
Einstein On Insanity

Although he probably didn’t come up with it, I do love the quote so often attributed to Albert Einstein:

“The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.”

It’s an easy mistake to make.  We feel motivated to get out of our current circumstances.  Something needs to change.  We keep hoping for something new and we get an idea that will make life better.  Certainly it would be nice if things would change without additional effort on our part.

But persistence in this kind of hope is where the insanity comes in. It’s not going to happen.

We really do have to change our thoughts, ideas and beliefs if we wish to see our lives change. It’s not enough to be repelled by what’s going on right now. To see something different, we must “become” somewhat different.

The Law of Cause and Effect

In metaphysical circles, we call it the Law of Cause and Effect. If you wish to have something different happen in your life (the desired effect), you must make changes in your thinking and actions (the cause).

A hope for something new or better is not enough. A wish for a change is insufficient.

You have the power to change your life, always, but it will require additional effort. You have the ability to amend your thinking and create a life filled with more love, better health and great abundance. How do we amend our thoughts and beliefs? Try these methods:

  • Refute thoughts that no longer apply (such as “I’m too inexperienced to get a good job”). Times have changed and your experience has changed.
  • Minimize the impact of beliefs that don’t have to apply to you (such as “We’re in a poor job market”). You can be one of the people who get the jobs!
  • Reframe ideas that seem to limit (such as “They’ll most likely hire a man for this” into “A woman will really make a significant difference in this job.”)
  • Highlight ideas of success (such as “They’ll be very happy to have me in that position!”)

With a little practice, you’ll be able to see how your current thinking has created your existing experience of life. As you begin to re-shape your ideas, your life will be re-shaped in ways that correspond. Soon, you’ll find it easier to make changes in your mental landscape—and your improving life will reinforce these mental skills.

And the insanity of the past can just be a memory.

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