul music of LaRhonda Steele.”