Embracing Our Wholeness

The Sunday Service is in-person, on Facebook Live and later on YouTube and audio podcast

10:50 AM — Prelude Music with the “Friends” Band
11:00 AM — Celebration Service

Talk Title: “Embracing Our Wholeness”
Special Guest Speaker: Rev. Ruth Miller

Our desires are actually our yearning to experience the qualities of God in our lives. We inherently know that, deep within us, is pure wholeness, and we want to feel that. Indeed, all religions and all spiritual traditions have been established to provide that. And yet, we still yearn; we still struggle to find that experience. Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller offers us some insights and actions that can help us embrace this truth of our being.

Inspirational Music from
our Music Director:
LaRhonda Steele

“…the legacy of the love of music will continue on through and as the irresistible soul music of LaRhonda Steele.”