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    Shake Hands with the Ego Sun, March 9, 2025, Rev Bridget McCann
    The ego gets a bad rap. We spend a lot of time, effort, and spiritual practice trying to not let it lead our lives, and that’s good! But, let’s not get rid of it entirely. The ego has a beneficial purpose. Let’s get to know it and learn from it.

    Good Medicine Sun, March 2, 2025, Rev Bridget McCann
    Health includes not only our physical well-being, but also our emotional, mental, financial, and spiritual well-being. And, our body, mind, and spirit are a unity, such that what is good for one aspect of our well-being is probably good for the whole. In that light, we explore the wide array of “good medicine.”

    The Power of Sabbath Sun, February 23, 2025, Rev Bridget McCann
    Sabbath can conjure up images of strict religious observance, no play, and fear of retribution for breaking the rules. But, in today’s fast-paced world of instant news, endless social media posts, and cell phones that make us available 24-7, sabbath may be just what we need. Let’s take a fresh look at the idea of sabbath, and the many benefits it has to offer us in our hectic lives.

    Peace and Nonviolence: Inspiration for These Times Sun, February 16, 2025, Rev Bridget McCann
    Peace! Everyone wants it, many pray for it, some even devote their life’s work to it. Yet, there is so much that is not peace in the world. How can we be the Peace we want to see in the world? And, does it make a difference? This week, we turn to some of the great advocates and practitioners of Peace and Non-Violence for inspiration.

    The Demonstration of Love Sun, February 9, 2025, Rev. Christine Green
    We often think about love being a demonstration of a gift or kind gesture to give or to receive. How would life change if we saw love as a demonstration of who we truly are? Join Rev. Christine as she shares insights on the power of love as our true expression in the world.

    With Ease and Grace? Sun, February 2, 2025, Rev Bridget McCann
    Life is hard; at times, it can feel like we’re pushing against the current getting nowhere. It seems rational to find and take the easy way through it all. Afterall, why make it harder than it has to be? In our teaching, we often want to navigate a challenge “with ease and grace.” But, what if it’s not meant to be easy; what if the rough water, the struggle, is exactly what we need?

    A Positive Spirituality: No Dogma, Only Freedom Sun, January 26, 2025, Rev Bridget McCann
    This month we go back to basics, exploring some of the foundational principles of our spiritual philosophy as a Center for Spiritual Living, a positive spirituality. At last – Freedom! That’s what spiritual living is all about. Freedom to live your best life. Freedom to live the life you desire. Sure, we have a belief system, but it’s based in Universal Spiritual Principles, not rules telling you what you should and should not do; instead, it’s all about remembering who you really are and being free to live as your unique Self.

    A Positive Spirituality: No Hell, Only Heaven Within Sun, January 19, 2025, Rev Bridget McCann
    No Hell, Only Heaven Within – This month we go back to basics, exploring some of the foundational principles of our spiritual philosophy as a Center for Spiritual Living, a positive spirituality. This week – Heaven and Hell. What are they, really? Are they actual places? States of mind? What is the relationship between them and our lives? As a Center for Spiritual Living, we positively “believe in” heaven, and it’s available to all. Come hear what that means and how to attain it.

    A Positive Spirituality: No Sin, Only Cause and Effect Sun, January 12, 2025, Rev Bridget McCann
    This month we go back to basics, exploring some of the foundational principles of our spiritual philosophy as a Center for Spiritual Living, a positive spirituality. This week – Original sin? Salvation? What’s all that about? Well, here at Center for Spiritual Living, we have a very different take on sin. In fact, we don’t even use that word because it’s loaded with harmful misunderstanding; we teach the more positive and useful concept of cause and effect. Let’s explore this principle and what it means in our lives. (Oh, and by the way – you don’t need “saving”.)

    No Judgment, Only Unconditional Love Sun, January 5, 2025, Rev Bridget McCann
    This month we go back to basics, exploring some of the foundational principles of our spiritual philosophy as a Center for Spiritual Living, a positive spirituality. First up – God, what It is and what It isn’t. We believe in and teach a concept of God based on the simple Truth that God Is Love, and that God is all there is. That’s It. But, of course, we’ll have more to say about what that means.

    Rising of the Christ Consciousness – Part 2 – Being the Light Sun, December 15, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    As we approach Christmas, we look at Christ Consciousness. Attaining Christ Consciousness was not an accomplishment exclusive to Jesus of Nazareth; he was an example, not the exception. There is more “light” in the world now than at any time in human history. We contribute to it by letting our Christ Consciousness rise and being the Light of Harmony, Love, and Peace.

    Rising of the Christ Consciousness – Part 1 – Preparing The Way, In Darkness Sun, December 8, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    As we approach Christmas, we look at Christ Consciousness. Attaining Christ Consciousness was not an accomplishment exclusive to Jesus of Nazareth; he was an example, not the exception. At this time of year, when the Northern Hemisphere is at its darkest, we explore the work we need to do to prepare the way for our Christ Consciousness to rise, work that is often best done in the “dark”.

    Yes, Virginia, There IS a Santa Clause Sun, December 1, 2024, Rev Barbara Wuest
    One hundred twenty seven years later the answer is the same. What are your thoughts? Your beliefs? What do you KNOW in your heart of hearts? Let’s delve into these questions together, creating an energy that unto itself will be a gift!

    Don’t Confuse the Finger for the Moon Sun, November 17, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    The Buddha taught, “My teaching is like the finger pointing at the moon. Do not confuse the finger for the moon.” We teach, we study, we learn, we meditate, we pray. But what is it all for? Is what we do the moon, or the finger?

    What Now? Sun, November 10, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    The election is over and the votes are in (hopefully). Now what? How do we move forward, together, when some are filled with joy and some with despair? Is it even possible? How is it possible? Let’s explore what’s next, as loving spiritually minded people living in divisive times.

    The Transformative Power of Awe Sun, November 3, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    Awe is a powerful experience, a spiritual on ramp. Dr. Dacher Keltner defines Awe as “the feeling of being in the presence of something vast that transcends your current understanding of the world.” In that, lies transformation, for our health, our relationships, and our experience of life.

    Prosperity and Gratitude Sun, October 27, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    Gratitude is a spiritual super-power. We close-out our Partners in Prosperity series by looking at the role of gratitude in both growing our prosperity consciousness and simply helping us live happier more fulfilling lives.

    Nothing Is Pie Sun, October 20, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    Our society constantly bombards us with messages of scarcity. But, all the important things in life, all the things that help us feel prosperous – none of them are scarce. It’s a spiritual law of the universe – nothing is pie!

    Collective Prosperity Sun, October 13, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    Ernest Holmes said we should wish for no private good when we pray, that what we desire for ourselves we should desire for all humans. We Are One; whatever prosperity means for each of us individually, therefore, is true prosperity only when it is available to all.

    What is Proosperity Sun, October 6, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    What do you think of when you hear the word prosperity? There’s a good chance you’re thinking of financial freedom. While prosperity can mean that, the fuller meaning of prosperity is so much more than that. Let’s explore, together, what prosperity means in the larger scope of our lives.

    Peace on Earth: Taking Inspired Action Sun, September 29, 2024, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    When it feels like everything is falling into pieces, Truth reveals there is a pathway of Peace amidst the chaos. Our individual presence matters and every action and intention to reveal Peace makes a difference. Today’s message is an exploration into “What is mine to do to reveal Peace on Earth?”.

    Hanging in the Balance Sun, September 22, 2024, Rev Ruth Miller. PhD
    There’s a point in every process where things are not what they were, but not yet what they are becoming, and how we manage this liminal state is key to what we will experience. On this Equinox weekend, Rev. Dr. Ruth will offer ideas from various cultures, psychology, and the metaphysical science of New Thought that can guide us through these times.

    Source Matters Sun, September 15, 2024, Rev Jean Celia

    Source matters. This can be considered on many levels. Is something a “fact”? What’s the source? Are you feeling anxious? What’s the source? Delving deeper and deeper, when we touch upon the True Source, the One Source, all becomes clearer, lighter and easier to heal.

    Our lives can be knitted together like an elegant tapestry or knotted together in chaos. Likely, a combination of knitting and knotting. Let’s explore the process of unknotting, of moving closer to the One Source, which is Ultimate Unconditional Infinite Love. And expose more of the magnificent tapestry you are.

    Know Your “No”, to Live Your “Yes” Sun, September 1, 2024, Rev Gayle Dillon
    Life is always responding to our predominant thoughts and actions; Dr. Ernest Holmes says, “where the mind flows, energy goes”. We truly are responsible for living our best life.

    For Every Time, a Spiritual Practice Sun, August 25, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    Stuck in the past, with feelings of resentment and anger? Anxious about what you need to do today? Worried about the future? There’s a spiritual practice specifically for each of these “time.”

    We Get To Do Stuff! Sun, August 18, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    I have to get this done. I should go visit so and so. I need to work. It’s easy to bemoan or even resent the “have to’s” and the “I should’s”, the things that feel like unwelcome obligations. But what if we changed our attitude to “I get to do stuff”? It just might change our experience of life and our relationships.

    The Unexplained, Seen and Unseen Sun, August 11, 2024, Rev Barbara Wuest
    If you can’t see it, does it exist? If you see something that can’t be explained, does it exist, or does your brain create a thought to make it exist? Let’s look at some fun stuff that happens and determine if we can really be God in human form!

    Be Careful Who You Listen To Sun, August 4, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    Many people like to tell us what we ought to do, and why. It can all seem like a lot of confusing disorienting noise, especially when it conflicts with what we know interiorly about who we are and what we are meant to be and do. How do we navigate the noise and find our path?

    Lessons From Lakota Elders Sun, July 28, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    The Lakota People, as well as other Indigenous Peoples, celebrate Sun Dance during the hot summer months. It is a profoundly sacred time of prayer, community, and healing. In honor of Sun Dance, Rev. Bridget shares what she has learned from Lakota elders about prayer, generosity, respect, wisdom, and humor.

    Non-Judgment: Because You Never Really Know Sun, July 21, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    It’s so easy, isn’t it? We all do it – judge others for actions we believe are wrong. Sometimes we simply cannot imagine any circumstance under which the action taken could ever be the right thing to do; it’s wrong, period, end of story. But, what if there really is more to the story?

    Find the Joy Sun, July 7, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    Joy simply IS, it’s a Universal Truth. It has tremendous benefits for our overall health. Yet, when facing adversity, or when simply caught up in the busyness of life, it can be difficult to find and experience Joy. But, it is there, and we can find it.

    Freedom Leads to Possibilities Sun, June 30, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    Freedom has many expressions, such as freedom from persecution, violence, and lack, and freedom to learn, thrive, and be one’s self. This week, we celebrate July 4th by exploring how freedom of different sorts has changed the lives of three young immigrants to the United States.

    Writing a New Chapter with Devotion: Responsible Stewardship Sun, June 23, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    Devotion guides our actions on behalf of something we love. An author is devoted to the characters, feeling responsible for letting each one express itself. In spiritual community, we write our current chapter by being devoted responsible stewards of the past we have inherited from our predecessors and the future we borrow from our children.

    Writing a New Chapter with Love: The Power of Community Sun, June 16, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    Community is one of the most powerful forces in our lives. Writing workshops provide community for authors, a place of mutual support and upliftment. Loving spiritual community supports each individual and, at the same time, creates a force that is greater than the sum of those individuals.

    Writing a New Chapter with Faith: God’s Got This! Sun, June 9, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    Life wants to express, all the time, everywhere. Great authors often say that the book comes through them, the characters and the story are already there, wanting to be expressed. Likewise, everything we need to write our next chapter for Portland CSL is already available. We access it with faith, faith that God’s Got This!

    Living the Power in the Presence Sun, June 2, 2024, Rev Ruth Miller. PhD
    There is a sacred knowing deep within us that always supports and guides us. When we learn, know, and understand this principle, then we can name, claim, and declare our good and the good of all in all our words and actions. Rev. Ruth Miller reminds us that Love, Peace, Beauty, Comfort, and Well-being for all is what we’re called to experience and express, and invites us to follow the call into it.

    The Power of L.U.C.K. in Actualizing our Heart’s Desire Sun, May 26, 2024, Kathryn Richer PScP
    As we prepare to welcome Rev. McCann as our new Senior Minister, we will recognize and celebrate our use of Living Under Cosmic Knowledge to actualize our individual and collective heart’s desire.

    The Steps We Take Sun, May 19, 2024, Rev Barbara Wuest
    The path of self discovery brings us closer to our own authentic expression, moving from Good to Great to Grand.

    The Value Led Life Sun, May 12, 2024, Rev Cathi Condon
    Nothing informs our activity in the world more than our values, the space where our inner world is reflected in our outer presence. Where are your values leading you?

    Discovering Who and Where We Are Sun, May 5, 2024, Rev Ruth Miller PhD
    We live in a time and place that encourages us to forget who we truly are. Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller offers us some guidelines for remembering. Then, as we begin to have clarity around who we are and the spaces we want to live from, we can begin to create spaces and opportunities for others to do the same.

    Gentle Cosmic-ness Sun, April 28, 2024, Dr. Kasey Wilson RScP
    Let’s take this gentleness to a cosmic level, breathing in Truth, changing our perspectives, and celebrating Life!

    The Other In Love Sun, April 21, 2024, Rev Barbara Wuest
    We are reflections of each other. As we cultivate gentleness for ourselves, we begin to recognize Love expressing Itself as the others in our lives.

    Taking It To The Streets Sun, April 14, 2024, Rev Cathi Condon
    It doesn’t matter what the topic or situation is. This is ours to do. Let’s amp up our gentleness and respond “in kind.”

    Breathing Gentleness Into Our Lives Sun, April 7, 2024, Rev Ruth Miller PhD

    Embracing Our Sacred Newness Sun, March 31, 2024, Rev. Christine Green
    We are the change we wish to see in the world. We are the Love we wish to see in the world. Together, grounded in divine power and promise, we transform the world.

    You Are a Prayer Answered Sun, March 24, 2024, Rev Bridget McCann
    Regardless of what you may have done, or how many times you go astray, you matter. Some of us know directly how we matter in the life of another person. Others of us may never know where or how or for whom we mattered. But, rest assured, you are the answer to someone’s prayer.

    Tell me Something Good Sun, March 17, 2024, Rev John DePalma
    What happens when we’re confronted by a situation where “figuring it out” just doesn’t work? Sometimes it’s only when all our problem-solving skills fall short that we remember there’s a deeper intelligence within us, offering us our perfect answer. “I don’t know how, but Spirit does!

    That’s How We’ve Never Done It: Up Until Now… Mon, March 11, 2024, Rev Cathi Condon
    It’s time to acknowledge our past (good, bad, and ugly) while disentangling ourselves from it. It’s time to forgive and release old patterns that no longer serve us. Let’s install and practice a new script: “UP UNTIL NOW…”

    It’s a Brand New Day, with Unlimited Possibilities Sun, March 3, 2024, Rev Ruth Miller PhD
    We wake up each morning to infinite possibility: unlimited, overflowing Good that waits only for our acceptance of it. Are we willing to embrace that potential? Dare we choose Heaven on Earth? Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller helps us understand the physics and metaphysics behind this Truth, so our brains can accept Reality and allow us to choose our new Now, our Heaven-on-Earth, every day.

    Collectively Participate in the Grand Rising through Embracing Discomfort Sun, February 25, 2024, Kathryn Richer PScP
    Being uncomfortable is the least of our concerns, because we have a lotta love work to do. Stepping out of our comfort zone allows us to participate in the Grand Rising. We wake up from unconscious beliefs and behaviors, and move towards conscious action that supports evolution individually and collectively.

    It's A New Life Sun, February 18, 2024, Rev Barbara Wuest
    Changing ourselves, our community, and therefore the world is not for the faint of heart. The challenges in front of us may sometimes seem or feel insurmountable. But with the power and Love and Spirit, expressing Itself as us, we can do anything!

    Transformation begins …. with Love Sun, February 11, 2024, Rev Gayle Dillon

    As we move through comfort to discomfort to growth, returning again to the journey at a higher awareness and greater willingness to live outside our comfort zone, we become more of who we truly are.

    Patti Smith wrote, “We go through life. We shed our skins. We become ourselves.” As we become more aware, every experience on our journey brings us closer to God, closer to our Selves.

    February, the month we celebrate Love, reminds us that the ultimate comfort, peace, harmonious life is as Love. Allowing ourselves to hope / know that Love is the kernel of Light in every fear, every false belief, waiting patiently to be revealed, is the transformative healing process.

    Join us to explore the transformation that begins, lives, and ends with Love, the Divine Light that is who we are.

    Embracing the Power in Transformation Mon, February 5, 2024, Rev Ruth Miller PhD
    As we, and all humanity, rise in consciousness to be more fully Who we truly Are, old things fall apart to make room for the new; shells break open; and comfortable habits no longer work. Join Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller as she explores the experience of this transformation process we have chosen to be part of – how we can transcend the apparent discomfort of the moment and surf the tidal wave of Love.

    Feeliong Good Sun, January 28, 2024, Rev. Christine Green
    The past doesn’t define us. Now is the time to apply the lessons learned and put our teaching into practice. We are the heroes that the world has been seeking.

    It's a new day Mon, January 15, 2024, Rev. Christine Green
    The past doesn’t define us. Now is the time to apply the lessons learned and put our teaching into practice. We are the heroes that the world has been seeking.

    The Grand Rising Sun, January 7, 2024, Rev Ruth Miller PhD
    All humanity is being invited to live from an intention to co-create a world that works for everyone, led by the Spirit within and recognizing that the power of that intention creates a beautiful ripple of love across the planet. Today, Rev. Dr. Ruth L. Miller explores with us the nature of the Grand Rising that is happening around the world – and our role, as a Center for Spiritual Living, in the process.

    The Golden Bowl: Intentions for 2024 Sun, December 31, 2023, Rev. Christine Green
    Go beyond typical “New Year’s Resolutions” and learn to create lasting changes in your life. Participate in our “Golden Bowl” service and have your desires for newness clarified and witnessed by our spiritual leaders. Attendees of our virtual spiritual community participate in the ritual online (during the live process) by joining a Licensed Practitioner via Zoom to complete the ritual. Welcome, 2024!

    Deck the Halls! Sun, December 24, 2023, Rev. Christine Green
    Come join us for Christmas carols and a message of hope as we celebrate the light of the season.

    It Only Takes a Spark Sun, December 17, 2023, Dr. Kasey Wilson RScP

    Recognizing Wholeness; Seeing the Good in All Sun, December 10, 2023, Rev. Christine Green
    There is a vision of love and wholeness deep within us all, an intuitive sense of our Oneness with God and with each other.

    Embracing Our Wholeness Sun, December 3, 2023, Rev Ruth Miller PhD
    Our desires are actually our yearning to experience the qualities of God in our lives. We inherently know that, deep within us, is pure wholeness, and we want to feel that. Indeed, all religions and all spiritual traditions have been established to provide that. And yet, we still yearn; we still struggle to find that experience. Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller offers us some insights and actions that can help us embrace this truth of our being.

    Paving Youir Way to Happiness Sun, November 26, 2023, Rev. Christine Green
    Want more joy in your life? Develop a practice of daily gratitude regardless of life’s challenges and observe opportunities unfold.

    Gratitude is a State of Grace Sun, November 19, 2023, Rev. Christine Green
    When we live in gratitude, we lift our frequency and live in a infinite state of possibility.

    Sacrerd Gift Sun, November 12, 2023, Rev Jean Celia

    As many of us, I learned early in life about the “Sacred Heart of Jesus”. That it is ethereal and something to be looked up at in awe. Separate and unattainable.

    When I discovered the Church of Religious Science (“yellow church on Foster”) in 1980, I began to realize that the Sacred Heart of Jesus also lives and beats in me! Rather than feel like I would go to Hell for such a thought, I knew that the inclusion, the One, the Unity that represents is Truth. Even though I couldn’t at that time articulate the joy and wonder that I felt.

    Indeed, Albert Einstein is correct (no surprise there!) when he said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

    Life is a sacred gift. When we live from the Sacred Life, the ideals of Christ live through us. Unhindered. Flowing smoothly through our lives. What a glorious gift it is!

    One Presence Always-In All Ways Sun, November 5, 2023, Rev Ruth Miller PhD
    In this month’s exploration of the Sacred, Profane, and Mundane, we’re offered the opportunity to practice the living Presence of Spirit, everywhere. Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller invites us to turn off our left-brain evaluations long enough to experience the One Mind in all things as we go through our day.

    The Genius of the "AND" Sun, October 29, 2023, Rev. Christine Green
    Builders of greatness liberate themselves with the “Genius of the ‘AND’ ― paraphrased from Jim Collins. This week we explore solutions, possibilities, and potentials that exist as we release ourselves from the bondage of the known and step into the unknown, where paradoxes play.

    Breaking Free of the “OR” in the Appearance of War` Sun, October 22, 2023, Kathryn Richer PScP
    Our world is full of paradoxes that are pushing us to the breaking point in many ways. We are at a tipping point that asks us to live in the “AND” – breaking free of the “OR”.

    Shaking Up Our World View Sun, October 15, 2023, Rev Barbara Wuest
    This journey of paradox calls us to curiosity and a willingness to stay in the question rather than know the answer. This uncertainty leads to vulnerability, which can be challenging. Luckily, there are tools we can use along the way to remember that playfulness is the key even in the midst of challenges.

    Rock and Rolling Through Life Sun, October 8, 2023, Kathryn Richer PScP
    Ever experienced your life really being on a roll and…BAM…you run into a rock? Inspired by music, we’ll get to the heart of how to roll once again by becoming Rock Steady.

    What If it is Coming Together by Appearing to Fall Apart? Sun, October 1, 2023, Rev. Barbara Leger

    In a rapidly changing and often very polarized world, where we put our attention is of the essence. Join us to explore the paradox of life as it calls us forward to bring forth something new this year to teach us the importance of putting our attention where we want our life to be.

    “There is much, much more going on than we ordinarily think.”

    -Rosamund and Benjamin Zander from their book

    ‘The Art of Possibility’

    “I live in a responsive, creative system called LIFE, therefore I put my attention where I want my life to be. “

    Love Wins! Sun, September 24, 2023, Rev Ruth Miller PhD
    Whatever the question, Love is the answer.

    Love Thy Neighbor Sun, September 17, 2023, Rev. Christine Green
    Living by example and loving each other, regardless of our differences, is the perfect way to create a world that works for everyone.

    Love on a Spectrum Sun, September 10, 2023, Rev. Christine Green
    Light is right where you are, and it is the complete answer to what you need, now and always.

    I Love Myself So Much Sun, September 3, 2023, Rev Gayle Dillon
    I love myself so much, so I can love you so much, so you can love you so much, so you can start loving me!

    The Effusion if Light Sun, August 27, 2023, Rev. Christine Green
    Light is right where you are, and it is the complete answer to what you need, now and always.

    The Reality of Affluence Sun, August 20, 2023, Rev. Christine Green
    Prosperity is not just having a lot of money. It is having a consciousness of the flow of substance.

    Percolate Your Perfectly Imperfect Passions as You Live Your Purpose Out Loud!” Sun, August 13, 2023, Rev Barbara Wuest
    Discover how to become a more deliberate creator as you activate your purpose with passion, finding a place of self-acceptance along the way, in order to step fully into living a life out loud.

    Paths of Passion Sun, August 6, 2023, Rev Ruth Miller PhD
    Once we discover what we have faith in, we can begin to see our path of fulfillment, called in Sanskrit, our Dharma. It may not seem clear at first, but there are clues we can follow. Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller shares some of those clues and invites us to take a few steps as we seek to discover the True Path that is unique to each of us.

    Heart Stones Sun, July 30, 2023, Kathryn Richer PScP
    Walk the Labyrinth path to transform the stones in your heart. Feel them shift from obstructions to openers of new energy and illuminated pathways.

    To Be or Not To Be Sun, July 23, 2023, Rev Evin Wilkins
    Was Shakespeare the only person allowed to ask such a question? What if you were to dare to ask such a question of yourself, within your own life? To be or not to be?

    The Healing Stream Sun, July 16, 2023, Rev. Christine Green
    All the attributes of the Infinite are in focus as you, flowing forth through you. You are this flow at the point where you are.

    Living Life From Within Out Sun, July 9, 2023, Rev. Christine Green
    The whole universe is concentrated at the point where you are. More than this, you are the universe expressing as you.

    The Word of Truth as Command Sun, July 2, 2023, Rev Ruth Miller PhD
    “Faith is the Confidence to Command” says Emma Curtis Hopkins, teacher of Ernest Holmes and a hundred other New Thought leaders. “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed you would command…” is one of the teachings of the New Testament. And what is speaking Truth in the face of undesirable circumstances, but commanding that Truth to appear as our experience? Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller helps us see and know how the power of the One Mind spoken through us as Truth can dispel any semblance of distress.

    Personalizing the Infinite Sun, June 25, 2023, Rev. Christine Green
    Isn’t it wonderful to be open to all the things you desire? Here is a preview to understand how you can become so much more than that of which you have previously only dreamed.

    We are Pushed by Pain Until We Are Pulled by Vision Sun, June 18, 2023, Rev Gayle Dillon

    Have you ever wondered why we wait for the proverbial 2×4 before we take action? What would life look like if we really BELIEVED we are worthy of God’s good. I believe we are designed by God for greatness. So why the heck do I continue to limit the unlimited?

    Let’s get real and find out cat’s really stopping us from being pulled by your visions.

    I’m not fond of pain, you?

    Balancing Grief and Joy Sun, June 11, 2023, Rev. Christine Green
    Everyone experiences grief, but not everyone knows what to do with it. Learn how to handle your emotions even in grieving times.

    Yoiur Most Important Relationship Sun, June 4, 2023, Rev. Catherine Bonin
    Self-care is an integral part of our human experience. Our evolution depends on our commitment to self-care.

    Lights, Camera,Action! Sun, May 28, 2023, Rev Christine Green
    We live life’s performance on the center stage. We get to decide if we live fully out loud or hide our light. We are each blessed with a bright light, so why not radiate our special brilliance at its fullest?

    Shadow and Light Dancing Together Sun, May 21, 2023, Rev Linda Preppond
    Have you ever noticed that you could see the stars most clearly in a very dark sky? When we experience the shadows – times of hardship, grief, challenge – it sometimes seems that the Light has vanished. And yet, it is almost always at this time that huge breakthroughs occur and the Light shines more brightly than ever. Our lives are a dance through times of shadow and of Light. Let’s make it a waltz!

    Opening to the Light Sun, May 14, 2023, Rev Christine Green
    Humans have a tendency to fear the unknown and that which we don’t understand. However, darkness is the fertile space of creation, creativity, and the womb. The darkness gives birth to the light.

    Discovering What You Really Believe Mon, May 8, 2023, Rev Ruth Miller PhD
    Most of us were raised to believe in a particular person or idea. We were taught to say, “I believe in Jesus,” or “I believe in Science,” or “I believe there is no god,” or whatever our family, teachers, and elders told us was true. But our lives haven’t always demonstrated what we were taught to say. Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller draws on the Science of Mind teachers to explore why that is so and how we can discover what our real beliefs are–and how to change them.

    Power and Possibility Sun, April 30, 2023, Rev Maur Horton
    Authentic vulnerability becomes the gateway to power and possibility. It calls us to be who we are and creates the space for others to do the same as we all move through the exciting adventure of transformation. That’s when we intentionally step into the power and possibility that being authentic and open brings.

    Honor the Mystery, Embrace the Change Sun, April 23, 2023, Rev Christine Green
    Portland Center for Spiritual Living is in a powerful and exciting time as a new Senior Minister is being welcomed into the life and love of this Center. The Co-Creation Process and the Sacred Covenant created from it have established a new mental equivalent and set in motion the mystery of change. The opportunity is for all members to open their hearts, to be fertile soil and to accept and embrace the Good of a new experience of a New Minister.

    Letting Go and Letting In Sun, April 16, 2023, Rev Barbara Wuest
    Renewal of our Earth home – Renewal of body, of soul, of Spirit – Renewal of Faith – Renewal of belongingness – Renewed sight, as in seeing things anew or having New Thought

    Most Treasured Gift (Easter) Sun, April 9, 2023, Rev Christine Green
    Possessions are wonderful and a blessing. But our greatest gift is the awareness of our eternal Oneness and infinite possibility.

    Becoming Peace by Releasing What Was Sun, April 2, 2023, Rev Ruth Miller. PhD
    As we mature, we become aware of more and more layers and dimensions of who we are. And, if we’re paying attention, an amazing thing happens: we begin to understand the patterns and the people who have shaped our lives in the past. Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller will share a process for releasing these patterns and the energy around those people–and how the world becomes more peaceful as we go through it.

    Sepping Into "Enoughness" Sun, March 26, 2023, Kasey Wilson
    Approval is a form of judgement. Embracing “enoughness,” or knowing that we are whole, perfect and complete, is an unfolding journey that we are each walking, at our own pace. Releasing the need for approval as we travel this road, is the process of shedding the habit of shame and self-shame/judgement. Cultivating authenticity means having the courage to release shame as we seek to “Live Out Loud.”

    Boundaries Build Bridges Sun, March 19, 2023, Rev Christine Green
    While physical boundaries can act as walls, when we communicate our boundaries, instead of a wall, we are creating a clear path for others to connect with us. Boundaries build bridges.

    Dropping the Masks and Bushels Sun, March 12, 2023, Rev Christine Green

    We wear masks in celebration, for fun, and to be safe. Masks that we wear for our hearts may keep us safe until they don’t. Vulnerability empowers us to drop the mask and let our light shine.

    Season of Peace & Nonviolence (CSL= Cultivating Authenticity: Dropping the Masks and Bushels)

    Discovering Self, Within and Around Us Sun, March 5, 2023, Rev Ruth Miller. PhD
    As we mature, we become aware of more and more layers and dimensions of who we are, and who the people around us have been. We begin to, truly, know ourselves. And, if we’re paying attention, an amazing thing happens: we begin to understand, and find a new respect for, the people who have shaped our lives in the past, and are contributing to them now. Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller will share some stories and some of the science that help us understand this process–and how the world benefits as we go through it.

    Living Curiosty Out Loud Sun, February 26, 2023, Rev Christine Green

    The World is an Oyster Sun, February 19, 2023, Rev Barbara Wuest
    If an oyster did not choose to address the grain of sand that caused such discomfort, we would never experience the beauty of the pearl.

    Inquiring Minds Want to Flow Sun, February 12, 2023, Rev Christine Green
    There is a Divine calling deep within us that is waiting to be discovered and expressed in the way that only we can express it and when it comes forward it brings with it many gifts. One of the greatest is the feeling of being in the Flow.

    What Lies Beneath the Surface Sun, February 5, 2023, Rev Bonnie Anderson
    If we knew it all or could see it all, there would be no need for a curious, imaginative mind. Let’s appreciate the unknown, for without it life would be dull.

    Celebrating Life as Source Sun, January 29, 2023, Rev Barbara Wuest
    It’s time to surrender to the Bigger Idea of Life. It’s time for us to move from struggle into celebration. Today we live in the flow, and the joy of simply being alive surrounds us.

    Singing With Gratitude Sun, January 22, 2023, Dr. Kasey Wilson RScP
    We all appreciate and choose different kinds of music. In the same way that we tune in to different stations on the radio, we can choose different frequencies for our lives. One of the most powerful ways to change to a channel to be in tune with Source, is by singing the song of gratitude. What does the soundtrack to your life sound like? The beginning of the year is a great time to listen and check in and adjust the melody, turn it down or crank it up!

    The Internal Song Sun, January 15, 2023, Rev Maur Horton
    The internal dialogue of the ego can appear to drown out the Internal, Universal song. Learn to listen closely and create a new harmony for your life.

    One Spirit: One UniversaalBeingness-In, Around and Through All od Us Sun, January 8, 2023, Rev Ruth Miller PhD
    Sometimes it feels like we’re all alone in this world, separated from the people and things around us, and all too often, from our Source. Yet, in our heart of hearts, we know that we are part of something greater – and that something greater is within us, too. Both science and spirituality teach us that no matter how isolated we feel, we are always affecting everyone, everywhere.

    The Golden Bowl: Intentions for 2023 Sun, January 1, 2023, Sylvia Kearns RScP
    Go beyond typical “New Year’s Resolutions” and learn to create lasting changes in your life. Participate in our “Golden Bowl” service and have your desires for newness clarified and witnessed by our Ministers and Licensed Practitioners.

    The Light of Love Sun, December 18, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Love can be described in three parts: magnetism, harmony and unity. Find out how to use these elements to create a life full of Love. Rev. Larry concludes using Linda Martella-Whitsett’s book “Divine Audacity” for inspiration as he talks about Love from the “inside.”

    The Light of Power Sun, December 11, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues using Linda Martella-Whitsett’s book “Divine Audacity” for inspiration. This week he explores the idea of creative power and its three part: Inception, Vision and Embodiment.

    The Light of Faith Sun, December 4, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses the idea of faith and what kinds of faith are the most important. He’s using Linda Martella-Whitsett’s book “Divine Audacity” for inspiration. Learn the concept of “positive worry.”

    You are the Light Sun, November 27, 2022, Rev. Christine Green
    Rev. Christine Green kicks off our season of Peace and Light for the holidays. In this darkest time of year, find the inner light that you can use to comfort and embolden.

    To Give, to Receive and to be Grateful Sun, November 20, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes-up our series on prosperity using Annie Rix Militz’ book by that name. Today he talks about using the Law of Giving and Receiving and the Law of Gratitude more purposefully in our lives. Have you heard of “Future Gratitude?”

    Our Unlimited Capacity Sun, November 13, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues using Annie Rix Militz’ book on “Prosperity” for inspiration. This week he discusses how to increase your ability to use the full resources of God. Learn what limits your capacity to receive—and how to go beyond those limits.

    The Home Within Sun, November 6, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explores how our mental “home within” can influence our prosperity. He talks about making room for more good, more life and more love to flow into our lives. He’s working with Annie Rix Militz’ book “Prosperity.”

    The Age of Miracles Sun, October 30, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues with Annie Rix Militz’ book “Prosperity.” This week he discusses what is necessary to change in order to accept a miracle in your own life. Are you ready for “everyday miracles?”

    The Rich Mentality Sun, October 23, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues with the exploration of Annie Rix Militz’ book “Prosperity.” This week he defines what is meant by the Rich Mentality and how to foster it using visualization and a technique he calls “Nevertheless.”

    Freedom From Debt Sun, October 16, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains that prosperity is an “inside out” process. To be prosperous we need to think of ourselves as complete and contented with our lives as they are. Learn about debt and how, why and when to avoid it. He’s using Annie Rix Militz’ book “Prosperity” for inspiration.

    Inspiration at Work Sun, October 9, 2022, Rev. Barbara Wuest
    Have you thought of your life’s calling? Spirit is more than willing to bring you a fully supported and successful life when aligned with Divine Purpose. Learn how “work” doesn’t have to be “labor” as Rev. Barbara Wuest explores our partnership with God. She’s using Annie Rix Militz’ book “Prosperity” for inspiration.

    Proserity Through Spirituality Sun, October 2, 2022, Rev. Christine Green
    Rev. Christine Green kicks off “Partners in Prosperity,” a month of gratitude for what we have and the co-creative power to manifest our dreams. Do you understand the linkage between spirituality and prosperity? Learn about the true source of all good, and how we can align ourselves with that infinite givingness.

    Your Community is VAST Sun, September 25, 2022, Rev. Barbara Wuest
    Through stories and examples, Rev. Barbara illustrates the many forms and choices we have around forming, building and celebrating communities. Every day we take part in numerous communities and they enrich our lives and feed our souls.

    Who's in Your Tribe? Sun, September 18, 2022, Rev. Christine Green
    We often take community for granted. But have you ever thought about what it takes to consciously build community? Join Rev Christine Green as she explores how to connect, build and nurture community and how it ties in with our spiritual life.

    The Gift of Service Sun, September 11, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues talking about spiritual community. This week he talks about interdependency and how we can help each other as well as ourselves in our sacred service. Learn the difference between traditional volunteerism and sacred service.

    CommUnity—Better Together Sun, September 4, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    We humans are social creatures. Learn how communities, especially spiritual communities support each other and create something powerful. A community is much more than just the sum of its parts: “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

    Intuition or Divine Guidance? Sun, August 28, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes our study of Florence Scovel Shinn’s book “The Game of Life and How to Play It.” Learn the 2-Step method that speeds the manifestation of your dreams. Follow the “leads” to live your best life!

    Initiation in Love Sun, August 21, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues using Florence Scovel Shinn’s book “The Game of Life and How to Play It” for inspiration. Are you ready to cast off your mental and emotional burdens and be initiated into Love?

    Beyond the Rabbit's Foot Sun, August 14, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Find out about the Law of Non-Resistance. Rev. Larry continues using Florence Scovel Shinn’s book “The Game of Life and How to Play It” for inspiration. Are you feeling lucky? The idea of both luck and resistance are debunked.

    The Real Game of Life Sun, August 7, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series featuring Florence Scovel Shinn’s “The Game of Life and How to Play It.” Learn that we have the ability to participate and succeed in this wonderful thing called Life. All we need to do is learn the rules… Rev. Larry also discusses the Spiritual Law of Prosperity.

    The Cause of it All Sun, July 31, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes the series based on Ernest Holmes’ “How to Use the Science of Mind” by discussing the Law of Cause and Effect. He shares examples of how to use it proactively, as well as how we can be trapped in victimhood by using the law in a negative way.

    A Function of Faith Sun, July 24, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series exploring Spiritual Laws and Principles using Ernest Holmes’ book “How to Use the Science of Mind” for inspiration. This week he covers the Law of Faith and gives examples of how to build your faith.

    The Big Bang and Beyond Sun, July 17, 2022, Rev. Barbara Wuest
    Rev. Barbara Wuest continues the study of Ernest Holmes’ book “How to use the Science of Mind.” Whether it creates the Big Bang, or the everyday aspects of our personal lives, our “Word” is at work. Our thoughts become things as we use our intentions to power the Law of Attraction.

    The Law of Mind Sun, July 10, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series using the Ernest Holmes book “How to Use the Science of Mind.” Today he shows us how spiritual laws and principles work and how we might start using them. His focus is on “The Law of Vibration.”

    Freedom To Be Sun, July 3, 2022, Rev. Christine Green
    Rev. Christine Green gives a “4th of July” talk about personal freedom. As with so many things, freedom is an inside job. Learn how your “work” can be transformed into your “calling” and how acceptance allows you to experience freedom in almost any circumstance.

    Happiness of the Soul Sun, June 26, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry reviews the 2022 “World Happiness Report” and concludes the series on happiness using Marci Shimoff’s book “Happy for No Reason.” Learn how you can create happiness as well as find it in everyday living.

    Happiness of the Heart and Body Sun, June 19, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series on Happiness using Marci Shimoff’s book “Happy for No Reason” for inspiration. Learn how to use gratitude, forgiveness and lovingkindness to power your intentions for happiness. You can set out to have a “happy day” and here are the tools to do just that!

    Happiness of the Mind Sun, June 12, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series on Happiness using Marci Shimoff’s book “Happy for No Reason” for inspiration. Learn a simple equation for responding to negative events that will create a positive outcome. We also dispel the “Myth of When.”

    Happiness for no Reason Sun, June 5, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a series on Happiness using Marci Shimoff’s book “Happy for No Reason” for inspiration. Learn about set-point theory and how we can begin to increase our happiness from the inside-out. We also dispel the “Myth of More.”

    Love is the Question (&A) Sun, May 29, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes using Michael Tamura’s book “You Are the Answer” for inspiration in this month of purposeful living. Today he discusses the difference between magical thinking and miracle thinking and the power of love to guide and direct us.

    You are the Answer Sun, May 22, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series on exploring your soul’s purpose. This week he explores barriers to living purposefully, including information on how our brain stores memories. He also discusses a key Science of Mind concept: “Principle is not Bound by Precedent.” He’s using Michael Tamura’s “You Are the Answer” for for inspiration.

    From Resistance to Willingness Sun, May 15, 2022, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Do you feel tugged in all directions by life? Rev. Marilyn Sprague explains how we can release our resistance to life, to claim the ability to live freely, and to take advantage of all that life has to offer. She’s using Michael Tamura’s “You Are the Answer” for inspiration.

    The Alarm Clock Sun, May 8, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series on exploring your soul’s purpose. He’s using Michael Tamura’s “You Are the Answer” for for inspiration. This week he invites you to “wake up” to your self-expression and your service to the planet. He refers to a list of “God Qualities” that you can download here.

    The Soul's Journey Sun, May 1, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a series on exploring your soul’s purpose. He’s using Michael Tamura’s “You Are the Answer” for for inspiration. Learn the difference between being and doing as we examine the continuity of our souls.

    Midnight in the Garden Sun, April 24, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series based on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s book “Strength to Love.” Today he covers “the Knock at Midnight” and Jesus’ teachings about prayer.

    Easter: Finding New Life Sun, April 17, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry’s special Easter message. Enjoy two short meditations. One will free you from the past, the other will get you ready to be reborn into newness. Experience a personal resurrection for Easter.

    The Good Samaritan Sun, April 10, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series based on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s book of sermons called “Strength to Love.” Today he gives the metaphysical meaning of the “Parable of the Good Samaritan” as well as explains Dr. King’s three levels of compassion.

    As Harmless as Doves Sun, April 3, 2022, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague begins Easter Month by introducing a series based on sermons of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Learn how to have a “Tough Mind and a Tender Heart” as a means to accomplish your goals and to make the planet a better place for everyone. She’s using MLK’s collection of sermons, “Strength to Love” for inspiration.

    The Song of the Heart Sun, March 27, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes our series of awakening using Mary O’Malley’s book “What’s in the Way Is the Way.” Are you paying attention to the journey, or just the destination? Learn how we can let go of some of our attachments in order to live the good life right now.

    Four Tools of Awakening Sun, March 20, 2022, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague explains how we can awake to our own healing and magnificence. She’s using Mary O’Malley’s book “What’s in the Way Is the Way” for inspiration. Learn about four tools that we can use to recognize and unhook from troubling circumstances.

    All Are Welcome Here Sun, March 13, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains how we can use our emotions and the noisy aspects of our interior life to promote deep healing. He’s using Mary O’Malley’s book “What’s in the Way Is the Way” for inspiration.

    The Experiential Sun, March 6, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains how we can lean into the difficulties of life in order to move through them successfully. He’s using Mary O’Malley’s book “What’s in the Way Is the Way” for inspiration.

    The Power of Curiosity Sun, February 27, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry gives us a new tool that can be used to bring us back to the “Meadow of Possibility:” Curiosity. He’s using Mary O’Malley’s book “What’s in the Way Is the Way” for inspiration. Learn how to use curiosity about the present moment to dispel fear and doubt.

    You Are Not Alone Sun, February 20, 2022, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague continues the series based on Mary O’Malley’s book “What’s in the Way Is the Way.” This week you’ll learn to shut down the fear-based storyteller in your mind and dwell in the essential Unity of all life. You are never alone!

    Nothing to Be Afraid of Sun, February 13, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry expands our understanding of the “Meadow of Possibilities” through facing our fears and seeking expansiveness and fluidity. He’s using Mary O’Malley’s book “What’s in The Way Is The Way” for inspiration.

    What's in The Way Is The Way Sun, February 6, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a series based on Mary O’Malley’s book “What’s in the Way is the Way.” This Sunday you’ll learn about the Meadow of Possibility and how you can use your curiosity to shake off fear-based thinking.

    How to Use It Sun, January 30, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes the “Back to Basics” series by explaining how to create a powerful mental equivalent of success in all endeavors of your life. Are you ready to enjoy a wonderful life? It’s waiting for you!

    What It Does Sun, January 23, 2022, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn goes “Back to the Basics” of the Science of Mind (SOM). This week she covers chapter three of the SOM textbook and explains the Divine Creative Process. You’ll learn how thoughts become things.

    The Way it Works Sun, January 16, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues “Back to the Basics” of Science of Mind. This week he talks about the power and responsibility of acting on behalf of God. One of the ways that God gets God’s things done in the world is through us!

    The Thing Itself Sun, January 9, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry takes us back to the basics of Science of Mind with his explanation of God and the primary tenants of this philosophy. How big is your God? Rev. Larry gives us insight into how he views The Thing, Itself.

    The Golden Bowl Sun, January 2, 2022, Rev. Larry King
    Join Rev. Larry for the annual “Golden Bowl” service. Learn how to let go of the troubles of 2021 and make New Year’s intentions that will transform your life. Do you know how to make an intention for 2022 that is likely to “stick?”

    Science of Mind Q&A Sun, December 26, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is snowed-in and presents this special “Home Addition” of the Celebration Service. He focuses on answering questions about the Science of Mind philosophy and getting ready for newness in 2022.

    A Room With a View Sun, December 19, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes our month on kindness using Brad Aronson’s book “Human Kind.” Today he asks us to open our hearts through the process of re-framing. It’s time to upgrade our view of the facts of life.

    Just Say, "Yes!" Sun, December 12, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series on kindness. Today he covers two forms of essential kindness including a special focus on volunteerism. This series is inspired by Brad Aronson’s book “Human Kind.” Can you think of 50 ways of being kind to one another?

    The Role of a Lifetime Sun, December 5, 2021, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague kicks-off a series on kindness inspired by Brad Aronson’s “Human Kind.” Are you aware of the role that you play in making a difference in the world? Can you evolve into a newer, kinder you?

    Joy: Compass of Heart Sun, November 28, 2021, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    When faced with a choice, our heart “knows” what we really, really want. This inner knowing has been called a spark, intuitive hit, buoyant quickening, high calling, and so much more. Join Rev. Marilyn Sprague as she explores the compass of our heart—Joy.

    The Prosperous Heart Sun, November 21, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes the series on abundance using Julia Cameron’s book “The Prosperous Heart.” He’s saved the best for last and covers the two spiritual principles and practices that have made the most difference in his prosperous life.

    Staying the Course Sun, November 14, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Learn three tips for “Staying the Course” on realizing your dreams. Rev. Larry is using Julia Cameron’s “The Prosperous Heart” for inspiration as he guides us through a new approach to prosperity and financial freedom.

    Velocity and Generosity Sun, November 7, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series based on Julia Cameron’s “The Prosperous Heart.” This week learn how to make an investment in yourself by using the resources of time and generosity. How do you “spend” your time? How freely do you give of yourself?

    Forgiveness Sets You Free Sun, October 31, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series based on Julia Cameron’s “The Prosperous Heart.” This week the topic of forgiveness takes center stage. Learning how to forgive yourself and others is a fundamental step in opening your heart to prosperity.

    Kindness is King Sun, October 24, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series based on Julia Cameron’s “The Prosperous Heart.” This week the focus is on kindness. When we are kind to ourselves and to others we open our hearts to give and to receive. Learn how kindness is essential to the prosperous life.

    Cleaning House Sun, October 17, 2021, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague continues our month on abundance and financial freedom using Julia Cameron’s book “The Prosperous Heart.” Have you cleared out the old and the mis-matched parts of your life to allow prosperity to come in?

    Enough is Enough Sun, October 10, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series based on Julia Cameron’s “The Prosperous Heart.” Today he debunks the myth of the “Magic Number” and provides an inner framework for feeling prosperous. Are you supporting the things that really matter to you?

    The Money Myth Sun, October 3, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a series using Julia Cameron’s “The Prosperous Heart” for inspiration. Today he debunks some common myths about money and the underlying fears that fuel them. Are you ready to live the good life?

    The Secret of Success Sun, September 26, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes the empowering series based on Raymond Charles Barker’s “Treat Yourself to Life.” Today Larry explains the secret of success: being in mental and emotional alignment with your goals, values and intentions. Get on the road to success today!

    The Secret of Love Sun, September 19, 2021, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague continues the exploration of affirmative prayer based on material from Raymond Charles Barker’s “Treat Yourself to Life.” This week she covers the true source and purpose of love. She also presents a “Love Meditation” and tips for bringing more love into your life using Spiritual Mind Treatment.

    The Secret of Happiness Sun, September 12, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explores Spiritual Mind Treatment using Raymond Charles Barker’s book “Treat Yourself to Life.” Today’s focus is creating an affirmative prayer for the purpose of experiencing greater joy. An added bonus: Rev. Larry discusses the 2020 World Happiness Report.

    The Basics of Affirmative Prayer Sun, September 5, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is starting a 4-week series on affirmative prayer using Charles Raymond Barker’s “Treat Yourself to Life” for inspiration. Do you have a mental equivalent for the good life? Find out how to start drawing a better experience of the world to you, today.

    Ready for Anything Sun, August 29, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes a month of acceptance using Tim Burkett’s “Zen in the Age of Anxiety” for inspiration. Find out how you can find an anxiety-free experience in the present moment and through a flood of “good news.”

    From Knowledge to Wisdom Sun, August 22, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Do you feel that the world is out of control? Rev. Larry discusses the difference between being right and being happy and how to manage our expectations in a complex world. He’s using Tim Burkett’s “Zen in the Age of Anxiety” for inspiration. Find out how to turn knowledge into true Wisdom.

    Healing the Human Heart Sun, August 15, 2021, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn talks about healing our hearts, minds and bodies through a connection to nature, the natural world and to Spirit. She’s using Tim Burkett’s “Zen in the Age of Anxiety” for reference.

    Fearless Failure Sun, August 8, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues discussing a journey from fear into faith using Tim Burkett’s “Zen in the Age of Anxiety.” Find out how a fear of failure limits our possibility of success. Rev. Larry discusses the “f” word.

    Being Human Sun, August 1, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a new series on turning fear into faith using Tim Burkett’s “Zen in the Age of Anxiety.” This Sunday you’ll learn two keys sources of anxiety and techniques for dealing with them. Part of the service takes place in pre-historic times (honest)!

    Just Two Things Sun, July 25, 2021, Rev. Catherine Bonin
    Rev. Catherine Bonin describes the “Two Things” to remember that can make all the difference. Learn how to give yourself a break when things are in upheaval and concentrate on what really matters.

    The Absolute Truth Sun, July 18, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes his two-part examination of the “Power of Your Word” and the use of “the Law,” with Ernest Holmes’ “Love and Law” as an inspirational resource. Learn about the difference between personal facts and absolute Truth. This lecture includes Ernest Holmes’ famous group healing experience.

    The Law and the Word Sun, July 11, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Join Rev. Larry for this two-part examination of using “Your Word” to create the life you’ve always wanted. This Sunday he talks about the basics of your “Word” and how to use it. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “Love and Law” for inspiration.

    Mind Your Own Business Sun, July 4, 2021, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague kicks off a month of empowerment as we use Ernest Holmes’ “Love and Law” for inspiration. Do you feel free to be authentically yourself? Learn what’s your business and what’s not!

    Kick Some (Metaphysical) Ass Sun, June 27, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry wraps-up the series on personal power using Jen Sincero’s book “You Are a Badass.” This week you’ll learn how to make a decision, how to go from spewing to doing, and the power of surrender.

    The Sweet Life Sun, June 20, 2021, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague continues a series based on Jen Sincero’s “You Are a Badass.” The sweet life is waiting for you to accept—and you have your own gifts to bring to it!

    The Motherlode Sun, June 13, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his discussion of Jen Sincero’s “You Are a Badass” and includes a very special induction of two new Practitioners into service at the Center for Spiritual Living.

    Asleep At The Wheel Sun, June 6, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series on your limitless potential using a book by Jen Sincero called “You are a Badass.” Learn the two life principles that explain why your life is the way it is and a spiritual principle that will help you to change your life for the better.

    The Peaceful Revolution Sun, May 30, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry closes-out a month focusing on Unity and based on Marilyn Mill’s “One World, One Heart.” Learn the metaphysics behind a peaceful revolution and how to bring greater peace and harmony into your own life.

    Everyone At The Table Sun, May 23, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series based on Marilyn Mill’s “One World, One Heart.” Learn ways to engage people who are difficult to be around and how to see what was once invisible. Our theme is Unity and inclusion.

    Com(Passion) Sun, May 16, 2021, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn continues the series based on Marilyn Mill’s “One World, One Heart.” Compassion is one of the gifts that we can give to ourselves and others that truly makes a world that works for everyone.

    Your Words and Your Word Sun, May 9, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series based on Marilyn Mill’s “One World, One Heart.” Learn ways to monitor your self-talk and the relationship between what you think of yourself and your experience of the world.

    Your Light To Shine Sun, May 2, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series based on Marilyn Mill’s “One World, One Heart.” Find out what your gift is to give to the world using the in-service visioning and compare it to the worksheet of spiritual qualities and principles we humans give on behalf of God.

    The True Action Figure Sun, April 25, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes the series based on Bob Goff’s book “Dream Big.” This week you’ll learn the difference between being someone who “wants” and someone who “has” their big dream. Learn to take action steps towards your dream while living on the edge of “Yikes!”

    Limitless Opportunities Sun, April 18, 2021, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague uses Bob Goff’s book “Dream Big” for inspiration as she asks “what’s important in your life?” In this Universe of stunning opportunities and potential, what would you choose? If you understand and embrace the “what,” God will take care of the “how.” Rev. Marilyn refers to the “Who am I?” and “Where am I?” worksheets which may be downloaded for reference.

    On The Path of Newness Sun, April 11, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series of fulfilling your dreams using Bob Goff’s book “Dream Big” for inspiration. He’ll guide you in asking important questions: “Who am I?” and “Where am I“? Click on the links to download worksheets to help you with the homework process.

    Easter: Power of a Fresh Start Sun, April 4, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Join Rev. Larry for his special Easter message on rebirth and newness. He leads a powerful meditation on letting go of the past, and claiming a personal resurrection for 2021.

    Leggo My Ego Sun, March 28, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes the series based on Pema Chodron’s book “Welcoming the Unwelcome.” Today he talks about how our ego exists to keep us safe—but that it also limits our freedom to move forward. Maybe it’s time to move beyond our ego restraints and achieve a life filled with love and success.

    Now is the New Yesterday Sun, March 21, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues working with Pema Chodron’s book “Welcoming the Unwelcome” as he talks about labeling our experiences. Could the labels we attach to our life act to create that life? Learn how Principle is Not Bound by Precedent and why experiencing the present moment can almost always be positive.

    Beyond the Comfort Zone Sun, March 14, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues with the series based on Pema Chodron’s book “Welcoming the Unwelcome.” Today he talks about the stagnation that we have felt during the pandemic and how you might use the Buddhist’s “three gems” to move beyond our current situation.

    The Fine Art of Failure Sun, March 7, 2021, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague begins a series on acceptance and healing using Pema Chodron’s book “Welcoming the Unwelcome” for inspiration. Find out how we can reframe and accept the negative on the way to positive achievements. Learn about the “arts” of reframing and pearl-izing along the way.

    Of Pain and Purpose Sun, February 28, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry complete’s the series on “Vibration” using Vex King’s “Good Vibe; Good Life” for inspiration. Today he talks about working through pain in a positive way and utilizing purpose as a way to enhance our vibration.

    Imagine It To Live It Sun, February 21, 2021, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague continues the series based on Vex King’s “Good Vibe; Good Life.” Today she talks about three key aspects to bringing your intentions into manifestation. Learn the power of overcoming fear and setting daily intentions.

    The No. 2 Pencil Sun, February 14, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series based on Vex King’s “Good Vibe, Good Life.” The Center is closed due to snowy conditions in the Portland area, so you get the home-edition of the Sunday message. This special Valentine’s Day edition focuses on self-love and self-regard and how it can boost (or kill) our good vibrations.

    A Matter of Vibe Sun, February 7, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series based on Vex King’s book “Good Vibe; Good Life.” Today he discusses the limitations of the Law of Attraction and how the Law of Vibration is a better tool for attracting the good life. What’s “your vibe?”

    Looking Up: Ready to Accept the Best Sun, January 31, 2021, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague finishes off “Back to the Basics” of Science of Mind with a lesson on acceptance. You can only achieve what you can accept in your own life. Find out how to hold up a larger cup to be filled with Love, Abundance and life through the power of acceptance.

    How To Use It Sun, January 24, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes covering the basic beliefs within the Science of Mind philosophy. This 4th lesson describes how we might use the Divine Creative Process to change our lives for the better. Rev. Larry illustrates a technique called building a “mental equivalent.”

    What It Does Sun, January 17, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues going “Back to Basics” with a description of the “Divine Creative Process.” Learn how our thoughts become things and we can use our thoughts and beliefs to create a better life for ourselves and be a positive influence on the world.

    The Way It Works Sun, January 10, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    How does God get God’s work done in the world? Join Rev. Larry as he continues going “Back to the Basics” of the Science of Mind. Today you’ll find out “the way It works.”

    The Thing Itself Sun, January 3, 2021, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry takes us “Back to the Basics” by covering the fundamental teachings of Rev. Dr. Ernest Holmes, the founder of the Science of Mind. This Sunday we cover the nature of “The Thing Itself,” God.

    The Golden Bowl: Intentions for 2021 Sun, December 27, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry will guide you through setting powerful intentions for 2021. This special “extended” podcast contains the full meditation and visioning ceremonies as well as LaRhonda Steele performing “There is Only Love.”

    Christmas Eve: Comfort and Joy Fri, December 25, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry invites you to enjoy this full-length Christmas Eve service featuring music from the Steele Family: Mark, LaRhonda, Lauren and Sarah Steele. Christmas carols, inspirational readings and a short message from Rev. Larry make this a season of “Comfort and Joy.”

    The Circle of Grace Sun, December 20, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes our study of spiritual grace using Robert Wicks’ book “Everyday Simplicity.” Learn how you can complete God’s “Circle of Grace” through active listening, simple kindness and an open hospitality to others. The podcast includes the spiritual practice of “Visioning.”

    Conversations With God Sun, December 13, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the message of simplicity and connection to God using Robert Wicks’ book “Everyday Simplicity.” Learn how to know if the voice in your mind is Spirit or your own ego, and learn a new tool for interacting with God. Here’s a link to learn more about Lectio Divina.

    Softening The Soul Sun, December 6, 2020, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague kicks-off our December themes of peace and acceptance with Robert Wicks’ “Everyday Simplicity.” Embrace simplicity and openness as we learn to treat ourselves with compassion and acceptance. Have you thought about what it means to be a “work of art” of God’s creation?

    Zest For Living Sun, November 29, 2020, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    In this message of hope and optimism, Rev. Marilyn Sprague concludes our gratitude theme by exploring how the practice of giving thanks opens us up to greater possibilities. We’re encouraged to remember it’s never too late to begin anew.

    The Grateful Society Sun, November 22, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry uses Diana Butler Bass’ book “Grateful” to talk about the blessing we receive from God every day. He brings forward one of Jesus’ most famous teachings to illustrate that blessings exist for everyone and that through simple courtesy we invite more blessings into our lives.

    In Celebration of Gratitude Sun, November 15, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses ways that we can extend the practice and experience of gratitude to others. He’s using Diana Butler Bass’ book “Grateful” for inspiration all month. Learn about two key “blockages” to gratitude and two tools that open hearts to experience gratitude.

    The Practice of Gratitude Sun, November 8, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues “gratitude month” using Diana Butler Bass’ book “Gratitude” for inspiration. Today he talks about 5 different ways that you might incorporate a gratitude practice into your life and how you will benefit from it.

    Matters Of The Heart Sun, November 1, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series based on Diana Butler Bass’ book “Gratitude.” Today he covers two forms of gratitude and discusses the idea of a gratitude “gap” that is present in the world today. Could many of the world’s problems be fueled by a lack of gratitude?

    Of Prayer And Prosperity Sun, October 25, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes Prosperity Month by discussing two of Catherine Ponder’s “Dynamic Laws of Prosperity.” The Law of Love and Good Will helps us to achieve prosperity in the midst of disagreement. The Law of Prayer helps us to unify ourselves with the source of all prosperity: God.

    The Law of Increase Sun, October 18, 2020, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague continues teaching the Spiritual Principles of abundance and financial freedom. She’s using Catherine Ponder’s book “The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” to show how the power of our Word uses the Law of Increase. Find out why your world is always either expanding or contracting.

    Imagine Your Way To Abundance Sun, October 11, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues prosperity month by describing how we can use our imagination to build a mental equivalent for more abundant lives. He’s using Catherine Ponder’s book “The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” to explore journaling, treasure-mapping and visualization.

    The Basic Law of Prosperity Sun, October 4, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry kicks-off prosperity month by describing the fundamental and spiritual nature of prosperity. He’s using Catherine Ponder’s book “The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” to lead everyone into a more abundance and comfortable life.

    Collective Momentum Sun, September 27, 2020, Rev. Marilyn Sprague
    Rev. Marilyn Sprague concludes our study of the hidden potential of groups using Shawn Achor’s book “Big Potential” for inspiration. She talks about sustaining the Unity and intentional direction of our successful collaborations with others. Learn about the Five SEEDS of Success.

    Praise and Recognition Sun, September 20, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Have you thought of “praise” as a renewable resource? Rev. Larry continues the study of Unity using Shawn Achor’s book “Big Potential” for inspiration. This Sunday he talks about how to use praise effectively – so that everyone is lifted-up, engaged and motivated. Learn about the Five SEEDS of Success.

    The Star System Sun, September 13, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the study of metaphysical Unity using Shawn Achor’s book “Big Potential” for inspiration. This Sunday he show how our potential is magnified when we surround ourselves with a “Star System” of people who are committed to shared goals, positive outlook and to supporting each other. Learn about the Five SEEDS of Success.

    The Big Problem With Small Potential Sun, September 6, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts out a month celebrating the Unity of all life. He’s using Shawn Achor’s book, “Big Potential” to explore the topics of collaboration and cooperation as a means towards greater success.

    Radical Compassion Sun, August 30, 2020, Rev. Christine Green
    In this time of so much turmoil, compassion for yourself and others is critical. Join Rev. Christine Green as she explains the concept of radical compassion—and how to practice it with yourself and others.

    Bring Your Shadows To Light Sun, August 23, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry complete’s his study of the “Judgment Detox,” by Gabrielle Bernstein. In the final step of the detox, we learn how to use forgiveness to end judgment of even some of the “unforgivable” things that happen to us. Follow along with Bernstein’s 6-Step Judgment Detox plan.

    Cut The Cords Sun, August 16, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the “Judgment Detox,” based on Gabrielle Bernstein’s book. In step 4 of the detox, we learn how to see through fresh eyes and in step 5 we cut the cords of negativity that bind us. Follow along with Bernstein’s 6-Step Judgment Detox plan.

    Put Love On The Altar Sun, August 9, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues exploring Gabrielle Bernstein’s “Judgment Detox” by exploring our past wounds. Did you realize that your current judgments are based on your past struggles? Find the true source of judgment and what you can do about it. We’ll cover the first three steps of her 6-step plan. Follow along with the complete 6-Step Judgment Detox.

    Judgment Without Judgment Sun, August 2, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a “Judgment Detox,” based on Gabrielle Bernstein’s book. Learn about the three general forms of judgment and find out how judgment affects us on a physical and spiritual level. You don’t have to disparage other people in order to exercise good discernments for yourself. Follow along with Bernstein’s 6-Step Judgment Detox plan.

    The Placebo Sun, July 26, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry uses Pam Grout’s book “E-Cubed” to develop a science experiment proving that Science of Mind principles really work. This time we’ll use the power of our minds to create a healing. Are you ready for the “Placebo Challenge?”

    Stop Talking Smack! Sun, July 19, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry advises you to watch what you say and think! He’s using Pam Grout’s book “E-Cubed” for inspiration. This week you’ll learn about the activities of your thinking and speaking, the nature of worry, and how you can become your own fortune teller.

    Thinking Makes It So Sun, July 12, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series on proving for yourself that Spiritual Principles really work. He’s using Pam Grout’s book “E-Cubed” for inspiration. This week you’ll be asked to take the “Simon Cowell Challenge” and prove that you’re more talented than you think you are!

    The Red Pill Sun, July 5, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is using Pam Grout’s E-Cubed for a series about Spiritual Principles. This week we’ll have the chance to prove that the “Rhino Principle” works for us, personally. Take Rev. Larry’s challenge to “take the red pill” and wake up to a new world.

    Rejoicing In Things As They Are Sun, June 28, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes his series on loosening our attachment on the thought patterns that limit our joy and freedom. He’s been using Pema Chodron’s book “Taking the Leap” for inspiration. In this podcast, learn how you can find appreciative joy in your everyday life, even in the midst of struggle.

    Mudita Meditation Sun, June 28, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    This meditation, guided by Rev. Larry, is based on the Buddhist concept of Mudita. Learn to have an appreciative sense of joy and acceptance of the world around you as you rest in this meditative space. Background music by Ken Brewer and used with permission.

    We Have What We Need Sun, June 21, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues discussing “shenpa” using Pema Chodron’s book, “Taking The Leap” for inspiration. He shows how longing for the good life prevents us from actually living the good life. You can learn to overcome longing—you have everything you need to really live!

    Lakefront Meditation Sun, June 21, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    This meditation, guided by Rev. Larry, is designed to allow you to experience the peace and joy of the present moment. You learn to let go of troubling thoughts while feeling supported and free. Background music by Ken Brewer and used with permission.

    The Natural Movement of Life Sun, June 14, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues using Pema Chodron’s book, “Taking The Leap” for inspiration. Learn about the Buddhist concept of shenpa—the attachments we have to people, things and beliefs that hold us back and create misery in our lives. Overcome shenpa and learn to flow with the natural movement of life.

    Tonglen Meditation Sun, June 14, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    The Tibetan Buddhist “Tonglen” meditation is based on circular breathing. With each in-breath, you inhale negative energy, and then convert it to positive energy on the out-breath. Rev. Larry demonstrates how to move from self-healing, into healing for others and finally healing the planet. Background music by Ken Brewer and used with permission.

    Feeding The RIght Wolf Sun, June 7, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a series on freedom from old habits and fears. He’s using Pema Chodron’s book, “Taking The Leap” for inspiration. Learn about the three natural strength of humanity: Natural Warmth, Natural Openness and Natural Wisdom.

    Panchakosha Meditation Sun, June 7, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    The Panchakosha meditation comes from India and represents five shells or layers that seemingly hide the Atman (the true self). This meditation peels back the layers, revealing the true self of Love, Peace, Joy and Harmony. Background music by Ken Brewer and used with permission.

    Building Personal Success Sun, May 31, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes the month-long study of success using three powerful spiritual principles. Learn what we can do if we get “stuck” in the use of these principles and how we can begin to build success as we learn to build our faith.

    The Global Heart Vision Sun, May 31, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    To partially address the climate of racism and unwarranted police violence in America today, Rev. Larry provides a theme of Unity and compassion and reads the “Global Heart Vision” for Centers for Spiritual Living.

    The Law of Mental Equivalents Sun, May 24, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series on the Spiritual Laws of Success. This week he discusses Emmet Fox’s theories about mental equivalents. Learn several ways of building and maintaining a successful mental equivalent for some area in your life.

    Manifesting Your Dreams Meditation Sun, May 24, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry provides a guided meditation to create a mental equivalent of success in some area of your life. Background music by Ken Brewer and used with permission.

    The Law of Attraction Sun, May 17, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series on the Spiritual Laws of Success. This week his focus is on the Law of Attraction and how to become more “attractive” to the life we wish to live. Prentice Mulford coined the term “Law of Attraction.” Hear his advice on changing how we think about ourselves. Download this guide for creating powerful affirmations that will change your thinking—and change your life.

    Healing the Heart Meditation Sun, May 17, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry provides a guided meditation to heal and open your heart. It was the beginning of the the 5/17/2020 service and is excerpted here for your enjoyment. Background music by Ken Brewer and used with permission.

    The Law Of Cause And Effect Sun, May 10, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series on the Spiritual Laws of Success. This week his focus is on how to proactively use the Law of Cause and Effect. You’ll get an explanation of why your life is the way it is right now, as well as tools for changing it for the better. Download this worksheet to help you process through specific desired changes.

    Leaves In The Stream (Acceptance) Meditation Sun, May 10, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry provides a guided meditation on accepting your life just as it is. It was the beginning of the the 5/10/2020 service and is excerpted here for your enjoyment. Background music by Ken Brewer and used with permission.

    The Spiritual Laws of Success Sun, May 3, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series with the intent of providing everyone with specific spiritual tools for claiming personal and professional success. This month he’ll be coving the Law of Cause and Effect, the law of Attraction and the Law of Mental Equivalents. This is the perfect time to bring success into your life!

    Love Meditation Sun, May 3, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry provides a guided meditation on accepting God’s love, and loving yourself. It was the beginning of the the 5/3/2020 service and is excerpted here for your enjoyment. Background music by Ken Brewer and used with permission.

    The Hidden Treasure Sun, April 26, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discuss Jesus’ parable of the Hidden Treasure. He’s using Ervin Seale’s book “Learn to Live” for inspiration. Are you aware of your hidden treasure? This podcast features a visioning session for finding and using your hidden treasure.

    Sanctuary Meditation Sun, April 26, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry provides a guided meditation on creating a personal sanctuary. It was the beginning of the the 4/26/2020 service and is excerpted here for your enjoyment. Background music by Ken Brewer and used with permission.

    The Laborers In The Vineyard Sun, April 19, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is providing an interpretation of Jesus’ parable “The Laborers in the Vineyard” from Matthew 20:1-16. He’s using Ervin Seale’s book “Learn to Live” for inspiration. If you want to follow along, he’s provided a copy of the parable and a guide to three levels of analysis.

    Easter: All Things New Sun, April 12, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Enjoy Easter with Rev. Larry. This special service starts with a lovingkindness meditation, features a talk on personal and planetary resurrection and concludes with a ceremony to facilitate the rebirth of your own life. Joke included.

    The New Dream Sun, April 5, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry complete’s our study of “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. He shows how these new agreements are part of the larger Toltec Path to Freedom. Are you free to experience heaven on Earth? Download notes from the lecture.

    Always Do Your Best Sun, March 29, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses the fourth agreement and what it means to “Always Do Your Best.” It’s not about perfectionism; your best is the best in the present moment. No more and no less. He’s using Don Miguel Ruiz’ book “The Four Agreements” for inspiration. Download notes from the lecture.

    Don't Make Assumptions Sun, March 22, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains why making assumptions will reduce your joy in life and is apt to cause a lot of drama. Learn how you can ask questions and embrace newness, instead. He’s using Don Miguel Ruiz’ book “The Four Agreements” for inspiration. Download notes from the lecture.

    Don't Take Anything Personally Sun, March 15, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains how to stand in our own power and avoid taking things personally. He’s using Don Miguel Ruiz’ book “The Four Agreements” for inspiration. Download notes from the lecture.

    Be Impeccable With Your Word Sun, March 8, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains how we can use the power of our “Word” to create new and positive agreements with life. He’s using Don Miguel Ruiz’ book “The Four Agreements” for inspiration. Download notes from the lecture.

    The Dream of the Planet Sun, March 1, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series based on Don Miguel Ruiz’ “The Four Agreements.” Learn about the many agreements that we make and that have been made for us by family and society. All of these agreements make up the “dream” that we live—but is it a dream, or a nightmare?

    To Evolve and to Serve Sun, February 23, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes Wallace Wattle’s “The Science of Being Great” with a discussion about Spiritual Evolution and how our own progress is also the progress of the Universe. The Universe is uplifted through the enhancements of your own consiousness.

    Spirit of Freedom Sun, February 16, 2020, Karen Haberman Trusty and LaRhonda Steele
    In celebration of Black History Month, guest speaker Karen Haberman Trusty tells of her experiences during the Civil Rights era of the 60’s. interspersed with traditional spirituals from our Music Director, LaRhonda Steele. This presentation of music and spoken word should not be missed!

    2020 Late Winter Information Wed, February 12, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Join Rev. Larry for this informational podcast about resources available specifically for our online audience during March, April and May 2020. For more information go to https://cslportland.org and look under the “online” menu item.

    The Mind of God Sun, February 9, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues using Wallace Wattle’s “The Science of Being Great” to discuss authentic Power. Find out how you can unify yourself with the mind of God in order to more powerfully use the creative mind of Spirit.

    The Source of All Power Sun, February 2, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a month discussing Authentic Power. He’s using Wallace Wattle’s “The Science of Being Great” for inspiration. Find out how you can tap into the Wisdom of Spirit through your own higher-wisdom-self and become a conduit for Authentic Power.

    How To Use It Sun, January 26, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes up “Back to the Basics of the Science of Mind.” He concludes the month by explaining how we can use the co-creative aspect of Spirit to create better outcomes in our own lives and to make the world a better place. Do you have a positive vision for your life?

    What It Does Sun, January 19, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues with more “Back to the Basics” of the Science of Mind. He describes the Divine Creative Process—or, how our “Thoughts Become Things.” Find out how your thinking effects your world and how you can begin to harness the creative power of Spirit through your thoughts, believes and choices.

    The Way It Works Sun, January 12, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues with “Back to the Basics” of the Science of Mind. He describes our place in the cosmos and in relationship to and with Spirit. If God is Everything, then that means us humans, too. Find out how Spirit works through us to accomplish wonderful things.

    The Thing Itself Sun, January 5, 2020, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry goes “Back to the Basics” of the Science of Mind philosophy. He’s using the Science of Mind textbook by Ernest Holmes to explore the nature of God, Itself. What’s your idea of Spirit?

    The Golden Bowl: Living In Grace Sun, December 29, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry closes out 2019 with the Center’s “Golden Bowl Ceremony.” Using his tips, write down your intentions for newness in 2020. The Practitioners at Portland Center for Spiritual Living will pray for your success throughout the year!

    Trust In The Divine Sun, December 22, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes the series on creativity using Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic.” Learn about the source of all ideas and how to involve your higher power in the implementation of those ideas. Have you thought that your creativity might be on behalf of God? That God is really accomplishing its goals through you?

    Permission and Persistence Sun, December 15, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series on creativity using Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic.” Learn how to move forward with that great idea through giving yourself permission to enjoy the ride and to persist in the enchantment of the idea. Sometimes the process is more important than the product.

    Enchantment Sun, December 8, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series on creativity using Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic” as a guide. Learn how to allow powerful ideas to enter into your mind and provide inspiration and guidance. Do you know how to channel the enchantment of everyday life?

    Do You Have The Courage? Sun, December 1, 2019, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, starts a series on creativity and confidence using Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic” for inspiration. Learn how to let go of the fear of “trying” in order to reach for our creative best.

    2020 Winter Information Sat, November 30, 2019, Rev. Larry King & Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Join Rev. Larry and Marilyn Sprague in this informational podcast as they talk about some of the classes and content available specifically for our online audience during the Winter of 2020. For more information go to https://cslportland.org and look under the “online” menu item.

    Holding Hands With Strangers Sun, November 24, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes the series on Unity and true belonging using Brené Brown’s book “Braving the Wilderness” for inspiration. Learn about “Collective Effervescence” and how we can learn to invite others more easily into our traditions and into our lives.

    Speaking the Truth Sun, November 17, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains how we can know the difference between truth, lies and “BS.” Learn how we can speak our truth with kindness and an invitation for dialog. He’s using Brené Brown’s book “Braving the Wilderness” for inspiration.

    Spiritual Crisis Sun, November 10, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the idea of true belonging with a discussion of the downside of the Law of Attraction, loneliness, and the necessity for diversity. He’s using Brené Brown’s book “Braving the Wilderness” for inspiration.

    True Belonging Sun, November 3, 2019, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, kicks off a month using Brené Brown’s “Braving the Wilderness” for inspiration. She’s introducing the topic of belonging and connection—in the context of maintaining freedom and authentic power. Can you “belong” without losing yourself?

    The Greatest Secret of All Sun, October 27, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes Prosperity Month by revealing the Greatest Secret of All about manifestation and a life well-lived. He’s been using Marc Allen’s “The Greatest Secret of All” for inspiration. To live the prosperous life, it’s more than just getting things…

    In My Own Words Sun, October 20, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues Prosperity Month with a discussion of using affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements of a desired outcome. He’s using Marc Allen’s “The Greatest Secret of All” for inspiration. Download a guide to the Spiritual Practice of Affirmation.

    The Law of Manifestation Sun, October 13, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues Prosperity Month with a discussion of The Law of Manifestation. We must begin to create definite goals to help us reach our vision of the future. He’s using Marc Allen’s “The Greatest Secret of All” for inspiration. Download a guide to the Spiritual Practice of Goal-Setting.

    Envision: Begin With the End Sun, October 6, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry kicks-off Prosperity Month with a discussion of how to use the Law of Attraction. We must start with the end vision of the future in mind. He’s using Marc Allen’s “The Greatest Secret of All” for inspiration. Download a guide to the Spiritual Practice of Visioning.

    The Spiritual Practice of Enjoying Yourself Sun, September 29, 2019, Rev. Bonnie Anderson
    Visiting Minister Rev. Bonnie Anderson describes Enjoying Yourself as a spiritual practice. If we’re part of Spirit, don’t you think it wants to have a good time through us?

    Three Commitments and Four Thieves Sun, September 22, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes his work illustrating the Spiritual Principle of Focus. Find out why the commitments to Mastery, Purpose and Accountability are so important. He’s using Gary Keller’s The One Thing for inspiration.

    With Purpose and Priority Sun, September 15, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry shows you how success is based on creating Purpose and Priority. He’s using Gary Keller’s bestseller “The One Thing” for inspiration. Learn about creating a divine purpose and giving it a priority in your life.

    A Focus on Success Sun, September 8, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry guides you through an extended meditation to provide an area of focus for your life and a question to ask about taking action in that one area. He’s using Gary Keller’s bestseller “The One Thing” for inspiration.

    The Great Lies Sun, September 1, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a month dedicated to learning more about the spiritual Law of Focus. Find out how some of our beliefs stand in the way of using this mental tool effectively. He’s using Gary Keller’s book “The One Thing” for inspiration.

    Why Are We Here? Sun, August 25, 2019, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, completes our series on positive change using Matt Kahn’s book “Everything is Here to Help You” for inspiration. Today she discusses our life’s purpose and how we might see the Universe guiding us through it.

    The Golden Question Sun, August 18, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains how to process negative emotions in a healthy way and then ask the Golden Question: “What if the worst things that happen to me are my greatest opportunities?” He’s using Matt Kahn’s book “Everything Is Here To Help You” for inspiration.

    Everything Is Here To Help You Sun, August 11, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series on spiritual evolution using Matt Kahn’s book “Everything Is Here To Help You.” This week he discusses how all emotions (even the unpleasant ones) can be used to our advantage. They really are here to help us!

    Ending The Inner War Sun, August 4, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series on spiritual evolution using Matt Kahn’s book “Everything Is Here To Help You.” Have you noticed conflicting voices in your head? Learn how to improve your life by shutting down thoughts of worry, anticipation and regret.

    Believe In Yourself Sun, July 28, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes using Kelly Robbins’ “Trust Your Next Step” for inspiration. He discusses why self confidence and good self esteem are an important part in making your dreams come true. It is done unto you as you believe (in yourself).

    Success (May Have Some Failure) Sun, July 21, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues “freedom month” and using Kelly Robbins’ “Trust Your Next Step” for inspiration. When we cover new ground, we can experience setbacks. Learn how to deal with missteps as well as success (notes for the 4-part process provided).

    Past the Edge Sun, July 14, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues “freedom month” and using Kelly Robbins’ “Trust Your Next Step” for inspiration. Once you’ve made a commitment to your vision of the future, all you need to do is make an informed next step (notes provided). God will take care of the rest.

    The Trail Map Sun, July 7, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts “freedom month” by shaking us out of our comfort zone. He’s using Kelly Robbins’ “Trust Your Next Step” for inspiration. Learn how to move beyond your current limits into a new world of possibilities (notes provided).

    Practitioner Sunday: Living In Oneness Sun, June 30, 2019, CSL Portland's Practitioners
    It’s Practitioner Sunday and Rev. Larry welcomes two of the Center’s Licensed Practitioners to the podium. Simona Matteucci and Marci Beck deliver complementary messages of the essential unity and oneness of all life.

    Cosmic Consciousness Sun, June 23, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry ends his series on Unity and oneness using Ernest Holmes’ book “The Beverly Hills Lectures” for inspiration. Learn about cosmic consciousness and use Holmes’ metaphysical chart to understand our unique idea of the trinity.

    A Focus On Life Sun, June 16, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues working with Ernest Holmes’ “Beverly Hills Lectures.” Discover how to use your mind to change your life’s conditions. Spirit responds to your focused thoughts, beliefs and ideas. Can you think yourself into prosperity? -—Absolutely!

    Pathway of Wholeness Sun, June 9, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry offers a Pathway of Wholeness based on mental equivalents. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ “Beverly Hills Lectures,” as a basis for discussing the development of mental patterns to create more Love, Life, Harmony, Peace and Abundance in our lives.

    Good News Sunday Sun, June 2, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins using Ernest Holmes’ “Beverly Hills Lectures” for a new series on wholeness and unity. Despite what you might read and hear, the world if full of great news. Find out how you can focus on the positive and live a wonderful life.

    The Inner and Outer Gardens Sun, May 26, 2019, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, concludes our series of Christiane Northrup’s “Making Life Easy.” Learn why taking care of ourselves, seeking pleasurable outcomes, and finding a supportive group of friends and family are so important to “Make Life Easy.”

    Making Life Easy Sun, May 19, 2019, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, discusses how we can use our connection to the Divine to live in a state of grace. She’s using Christiane Northrup’s “Making Life Easy” for inspiration. You can align your thoughts with the life principle and Life gets easier!

    The Direct Connection Sun, May 12, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series on wholeness and grace using Christiane Northrup’s book “Making Life Easy.” This week he talks about our communication with Spirit as a divine source of wisdom, comfort and support. How do you communication with Spirit?

    Temporary, Yet Eternal Sun, May 5, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series on wholeness and grace using Christiane Northrup’s book “Making Life Easy” for inspiration. Find out three key principles for making your life easier and the relief present when you “take the long view.”

    Diving Into the Emotional You Sun, April 28, 2019, Rev. Christine Green
    Speaker Rev. Christine Green discusses emotional intelligence. She provides ways of understanding our emotions and the means for taking dominion over them. Give up being in “emotional reaction” to life and take responsibility for a life of your choice.

    Easter: Reconciliation and Rebirth Sun, April 21, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry’s Easter message for 2019. He’s concluding the material from Howard Thurman’s “Disciple of the Spirit” and focusing on the idea of reconciliation of our outer and inner lives. In order to be reborn, we have to accept our lives as they are.

    The Breath of God Sun, April 14, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his study of Howard Thurman’s “Disciplines of the Spirit” while reviewing the principles of Wholeness and Unity. See what you can learn about the pain/wholeness principle and how to be a loving witness to those in distress.

    A Commitment To Life Sun, March 31, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Leading up to Easter, Rev. Larry showcases the Christian author Howard Thurman for inspiration. In “Disciplines of the Spirit” we learn three new Spiritual Principles and how to harness the full creative power of Spirit, Itself.

    The Chicken And The Egg Sun, March 24, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes the series using Iyanla Vanzant’s book “Trust” for inspiration. Learn how you can trust the natural processes of the universe to bring you a life that is largely good, supportive, safe and joyous.

    Trust Or Consequences Sun, March 17, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about how we can learn to trust each other more effectively. He’s using Iyanla Vanzant’s book “Trust” for inspiration. Through forgiveness, discernment and an open heart we begin to see trust as a multi-layered experience.

    God and Gravity Sun, March 10, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry series on “Trust” continues with an exploration of how we can trust God. Learn the difference between trusting principles vs. personalities. He’s using Iyanla Vanzant’s book “Trust” for inspiration.

    Can You Trust Yourself? Sun, March 3, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series using Iyanla Vanzant’s book “Trust” for inspiration. Today he talks about trusting yourself—-your opinions, your choices and your sense of self. “What other people think of you is none of your business.”

    Keep Your Head In The Clouds Sun, February 24, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes the month of possibility thinking using Mendhi Audlen’s book “What If It All Goes Right?” If you keep your dreams alive, despite outside “facts,” you will provide a template for the Divine Create Process to use in co-creation.

    Follow Your Bliss Sun, February 17, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues a month of possibility thinking using Mendhi Audlen’s book “What If It All Goes Right?” for inspiration. Find out how you can tell if you’re on your path of fulfillment by following your bliss.

    Letting Go Is Not Giving Up Sun, February 10, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his month of “Beyond the Basics” using Mendhi Audlen’s book “What If It All Goes Right?” for inspiration. Learn how to use your emotions as a signpost for finding mixed-thinking and misalignment in our thoughts, beliefs and prayers.

    What If? Sun, February 3, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series on intentional and positive thinking using Mendhi Audlen’s book “What If It All Goes Right?” for inspiration. Learn how to use “What If?” to harness the full power of the Divine Creative Process. Use Rev. Larry’s diagram to see how it can work for you.

    How To Use It Sun, January 27, 2019, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, concludes our study of the basics of Science of Mind. This week she talks about the many “spiritual practices” that we might use to take advantage of the Divine Creative Process.

    What It Does Sun, January 20, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues to cover the basics of the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes. Learn how God responds to our thoughts, emotions and beliefs by co-creating our experience of the world. Our thoughts actually become things!

    The Way It Works Sun, January 13, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry’s back to the basics of the Science of Mind. Learn how God works for us by working through us. We’ll discuss how to “wake up” into a life that is full of purpose and fulfillment. Larry’s using Ernest Holmes’ “textbook” for inspiration.

    The Thing Itself Sun, January 6, 2019, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry takes us “Back to the Basics” of Science of Mind with his discussion of what God is. Do you believe in a guy in the sky on a throne who’s judging you? Maybe it’s time to upgrade your beliefs! Maybe it’s time to learn about “The Thing Itself!”

    The Golden Bowl: New Year/New Life Sun, December 30, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry guides us through making new year’s intentions that really work. Go beyond quickly-forgotten resolutions and making lasting changes in your life for 2019.

    Christmas, Simplified Sun, December 23, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Enjoy Rev. Larry’s short Christmas message. Find out how you can give the best gift of all: yourself. Do you have what it takes to bring more light into the world in 2019?

    Purposeful Relationships Sun, December 16, 2018, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP plans to ”Declutter Your Mind,” by suggesting that we might apply these principles to our relationships. Do you have relationships that drag you down or lift you up? She’s using S.J. Scott and Barrie Davenport’s book for inspiration.

    Your Core Values Sun, December 9, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about using our core values as a way to provide direction in our lives. He’s using “Declutter Your Mind” by S.J. Scott and Barrie Davenport for inspiration. Take the Values Survey and learn how to de-stress your life.

    Declutter Your Mind Sun, December 2, 2018, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, begins a series to prepare us for newness in 2019. In order to experience something new, we must be free from mental clutter and limiting beliefs. She’s using “Declutter Your Mind” by S.J. Scott and Barrie Davenport for inspiration.

    The Path of Mindfulness Sun, November 25, 2018, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP completes the 4-part series using Sylvia Boorstein’s book “Happiness is an Inside Job” for inspiration. Learn how living in the present moment can create immediate access to profound happiness.

    Always A Silver Lining Sun, November 18, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series on happiness by discussing how to re-direct our thoughts and emotions. He’s using Sylvia Boorstein’s book “Happiness is an Inside Job” for inspiration. Do you have a “Happiness Playlist?”

    Kindness: Gateway to Happiness Sun, November 11, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series on happiness by reflecting on the Buddhist notion of “wise effort.” He’s using Sylvia Boorstein’s book “Happiness is an Inside Job” for inspiration. Do you use lovingkindness in your words and actions?

    Happiness Is An Inside Job Sun, November 4, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series on happiness using Sylvia Boorstein’s book “Happiness is an Inside Job” for inspiration. He starts with the 2018 update on the World Happiness Report. Learn the origins of true happiness.

    Living In Abundance Sun, October 28, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes prosperity month with a talk about being spiritual while still part of our earthly existence. Learn about Spiritual Principles of Abundance. He’s using Jim Rosemergy’s book “Even Mystics Have Bills to Pay” for inspiration.

    One Source: One Infinite Supply Sun, October 21, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues prosperity month with Jim Rosemergy’s “Even Mystics Have Bills To Pay.” Are you pushed into abundance to pay your bills or are you pulled into prosperity by your mission and vision? Find out the true source of everything!

    Expectations Are Everything Sun, October 14, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues prosperity month using Jim Rosemergy’s book “Even Mystics Have Bills To Pay.” You can harness the power of your Attention, Expectations and Faith to create financial freedom and prosperity.

    Guide To Prosperous Living Sun, October 7, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins prosperity month with a 40-day Guide to Prosperous Living as presented in Jim Rosemergy’s book “Even Mystics Have Bills To Pay.” Find out that God doesn’t respond to needs, but instead fulfills our heartfelt expectations and beliefs.

    The Healing Power of Prayer Sun, September 23, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is discussing the healing aspect of prayer. He’s using Thich That Hanh’s book “The Energy of Prayer” for inspiration. He also discusses the powerful New Thought healer Phineas Quimby. Follow the 5-Step Format for healing prayer.

    Science of Mind and the Lord's Prayer Sun, September 16, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about why sometimes prayer doesn’t seem to work. He’s using Thich That Hanh’s book “The Energy of Prayer” for inspiration. He also discusses Jesus’ “Lord’s Prayer” and why it is a good example of effective prayer.

    Prayer: Form and Function Sun, September 9, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is discussing the power of prayer. He’s using Thich That Hanh’s book “The Energy of Prayer” for inspiration. Today he discusses what makes prayer effective. Follow the 5-Step Format for effective prayer.

    Does Prayer Work? Sun, September 2, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a month discussing the power of prayer. He’s using Thich That Hanh’s book “The Energy of Prayer” for inspiration. Today he discusses the purposes for which we pray and who/what we pray to. He also asks the audience for questions about prayer.

    The Modern-Day Mystic Sun, August 26, 2018, Rev. Catherine Bonin
    Rev. Catherine Bonin’s talk explores what the mystics of long ago knew and how that knowledge translates into today’s world. What are the characteristics of a modern day mystic and how can we develop our own consciousness to have mystical experiences?

    Small Steps for a Big Change Sun, August 19, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry shows us how to “downsize” our goals so that we can effectively use mini habits as part of the plan for changing our lives. He’s using Stephen Guise’s book “Mini Habits” for inspiration. Learn about the 8-step plan.

    Motivation Vs. Willpower Sun, August 12, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry describes the difference between Willpower and Motivation and why both are needed to develop new, healthy habits. He’s using Stephen Guise’s “Mini Habits” for inspiration this month as he explores changing our habitual ways of thinking.

    The Habit Paradox Sun, August 5, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    This month, Rev. Larry will discuss how we might use a new way of releasing old habitual thinking and create new, healthy habits in our lives. He’s using Stephen Guise’s book “Mini Habits” for inspiration.

    Freedom Through Choice and Epic Self-Love Sun, July 29, 2018, Kathryn Richer
    Kathryn Richer, RScP, explains how to use the freedom keys of choice and self-love to set ourselves free. She’s using Beth Kempton’s book “Freedom Seeker” for inspiration. Learn how to love and exercise true freedom of choice.

    Who Do I Want To Become? Sun, July 22, 2018, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, explains how to use our “freedom keys” to unlock our authentic selves. She’s using Beth Kempton’s book “Freedom Seeker” for inspiration. Learn how to be your best and experience true freedom of choice.

    Conscious Living Sun, July 15, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry uses the keys of Conscious Living and Gratitude to unlock our hearts and our lives. He’s using Beth Kempton’s book “Freedom Seeker” for inspiration. Learn how to live in the present moment and free yourself from the past and future.

    A Return To Playfulness Sun, July 8, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry uses the keys of Curiosity and Playfulness to unlock life’s constraints. He’s using Beth Kempton’s book “Freedom Seeker” for inspiration. Learn how joy automatically dispels bondage and how natural curiosity leads to greater possibilities.

    Out of the Cage Sun, July 1, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry uses Beth Kempton’s book “Freedom Seeker” to explore the theme of freedom this month. Learn the two ways we can become caught in a cage of our own making, and the difference between our situation and how we feel about it.

    Creating Happiness Sun, June 24, 2018, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, concludes the series using Ernest Holmes’ book “Creative Ideas.” Our lives are a reflection of our thoughts and beliefs. Even happiness is an “inside job.” Find out how you can create joy in your life today.

    Creating Good Relationships Sun, June 17, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses how we can use the Divine Creative Process to develop healthy relationships. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “Creative Ideas.” Do you have a mental equivalent for a great connection to other people?

    Creating Health Sun, June 10, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is using Ernest Holmes’ book “Creative Ideas.” This week he shows us how to understand our body as an extension of our thinking and beliefs. We really can influence our health by thinking—our bodies respond to our thoughts.

    Creating Success Sun, June 3, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry draws inspiration this month from Ernest Holmes’ book “Creative Ideas.” This week he shows us how to create success in our lives through the use of mental equivalents. Do you have a clear idea of what success means to you?

    Mindfulness Without Thought Sun, May 20, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues using Dr. Solomon Katz’ book “Beauty as a State of Being” for inspiration. Is you mind full of mostly-useless thoughts? They are a cause of anxiety and unrest. Learn how to begin minimizing the mental chatter going on in your mind.

    Grabbing the Reins Sun, May 13, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series on mindfulness using Dr. Solomon Katz’ book “Beauty as a State of Being” for inspiration. Learn the two sources of troublesome thinking and how to stop and reverse them. You can begin to manage your thoughts!

    A Terrible Thing to Waste Sun, May 6, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a new series on mindfulness using Dr. Solomon Katz’ book “Beauty as a State of Being” for inspiration. Learn how our ability to compare and discern is like a chainsaw that can negatively rip through our lives.

    Closer To God Sun, May 6, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about the two ways of reasoning (subjective and objective) that we can use to get closer to God. Solomon Katz’ book “Beauty as a State of Being” is his starting point for exploring the philosophy of the Science of Mind.

    When the Going Gets Rough Sun, April 29, 2018, Rev. Catherine Bonin
    Guest speaker Rev. Catherine Bonin concludes the series based on Pema Chodron’s book “The Places That Scare You.” Learn four ways to handle even the most troubling of circumstances.

    Cultivating Strength Sun, April 22, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues with Pema Chodron’s book “The Places That Scare You.” He describes the Buddhist notion of the 5 sources of strength: Strong Determination, Familiarization (with spiritual practice), the Seeds of Goodness, Reproach and aspiration. Find out how these five elements create spiritual strength in each of us.

    The Art of Compassion Sun, April 15, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series based on Pema Chodron’s book “The Places That Scare You.” One of the best ways to turn fear into Faith is through the cultivation of compassion. Learn three ways to become more compassionate to yourself and others.

    The Facts of Life Sun, April 8, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series on strength and resiliency based on Pema Chodron’s book “The Places That Scare You.” He starts off by talking about the three main sources of fear. Impermanence (fear of change), Egolessness (fear of not measuring-up with outside comparisons) and attachment (fear of losing control over others and our “things”).

    Easter: Personal Resurrection Sun, April 1, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Enjoy our Easter service in the Science of Mind tradition of release, renewal and rebirth. Find out how you can really make lasting changes in your life. Rev. Larry uses the biblical parable of the leaven for inspiration.

    Celebrating Diversity Sun, March 25, 2018, Revs. Andy & Bonnie Anderson
    In a discussion intermixed with original music, Revs. Andy and Bonnie Anderson tell their story, sharing our experiences, challenges and celebrations. They explore how we can all celebrate diversity, wherever we find ourselves.

    Brave and Brokenhearted Sun, March 18, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about how our hearts can be broken by our own expectations. The cycle of Expectation, Disappointment and Resentment can keep us from a fulfilled life. He’s using Brené Brown’s book “Rising Strong” for inspiration.

    It's My Story Sun, March 11, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series on authentic power. Learn how we can process through past events that have us emotionally “stuck.” He’s using Brené Brown’s book “Rising Strong” for inspiration. Can you easily “let go” of your story of past troubles?

    Why We Don't and How We Can Thu, March 8, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry speaks at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. He uses Jesus’ Parable of the Sower to explain how we can get beyond roadblocks and achieve our dreams. He talks about what we must do to keep true to our intentions until they bear fruit.

    The Physics of Vulnerability Sun, March 4, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a new series on authentic power. Learn how vulnerability, even perceived failure, can be essential in the process of success. He’s using Brené Brown’s book “Rising Strong” for inspiration. Find out why vulnerability is an asset.

    It's Not Over Until… Sun, February 25, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes a series on relationships. He discusses habits and ways of thinking that are “relationship killers.” He also talks about grieving the loss of a relationship. He’s using John F. Demartini’s book “The Heart of Love” for inspiration.

    Your Soul Mate(s) Sun, February 18, 2018, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, continues our series on relationships featuring John F. Demartini’s book “The Heart of Love” for inspiration. This week Marilyn talks about how to find and keep our long-term relationships based on authentic values.

    Climbing The Ladder Sun, February 11, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues our series on relationships featuring John F. Demartini’s book “The Heart of Love” for inspiration. This week Larry talks about values-based relationships. Take the survey at https://goo.gl/wWQCAF to find out your own values.

    Giving Up The Fantasy Sun, February 4, 2018, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry kicks-off a series on values-based relationships using John Demartini’s book “The Heart of Love” for inspiration. In this first installation, he dispels some of the common myths about relationships that cause us so much pain and trouble.

    How To Use It Sun, January 28, 2018, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, wraps up our series on Ernest Holmes’ “Science of Mind” textbook. We learn to use our co-creative powers to make a better life for ourselves and to uplift the planet. Through our intentional thinking we can make a difference.

    What It Does Sun, January 21, 2018, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Licensed Practitioner Marilyn Sprague takes us “Back to Basics” with Ernest Holmes’ “Science of Mind” textbook. Learn how our thoughts become things as God responds to our beliefs and thought patterns.

    New Year's Eve: The Golden Bowl Sun, December 31, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Excerpts from Rev. Larry’s New Year’s Eve (day) service. He explains how we can create resolutions that really stick by letting go of old ideas and patterns that stand in the way. To move forward, we have to give up the past.

    Christmas Eve: Joy to the World Sun, December 24, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Enjoy excerpts from Rev. Larry’s special Christmas Eve service. He talks about how each of us has a gift to give to life-what’s your Christmas present to the world?

    The Giving Heart Sun, December 17, 2017, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, continues the series on kindness. She’s using Sharon Salzberg’s “The Kindness Handbook” for inspiration. Learn how to see the Divine in everyone—even those that appear hard to love. The principle of namaste overcomes all judgment.

    Self-Kindness Sun, December 10, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series on kindness as a spiritual practice. He’s using Sharon Salzberg’s “The Kindness Handbook” for inspiration. Learn three keys to unlock self-kindness: compassion, focus and confidence.

    Hang The Lights Up High Thu, December 7, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry Kings gives a Christmas Holiday message at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living in Lake Oswego. Find out how we can have a greater enjoyment of the seasons through our own claiming of Joy.

    Kindness of Spirit Sun, December 3, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series on kindness as a spiritual practice and as a way to heal the planet. He’s using Sharon Salzberg’s “The Kindness Handbook” for inspiration. Do you know the three main things that keep you from being kind to yourself and others?

    This Thing Called Life Sun, November 26, 2017, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP completes the series on the “Art of Life” as inspired by Ernest Holmes’ book. She discusses the power of intentional living and the benefits of living with an open heart. Do you have a sense of collaboration with your higher power?

    A Template On High Sun, November 19, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about building a mental template of how you’d like to live. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “The Art of Life” for illustrating our creative power. Do you intentionally organize and edit your thoughts and beliefs?

    Destiny Managed Sun, November 12, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about the Divine Creative Process and how we can use God’s co-creative power to improve our lives. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “The Art of Life” for inspiration. Do you consciously use your mind and its creative potential?

    Universal Wholeness Sun, November 5, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a series based on Ernest Holmes’ “The Art of Life.” He’s talking about the nature of God and the difference between a transcendent and imminent God. The Science of Mind is based on the idea of understanding our essential Unity with God.

    Thank You, God Sun, October 29, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry ends prosperity month by discussing the ideas of giving and receiving, and using forgiveness to keep an open heart. He’s been using May McCarthy’s “The Path To Wealth” for inspiration. Do you have an open heart to both give and receive?

    A Sign From Heaven Sun, October 22, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry shows us how to ask God for guidance as he continues using May McCarthy’s “The Path To Wealth” as part of prosperity month. Do you know how to listen to God for guidance? Are you willing to take the first step in following that guidance?

    Emotion and Visualization Sun, October 15, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues using May McCarthy’s “The Path To Wealth” to guide us through prosperity month. Find out how we can use emotion and visualization to super-charge our gratitude lists and to activate the Law of Attraction.

    Gratitude and Prosperity Sun, October 8, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues Prosperity Month using May McCarthy’s “The Path To Wealth” as a guide. Find out why all the spiritual prosperity programs have gratitude as a key element. Those things for which we are grateful, increase!

    Daily Dose Of Inspiration Sun, October 1, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts out Prosperity Month using May McCarthy’s “The Path To Wealth” as a guide. He outlines a 40-day prosperity practice and talks about the importance of finding inspiration to guide you into manifesting your dreams.

    Awakening In Place Sun, September 24, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry complete’s the series on enlightenment featuring Jack Kornfield’s book “After the Ecstasy, the Laundry.” We discuss Indra’s Web of consciousness and how we can awaken to enlightenment right where are. Mullah Nasreddin makes a brief appearance.

    Now, The Laundry Sun, September 17, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the month using Jack Kornfield’s book “After the Ecstasy, the Laundry” for inspiration. This week he tells us the Buddhist story of the “Poison Tree” and asks if the very things that annoy us most are part of our spiritual awakening.

    Through The Gates Sun, September 10, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues using Jack Kornfield’s book “After the Ecstasy, the Laundry” for inspiration. Rev. Larry’s “extended” talk begins with a Unity contemplation and then discusses three of the mental gates that can lead us to enlightened thinking.

    Preparing for Ecstasy Sun, September 3, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a month of spiritual devotion using Jack Kornfield’s book “After the Ecstasy, the Laundry” for inspiration. This week he asks us to identify what moves us forward in our spiritual path. What’s our “seed” growing towards enlightenment.

    Confidence To Go Sun, August 27, 2017, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, concludes our study of “Creative Confidence” using Tom and David Kelley’s book for inspiration. Learn how our private creativity can make a public impact. Are you ready to move your creativity out into the world?

    Duty Or Passion? Sun, August 20, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues using David and Tom Kelley’s “Creative Confidence” for inspiration. Learn how to use creativity in your working life to keep things interesting. Do you have the right balance between earning money and feeling fulfilled?

    Fear of the Blank Page Sun, August 13, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues using David and Tom Kelley’s “Creative Confidence” for inspiration. Learn how to overcome the many fears and beliefs that will suppress your creativity. Generating more ideas and options brings you more chances of creative success.

    Creative Confidence Sun, August 6, 2017, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Licensed Practitioner Marilyn Sprague starts a series using David and Tom Kelley’s “Creative Confidence” for inspiration. Learn about the natural creativity that exists within us. We’re creative beings and can learn to be more creative in many ways.

    Practitioner Sunday 2017 Sun, July 30, 2017, CSL Portland's Practitioners
    As part of Practitioner Sunday, Nancy Ashley and Ken Cragen share the Sunday talk with the theme of “Intentional Thinking.” Find out how to hold onto even the biggest of your dreams and organize your thinking in ways to help you achieve them.

    Listening With Our Eyes Sun, July 23, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry wraps up the month using Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Blink” For inspiration. Learn how we favor vision among our senses and how intuition may lead us to conclusions that are not accurate. Rev. Larry summarizes the important lessons of the month.

    How To Really Find Out Sun, July 16, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series using Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Blink” for inspiration. This Sunday we talk about ways that we might harness our divine gift of intuition and the pitfalls of judgments and “mind reading.”

    Thinking Errors Sun, July 9, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series using Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Blink” for inspiration. This Sunday we talk about erroneous thinking and how it can take us down a path of judgment and the creation of false beliefs.

    Blink: Thinking Without Thinking Sun, July 2, 2017, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, begins a series using Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Blink” for inspiration. It’s a month devoted to thinking about thinking. This week, learn how we make choices in an instant using our intuition.

    Wake Up! Sun, June 25, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry ends the “Summer of Happiness” series using Gretchen Rubin’s book “The Happiness Project” for inspiration. Learn how to wake up from our “on-automatic” lives and really see the availability of a better life, a life of conscious choice and Joy.

    Happiness On Sale Sun, June 18, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues our “Summer of Happiness” using Gretchen Rubin’s book “The Happiness Project” for inspiration. Do you know how to find the value in your life? Find out how we can organize our life to feel the most fulfilled and successful.

    Serious Play Sun, June 11, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues our “Summer of Happiness” using Gretchen Rubin’s book “The Happiness Project” for inspiration. Learn the elements of adult “play” and how we can intentionally introduce more fun and enjoyment into our lives.

    The Story Of Our Lives Thu, June 8, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry speaks about how our national story of the “Hero’s Journey” may be leading us down a path that is divisive and violent. He asks us what stories we tell about ourselves. This talk was presented at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living.

    The Happiness Project Sun, June 4, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series on our “Summer of Happiness” using Gretchen Rubin’s book “The Happiness Project” for inspiration. Learn about your set-point for happiness and how you can make a plan to change it to have greater joy in your life.

    Principle And Practice Sun, May 28, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses the “Unity Principle” and how we can use it to better connect to our higher power. He also talks about the Unity of all Life, even in the face of a local hate crime. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ “Can We Talk To God” for inspiration.

    Spiritual Evolution Sun, May 21, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses how we can foster a Spiritual Evolution in our hearts and minds. He’s continuing the series based on Ernest Holmes’ “Can We Talk To God?” Where are you on your spiritual path?

    The Energy Of Thought Sun, May 14, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series based on Ernest Holmes’ “Can We Talk To God?” This Sunday he discusses how we can use the power of our “Word” as a co-creative power with God. For every mental “seed” we plant, corresponding fruit will be produced.

    Can We Talk To God? Sun, May 7, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series based on Ernest Holmes’ “Can We Talk To God?” He discusses communication with our higher power and the benefits of this. Prayer, meditation, contemplation and silent listening are all viable means of divine communication.

    Light In The Wilderness Sun, April 30, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes the series inspired by Seth Adam Smith’s book “Your Life Isn’t For You.” You can be the light that illuminates both your own life, and contributes to the illumination of the whole planet. Learn how you can be both “salt” and “light!”

    Knock Down The Walls! Sun, April 23, 2017, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, continues the series inspired by Seth Adam Smith’s book “Your Life Isn’t For You.” Learn how knocking down the barriers that separate us helps us to live with compassion and in the more generous flow of life.

    Easter: The Glad Surprise Sun, April 16, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Our special Easter service includes a reading by Ken Cragen, RScP from Howard Thurman (“The Glad Surprise”) and a talk by Rev. Larry on rebirth and renewal. What newness do you want to claim in your life?

    Melted Heart Sun, April 9, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is starting a short series on compassion and service using Seth Adam Smith’s “Your Life Isn’t For You” for inspiration. Are you selfless, selfish or somewhere in the middle? Find out why giving away your life can save your life.

    To Infinity And Beyond Sun, April 2, 2017, Rev. Catherine Bonin
    Guest Speaker Rev. Catherine Bonin talks about the infinite possibilities for having the good, loving life and some of the things we might do to “change our thinking” in ways to enable that potential within.

    Cultivating Change Sun, March 26, 2017, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, concludes our series on vulnerability using Brené Brown’s book “Daring Greatly.” Change inevitably happens, but it can be a graceful and advantageous process when we approach it with vulnerability and engagement.

    Shame On Me? Sun, March 19, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about how the “shame” of not being good enough keeps us from success. The series is based on Brené Brown’s “Daring Greatly.” Men and women have different ideas of what is shameful and can learn to overcome these ideas.

    Scarce Thinking Sun, March 12, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series based on Brené Brown’s “Daring Greatly.” This week, the idea of scarcity and lack of self-esteem are discussed as barriers to vulnerability and intimacy. Are you worth having the good life?

    Daring Greatly Sun, March 5, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is starting a new series on vulnerability using Brené Brown’s “Daring Greatly” for inspiration. Could vulnerability be one of our strongest assets? Are our feelings a strength, rather than a weakness?

    The Biology Of Belief Thu, March 2, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry speaks about how our mental beliefs and personal choices are more important than our genetic predispositions. We can literally think ourselves sick (or well). This talk was presented at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living.

    I Will Stand And Celebrate Sun, February 26, 2017, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, concludes our series on “Gracism” using David Anderson’s book for inspiration. Learn how a celebration of our differences can uplift ourselves and the planet. You can become a Gracist!

    Lifting Each Other Up Sun, February 19, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his “Gracism” series using David Anderson’s book for inspiration. Learn how we can lift each other up by fostering a climate of inclusion and helpfulness. Find out ways that you can help raise the whole planet up!

    The Art of Inclusion Sun, February 12, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series on Unity and inclusion using David Anderson’s book “Gracism” for inspiration. Learn how you can extend your hand of love and inclusion to other people and other ways of thinking in your church and in your personal lives.

    From Racism to Gracism Sun, February 5, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series on Unity and inclusion using David Anderson’s book “Gracism” for inspiration. Learn how to go from racism to Gracism. Learn how to extend God’s hand of love and inclusion to everyone.

    How To Use It Sun, January 29, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes “Back To Basics” and describes some of the many ways we can collaborate with God to change our thinking and change our world. Let go of negative thinking and start living a better life right now.

    What It Does Sun, January 22, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry goes “Back To Basics” and describes how God uses our thoughts, ideas and beliefs to create our perceptions of the world. The Science of Mind teaches that our thoughts become things!

    Golden Bowl: Return Again Sun, January 1, 2017, Rev. Larry King
    Join Rev. Larry King in the annual “Golden Bowl” service. Find out how to avoid temporary “resolutions” and set a powerful intention for yourself in 2017. Get rid of what’s not working and accept greater love and success in your life right now!

    Christmas: Love Is Born Today Sun, December 25, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry’s special Christmas message for 2016. What inspiration does Jesus’ birth bring to the world? It’s Love!

    Surprise Party! Sun, December 18, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Do you have an opening in your heart to enjoy surprises? Rev. Larry continues with Christine Baldwins’ “Seven Whispers” by asking us to understand and question our reluctance to accept change—even change that’s for the better.

    Did You Do It On Purpose? Sun, December 11, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series based on Christina Baldwin’s book “The Seven Whispers.” Today he asks if we’re on track for our life’s purpose. Do you make your decisions purposefully? Learn how to uplift the planet through our intentions and actions.

    Stay Calm And Carry On Sun, December 4, 2016, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP, starts a series based on Christina Baldwin’s book “The Seven Whispers.” Today she speaks about maintaining calmness so that we might better hear guidance and direction from Spirit. Do you move forward at the speed of the Divine?

    Where The Love Is Sun, November 27, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes the series based on Daphne Kingma’s “Ten Things to do When Your Life Falls Apart.” He discusses how we might seek out the healing power of love to help us through tough times. Love is at your command!

    The Whole Enchilada Sun, November 20, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series based on Daphne Kingma’s “Ten Things to do When Your Life Falls Apart.” He discusses how we must integrate all aspects of our lives—not just the happy ones. To move forward in life, we must accept the difficult parts.

    Something Completely Different Sun, November 13, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series on loss and personal triumph based on Daphne Kingma’s “Ten Things to do When Your Life Falls Apart.” He discusses how we can put aside our victim tendencies and stand up for what we believe in and what’s important to us.

    Stop Effecting My Cause! Thu, November 10, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the “Creative Mind” series at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. Learn to notice the difference between Cause and Effect and to go of resistance to life. You can really stand for life’s important things!

    When Things Fall Apart Sun, November 6, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series based on Daphne Rose Kingma’s book “The Ten Things To Do When Your Life Falls Apart.” Today he talks about the useful expression of our emotions and how to question our habitual response to trouble in our lives.

    The Law Of Divine Purpose Sun, October 30, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes our month discussing prosperity by discussing how God richly supports it’s own work in the world. He’s using Edwene Gaines’ book “The Four Spiritual Laws Of Prosperity” for inspiration. Do you have a divine purpose?

    The Law Of Forgiveness Sun, October 23, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains how forgiveness opens our hearts to receive more of life’s infinite abundance. He’s using Edwene Gaines’ “Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity” for inspiration. Find out how even small resentments block your ability to enjoy life!

    New Wine In New Wineskins Thu, October 20, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the “Creative Mind” series at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. Learn how leave behind the inertia of old ideas and beliefs so that you can really get a fresh start in life. You can become the next better version of yourself!

    The Law Of Goal Setting Sun, October 16, 2016, Marilyn Sprague, RScP
    Marilyn Sprague, RScP discusses goal-setting as a spiritual practice and one of Edwene Gaines’ “Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity.” Find out how prosperity is activated when we have a clear set of goals and intentions in mind.

    The Law Of Tithing Sun, October 9, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about tithing as a Spiritual Practice and one of Edwene Gaines’ “Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity.” Discover the origins of tithing and the difference between giving and tithing. Modern tithing can facilitate true wealth.

    Money Is(n't) Everything Sun, October 2, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins prosperity month by using Edwene Gaines’ Book “The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity” for inspiration. He asks us to re-consider what money means to us. Is it only a means to and end? Find out about true prosperity!

    Courting Possibilities Sun, September 25, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes the series on possibility thinking featuring Rosamund and Benjamin Zander’s book “The Art of Possibility.” Learn why complaining and blaming reduce your possibilities. Learn how to “court” possibility in your life.

    Beyond The Way Things Are Sun, September 18, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry shows us how to put aside our expectations in order to open up to the joyous possibilities of life. He’s using Rosamund and Benjamin Zander’s book “The Art Of Possibility” for inspiration. Learn the ever-important “Rule #6!”

    Dream Or Nightmare? Thu, September 15, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the “Creative Mind” series at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. Are you partially living in a nightmare? Learn how you can re-direct your creativity into more positive ways of being. It’s time to practice positive living!

    Contributions Gratefully Accepted Sun, September 11, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry shows us how to play the “contribution game.” He’s using Rosamund and Benjamin Zander’s book “The Art of Possibility” for inspiration. Leave competition behind and find new ways to open your mind and life to infinite possibilities.

    A Universe Of Possibility Sun, September 4, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series on possibility thinking. He’s using Rosamund and Benjamin Zander’s book “The Art of Possibility” for inspiration. Do you see life’s possibilities or are you caught up in “probability thinking?”

    God As Truth Sun, August 28, 2016, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley concludes the series based on Ernest Holmes’ book “Your Invisible Power.” She talks about the unchangeable nature and Truth of God. Learn how God, operating through us, can set us free.

    As Above; So Below Thu, August 25, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about one of Ernest Holmes’ most famous prayers. He’s continuing the “Creative Mind” series at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. Find out how you can use ancient Hermetic teachings to create a better life right now!

    God: Your Impersonal Self Sun, August 21, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains how God works through everyone equally and continually as part of the Divine Creative Process. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “Your Invisible Power” for inspiration. We can see the result of our thinking by examining our lives.

    God: Your Personal Self Sun, August 14, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series based on Ernest Holmes’ book “Your Invisible Power.” He explains how we “personalize” God’s consciousness through our thoughts, beliefs and choices. We control our experience of life through our approach to it.

    God: Your Silent Partner Sun, August 7, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Lynn Johnson starts a series based on Ernest Holmes’ book “Your Invisible Power.” She talks about God and how it is always working to support our intentions, our beliefs and the good that we can accept in life.

    From Fear Into Faith and Love Sun, July 31, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes his series based on Thich Nhat Hanh’s book about “Fear.” Today he talks about the useful nature of fear, how to stop worry and how we can use our breath to lessen fear and anxiety. It includes a meditation to end sleeplessness.

    The Gift Of Fearlessness Sun, July 24, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains how we can cultivate fearlessness. He’s using Tich Nhat Hanh’s book on “Fear” for inspiration. Find out how the path of a Licensed Practitioner includes the inner journey that leads to fearlessness.

    Me, Worry? Sun, July 17, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series on overcoming fear. He discusses the dangerous practice of worry and how it can be stopped and redirected. He’s using Tich Nhat Hanh’s book on “Fear” for inspiration and covers the essential Buddhist idea of remembrances.

    The Creative Mind Thu, July 14, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a 6-month series at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living on the “The Creative Mind.” Learn where your creativity comes from, how powerful you are and how to harness God’s limitless creativity.

    Breaking Free Of The Past Sun, July 10, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a series on effectively dealing with fear. He’s using Thich Nhat Hanh’s book “Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm” for inspiration. Find out about “original fear” and how it affects your daily living.

    Life, Liberty And The Pursuit… Sun, July 3, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry’s special “Fourth of July” message talks about the essential rights specified in the Declaration of Independence. Find out how you can find true freedom and create your own “Bill of Rights.”

    Ubuntu: I Am Because Of Who You Are Sun, June 26, 2016, Rev. Bonnie Anderson
    Guest speaker Rev. Bonnie Anderson talks about the African idea of “Ubuntu” and what it means to be a compassionate and gracious participant in the Oneness of life. Learn about the Golden Rule that permeates the world’s spiritual teachings.

    No More Mr. Nice Guy Sun, June 19, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry King completes the series based on Alba Alamillo’s book “The Dark Side of the Mind.” Today he talks about how to gracefully say “No!” when people are asking too much of you. Also: find out how to cook a frog.

    Self-Esteem Workout Sun, June 12, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry King continues with inspiration from Alba Alamillo’s book “The Dark Side of the Mind.” Today he talks about how important our self-talk is and how we can raise our self-esteem through both practical and spiritual means.

    Awakened Living Thu, June 9, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes his 6-month series at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living on the “Global Awakening” This Wednesday night he explains how we can balance the spiritual with the human to live the fully-aware life.

    Negative And Positive Sun, June 5, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry King continues with inspiration from Alba Alamillo’s book “The Dark Side of the Mind.” Today he talks about negativity-bias and what you can do about it. Learn why “I AM…” statements are such a powerful spiritual tool.

    The Basis Of Belief Sun, May 29, 2016, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley begins the series inspired by Alba Alamillio’s work, “The Dark Side of the Mind.” Find out where your thinking and beliefs come from and why changing your thinking (and therefore your life) may be difficult.

    Adjust Your Sails Sun, May 22, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Learn how to adjust your beliefs to be more productive. Rev. Larry is using Mike Dooley’s “Leveraging The Universe” for inspiration. Change your thinking in order to change your life. Is it time to clarify your vision for the future?

    Journey Of A Lifetime Sun, May 15, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Learn how to have a better life, one thought at a time. Rev. Larry is using Mike Dooley’s “Leveraging The Universe” for inspiration as he discusses how to be both reactive and proactive in managing our thoughts and beliefs. Ever heard of positive worry?

    Awakening To Our Responsibilities Thu, May 12, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about the spiritual responsibility that comes from taking dominion over our thoughts and actions. He’s speaking at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. Do you take responsibility for your entire life?

    Charting Your Course Sun, May 8, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series on personal power using Mike Dooley’s book “Leveraging the Universe” for inspiration. Today he talks about clearly knowing what experiences you’d like to have in life in order to achieve them.

    Setting Sail Sun, May 1, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is starting a new series on personal power using Mike Dooley’s book “Leveraging the Universe” for inspiration. Today he talks about three essential elements to power and and how we can use them to create a world that we wish to live in.

    Listening To Love Sun, April 24, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes the series on “Listening,” inspired by Mark Nepo’s “7,000 Ways To Listen.” This podcast features how we can listen with the heart in order to be truly compassionate.

    Listening To Others Sun, April 17, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry tells the Indian story of the Ramayana to illustrate the art of listening to others. He’s using Mark Nepo’s book, “7000 Ways To Listen” for inspiration. Do you know how to really listen?

    Listening To The Self Sun, April 10, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about listening to our internal dialog as a way of reacting better to what life brings us. He’s using Mark Nepo’s book “7000 Ways To Listen” for inspiration. Learn the “E Dai” process of examining your reactions before acting on them.

    Awakening To Our Possibilities Thu, April 7, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about awakening our minds to more possibilities in life. He’s speaking at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. Do you base your choices on probabilities or possibilities?

    Listening To The Infinite Sun, April 3, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry’s starting a new series on “listening” using Mark Nepo’s book “Seven Thousand Ways To Listen.” Today Rev. Larry talks about listening to God and putting aside some of the noise that interferes with our communion with the infinite.

    Easter: Awake, Thou That Sleepest Sun, March 27, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry King’s special Easter service features Ken Brewer at the keyboard for “Morning Has Broken.” Find out why you don’t have to die to experience new life. Larry’s Using Ernest Holmes’ “Words That Heal Today” for inspiration.

    Heaven On Earth Sun, March 20, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series based on Ernest Holmes’ “Words That Heal Today.” Learn how Jesus viewed heaven as a state of being rather than a final destination. Also find out why his many parables began, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like…”

    The Human Condition Sun, March 13, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series based on Ernest Holmes’ “Words That Heal Today.” Learn how Jesus’ teachings about forgiveness and discernment can lift us out of painful human conditions.

    Awakening The Mind Thu, March 10, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about awakening our minds to more conscious living. He’s speaking at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. How many of your choices do you think are “conscious” versus “unconscious?” Find out how to live a more purposeful life.

    Great Love; Great Law Sun, March 6, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series based on Ernest Holmes’ interpretation of the teachings of Jesus from “Words That Heal Today.” Learn how Jesus’ essential message is about Love and Law. Love provides the direction, Law makes it so!

    Writing To An Angel Sun, February 28, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes our month of Love using Catherine Ponder’s “The Prospering Power of Love.” Learn how we can use beauty and joy as templates for the good life and how we can “write to an angel to engage our spiritual selves.

    The Healing Power Of Love Sun, February 21, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses how we use love to disperse negative tendencies from our past experiences. He’s using Catherine Ponder’s “The Prospering Power of Love” for inspiration. Do you have beliefs that hold you back? Learn how to release and forgive.

    Love and Success Sun, February 14, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is using Catherine Ponder’s “The Prospering Power of Love” for inspiration. Learn how an open heart fosters success in all areas of your life. Do you know the opposite of Love? Discover the amazing power of “Praising and Raising.”

    Awakening The Heart Thu, February 11, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about opening our hearts to a new way of living. He’s speaking at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. An open heart allows us to embrace all of life and uplift the planet through Love.

    The Miracle Of Love Sun, February 7, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    February’s theme is Love and Rev. Larry is using Catherine Ponder’s “The Prospering Power of Love” for inspiration. Find out how you can know if you’re feeling “true” love and what you can do to give and receive more of it.

    Q&A About The Science Of Mind Sun, January 31, 2016, Rev. Lynn Johnson
    Rev. Lynn Johnson answers all your questions about Ernest Holmes and the Science of Mind. Really.

    How To Use It Sun, January 24, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes “Back To Basics” with techniques for using God’s creative law. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ “Science of Mind” textbook for inspiration. As we improve our thinking, we improve our lives. Do you have a plan for improving your thinking?

    What It Does Sun, January 17, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry describes how our thoughts become things. He continues “Back to Basics” using the Science of Mind textbook by Ernest Holmes. As we take dominion of our thoughts—we will have greater dominion over creating a life of our liking.

    The Global Awakening Thu, January 14, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about our “Global Awakening” at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. You may not believe it, but the planet is undergoing a profound improvement in happiness, wealth, health and non-violence. The truth might just surprise you!

    How It Works Sun, January 10, 2016, Rev. Lynn Johnson
    Rev. Lynn Johnson continues the “Back to Basics” theme by describing how God works in our lives. She’s using Ernest Holmes’ “The Science of Mind” for inspiration.

    The Thing Itself Sun, January 3, 2016, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry goes “Back to Basics” with a lively discussion of the nature of God (what is is and what it’s not). He’s using Ernest Holmes’ “Science of Mind” text books for inspiration.

    Golden Bowl: Reinventing Myself Sun, December 27, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry ends 2015 with the Center’s “Golden Bowl” ceremony. You are invited to release the things that no longer serve you and take up a new intention for 2016. Think: “Beyond Resolutions.” Let’s have our best year together, ever.

    Christmas Eve: The Gift Fri, December 25, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry King provides the Christmas Eve message at Portland Center for Spiritual Living. What’s the best Christmas Gift, ever? YOU! This podcast also features Music Director Linda Rossi singing “Silent Night.”

    Solstice: Experiencing The Light Within Sun, December 20, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Enjoy Rev. Larry’s Winter Solstice message. Learn about the seasonality of your own life and how to make the coming year more intentional and purposed-filled. As you illuminate your own life, the world is lifted up in light!

    Mystically, Does Santa Exist? Sun, December 13, 2015, Rev. Lynn Johnson
    Rev. Lynn Johnson continues the series on belief and wisdom using Eric Kaplan’s book “Does Santa Exist?” for inspiration. What is mystic knowledge and how can we use it in our daily lives and spiritual practice?

    Logically, Does Santa Exist? Sun, December 6, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a series on belief and wisdom using Eric Kaplan’s book “Does Santa Exist?” for inspiration. Learn four ways of “knowing” and how we use logic in our lives and relationships. Spoiler Alert: he does talk about the existence of Santa!

    Ernest On: The Rapture Thu, December 3, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about the ideas of rapture and atonement at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. He’s using material removed from the 1926 Science of Mind book (by Ernest Holmes) for inspiration. Are you ready for the (metaphysical) rapture?

    Always Enough Sun, November 29, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes our series on sufficiency using Wayne Muller’s book “A Life of Being, Having and Doing Enough” for inspiration. This week he asks: how much is enough? When is having more too much?

    Thanksgiving "Gratitude" Thu, November 26, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry leads the annual Wednesday night-before-Thanksgiving “Gratitude Service” at the Center. He suggests that we can be grateful for all aspects of our lives—the “good” and the “not so good.” Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

    I'm Enough! Sun, November 22, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry challenges our idea of self-worth. He’s using Wayne Muller’s book “A Life of Being, Having and Doing Enough” for inspiration. Learn how to find your own worth—-and to see the world through a lens of “always being enough.”

    The Next Right Thing Sun, November 15, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the series on sufficiency using Wayne Muller’s book “A Life of Being, Having and Doing Enough” for inspiration. Learn how you can direct the next thing you should do based on a better understanding of your life’s purpose.

    Ernest On: Sex, Drugs and R&R Thu, November 12, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about the anatomy of desire (in all its forms) at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. He’s using material that was removed from the 1926 Science of Mind book (by Ernest Holmes) for inspiration. Is desire healthy?

    The Fullness Of "Enough" Sun, November 8, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a series using Wayne Muller’s book “A Life of Being, Having and Doing Enough” for inspiration. In our always-busy life, when to we fell full-filled? When do we feel we’ve done enough?

    Money: The Energy Of Divinity Sun, November 1, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes Prosperity Month by discussing how Love, relationships and having an open heart are key to your financial well being. He’s using John Randolph Price’s “Abundance Book” for inspiration. Is your heart open to life’s blessings?

    You Are Your Own Money Sun, October 25, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Find out how “You Are Your Own Money” as Rev. Larry continues prosperity month using John Randolph Price’s “Abundance Book.” Do you know about the energy of money?

    The Principle of Sufficiency Sun, October 18, 2015, Rev. Lynn Johnson
    Rev. Lynn Johnson continues “Prosperity Month” by explaining the Principle of Sufficiency. Learn how your thoughts and attitudes about having enough directly create your experience of feeling rich.

    Ernest On: Psychic Phenomena Thu, October 15, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about Psychic Phenomena at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. He’s using material that was removed from the 1926 Science of Mind book (by Ernest Holmes) for inspiration. Have you had psychic experiences?

    Fruits Of The Harvest Sun, October 11, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues “Prosperity Month” with a frank discussion about giving and receiving. For either to enhance your life, you have to be willing to participate in both. Learn how gracious giving (and receiving) can change your life!

    40 Day Prosperity Plan Sun, October 4, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts “Prosperity Month” by introducing John Randolph Price’s 40 Day Prosperity Plan. Find out how a combination of affirmations, contemplation, journal writing and giving can bring in a life of personal abundance and financial freedom.

    Finding Life's Riches Sun, September 27, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes his series on positive change. He talks about making plans for our spiritual growth—and plays musical TV trivia at the same time. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ “Basic Ideas of Science of Mind” for inspiration.

    My Choice; My Life Sun, September 20, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series on positive change. He talks about directing our emotions and even changing our personalities in order to achieve our goals and dreams. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ “Basic Ideas of Science of Mind” for inspiration.

    Thinking Through It Sun, September 13, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series featuring Ernest Holmes’ “Basic Ideas of Science of Mind” for inspiration. Today he talks about creating good mental habits and the pitfalls of cognitive dissonance. Learn how to “imagine” a great life into existence!

    Ernest On: Imagination Thu, September 10, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about Imagination and Visualization at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. He’s using material that was removed from the 1926 Science of Mind book (by Ernest Holmes) for inspiration. Can you “imagine” yourself into a better life?

    It All Starts With You Sun, September 6, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series featuring Ernest Holmes’ “Basic Ideas of Science of Mind” for inspiration. Today he defines God and our relationship to God. He also challenges us to be open to “Change your life by changing your mind.”

    Welcome To The Universe Sun, August 30, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes the series using Pam Grout’s book “E-Squared” for inspiration. Today he covers the “Loaves and Fishes” principle. Find true sufficiency and freedom from lack!

    101 Dalmatians Sun, August 23, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry shows how we are connected to everyone and everything. He’s using Pam Grout’s book “E-Squared” for inspiration. Find out about “twilight barking” and how we’re constantly broadcasting our thoughts, ideas and moods to others.

    Dear Abby Sun, August 16, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry shows how we can access the Wisdom of the Universe in our daily lives. He’s using Pam Grout’s book “E-Squared” for inspiration. We have an unlimited source of advice, wisdom and clarity—let’s use it!

    The Forbidden Ernest Holmes Thu, August 13, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about Eternal Life at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. He’s starting a series using some of the material that was removed from the 1926 version of the Science of Mind book by Ernest Holmes. What does eternal life mean to you?

    Energetic Me! Sun, August 9, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about the universe as “energy.” He’s using Pam Grout’s book “E-Squared” for inspiration. We can use the energy field that surrounds and is part of ourselves. Find out how to make significant changes to improve your life.

    Field Of Possibilities Sun, August 2, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series on science and spirituality. He’s using Pam Grout’s book “E-Squared” for inspiration. We can look beyond existing levels of happiness into a wider view. “A clear revelation of God” is the first experiment in the series.

    Always Do Your Best Sun, July 26, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes his series inspired by the “Four Agreements” of Don Miguel Ruiz with “Always Do Your Best.” Find out why doing your best is always possible and why it will make you happier and more fulfilled. Your best is always good enough!

    Don't Make Assumptions Sun, July 19, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series inspired by Don Miguel Ruiz’ “The Four Agreements.” Learn how making assumptions leads to confusion, distrust and trouble. How many assumptions do you make about life and your relationships?

    Don't Take Things Personally Sun, July 12, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his series inspired by Don Miguel Ruiz’ “The Four Agreements.” Learn how taking things personally diminishes your own personal power. What other people think of you is none of your business!

    Freedom From – Freedom To Thu, July 9, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry’s talk at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living explains the difference between “Freedom From – Freedom To.” Are you trying to be free from the things that bother you and hold you back or are you free to live life to its fullest?

    Be Impeccable With Your Word Sun, July 5, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a series on freedom using Don Miguel Ruiz’ book “The Four Agreements.” Learn about the agreements that you’ve made with life—and how to re-make them. Rev. Sharon Lee Foley starts the podcast with E. Holmes’ “My Prayer For My Country.”

    Light Into Darkness Sun, June 28, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    In light of momentous Supreme Court decisions, Rev. Larry concludes his series on “The Shadow Effect.” Find out why “judgement” just might be the root of all evil. Learn about preferences and how to make peace with yourself and the world.

    Making Peace Sun, June 21, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues the discussion of our “shadow selves” with a frank talk about judgement and racism. He’s using the book “The Shadow Effect” for inspiration. How can we make peace with inner thoughts and beliefs that are so hard to accept?

    The Shadow Effect Sun, June 14, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series based on “The Shadow Effect” by Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford and Marianne Williamson. Learn why our darkest urges come forward for healing and how to facilitate that process!

    Joyous Existence Thu, June 11, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry’s talk at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living shows us how to maximize the joy and happiness in our lives. Move beyond “good enough” into “Joyous existence.” Learn how our expectations limit our joy—-and what we can do about it!

    On The Horizon Sun, June 7, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry ends the series on intentional living, using Ernest Holmes’ “Thoughts Are Things” for inspiration. You can plan your desired future using thoughts and intentions. Learn how to plan for the experience instead of just the “stuff” of life.

    My Mind; My Body Sun, May 31, 2015, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley explores the mind/body connection. Your thinking affects your entire life-—including your health and happiness. Find out how healthy thinking creates a healthy body.

    Mental Health Break Sun, May 24, 2015, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley describes how we can sort through our thoughts and beliefs to create a healthy mind and better life. We can put aside our self doubts and blame and learn to put the welcome sign out for a better, healthier way of thinking.

    My Life To Live Sun, May 17, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    We continue the series on intentional living, using Ernest Holmes’ “Thoughts Are Things” for inspiration. Rev. Larry explains that many of our beliefs and ideas come from others. Learn how to embrace your authentic self through acceptance and purpose.

    Having It All Thu, May 14, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry’s talk at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living shows us how we can “have it all!” Learn the three main things that stand in the way of our complete success—and what we can do about it.

    How We Got Here Sun, May 10, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series on intentional living, using Ernest Holmes’ “Thoughts Are Things” for inspiration. Find out how we got where we are right now and begin to take dominion over your own life.

    Practitioner Sunday Sun, May 3, 2015, CSL Portland's Practitioners
    The Center’s Practitioners present the Sunday message and manage the service. Find out how “The Thing Is Not The Thing” and why visiting a Practitioner is always a helpful experience.

    Why Shan't I? Sun, April 26, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes the series based on “Breaking The Ten Commandments” by Eric Butterworth. It’s time to get the metaphysical meaning of all those “Thou Shalt Not’s…” Do you break the Ten Commandments, or do you “break” yourself over them?

    Family And Friends First Sun, April 19, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry shows us why honoring our family is so important to our own well being. He continues “Breaking The Ten Commandments” with Eric Butterworth for inspiration. It’s more than a card on Mother’s Day!

    Remembering The Sabbath Sun, April 12, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues “Breaking The Ten Commandments” with Eric Butterworth for inspiration. This week he shows us how we can keep the Sabbath holy though rest, relaxation, spiritual study and meditation.

    Present Perfect Thu, April 9, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry’s talk at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living addresses living in the “now.” When we live in the past or future, we limit our possibilities—and we miss out on enjoying life just as it is presented to us!

    Easter: One God In All Things Sun, April 5, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry provides a short Easter message. Find out how getting a “fresh start” in life may be harder than you think. He’s using Eric Butterworth’s book “Breaking The Ten Commandments” for inspiration.

    A New Language For The World Sun, March 29, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry wraps-up his series on communication with this talk on how we can upscale “deep listening” and “loving speech” so that they are applicable at work and in our communities. He’s using Thich Nhat Hanh’s “The Art Of Communication” for inspiration.

    Trouble In Paradise Sun, March 22, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains how we can apply loving, peaceful speech to even the most difficult situation. He’s using Thich Nhat Hanh’s book “The Art Of Communicating” for inspiration. Learn how to diffuse anger and still get your point across.

    Loving Speech Sun, March 15, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues using Thich Nhat Hanh’s book “The Art Of Communicating” for inspiration as he explores the 4 elements of loving speech: Telling The Truth, Not Exaggerating, Being Consistent and Using Peaceful, Loving Language.

    Emotions On Demand Thu, March 12, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is the speaker at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living once a month. In March he talks about how we can experience greater freedom in our emotional lives. Much of what we “feel” is directed by what we “think”—and thoughts can be changed!

    Deep Listening Sun, March 8, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about listening and the good and bad habits we may have in this essential part of communicating. He’s using Thich Nhat Hahn’s book “The Art Of Communicating” for inspiration. Listening may be the most important spiritual practice of all!

    Hello, Self! Sun, March 1, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series on compassionate and successful communication. He’s using Thich Nhat Hahn’s book “The Art Of Communicating” for inspiration. Good communication starts with how we communicate with ourselves!

    Conscious Choices Sun, February 22, 2015, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley concludes the series on “The Art Of Uncertainty,” using Dennis Merritt Jones’ book for inspiration. Find out how conscious choices influence how you react to change—and how you can be better prepared to positively use change.

    Interested Or Committed? Sun, February 15, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about how we can begin to influence the many changes in our lives through commitment to our dreams and ideals. He’s using Dennis Merritt Jones’ book “The Art of Uncertainty” for inspiration. Are you committed to living your best life?

    Loving On Purpose Thu, February 12, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is the guest speaker at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living one Wednesday a month. For February Rev. Larry talks about how relationship styles may keep us from loving as freely as we’d like. Unconditional love can be a conscious choice!

    This Too Shall Pass Sun, February 8, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about how we can learn to love our lives when things go the way we want—and also when they don’t. He’s using Dennis Merritt Jones’ book “The Art of Uncertainty” for inspiration. We can enjoy life no matter what’s going on!

    The Edge Of Uncertainty Sun, February 1, 2015, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley introduces Dennis Merritt Jones’ book “The Art of Uncertainty.” She talks about what level of expectations are healthy—as well as when they drive you crazy. Learn how to live in the mystery of life and love it.

    How To Use It Sun, January 25, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry finishes “Back to Basics” and covers the fourth chapter of the “Science of Mind” by Ernest Holmes. Learn to clarify our intentions for a better life and some of spiritual tools we can use for obtaining it.

    What It Does Sun, January 18, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about our basic beliefs. This week he covers the third chapter of the “Science of Mind” by Ernest Holmes. Find out how the “Law” of God responds to our thoughts and emotions.

    The Freedom Trail Thu, January 15, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is the guest speaker at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living one Wednesday a month. This month Rev. Larry talks about Freedom and our ability to make choices. Learn how our thoughts and beliefs are both a source of freedom—and bondage.

    The Way It Works Sun, January 11, 2015, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley continues with “Back to Basics” and covers the 2nd chapter of the “Science of Mind” by Ernest Holmes. Find out how God works through us and “as us” to get things done in the world. God is all there is—-and that means each of us!

    The Thing Itself Sun, January 4, 2015, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry goes “Back to Basics” and covers the first chapter of the “Science of Mind” by Ernest Holmes. Find out why and how God is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. Begin to upscale your idea of God and your relationship to it.

    The Golden Bowl: The Moments Of High Resolve Sun, December 28, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry shows you how to create New Year’s resolutions that can really work. He’s using Howard Thurman’s “The Moments Of High Resolve” for inspiration. Are you ready to make 2015 your best year ever?

    Christmas Eve: Gifts On My Altar Thu, December 25, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Enjoy Rev. Larry’s special Christmas Eve message, including the Howard Thurman reading “Gifts On My Altar” (read by Marilyn Sprague, RScP), and “Silent Night” sung by Linda Rossi, accompanied by Ken Brewer. What gift will you will bring into the new year?

    Winter Solstice: Long Live Life! Sun, December 21, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explores the ideas of rebirth and new life as it relates to Winter Solstice. He reads “Long Live Life” from Howard Thurman’s “Meditations Of The Heart” and leads the congregation in a candle-lighting process to symbolize new intentions.

    The Pause That Refreshes Sun, December 14, 2014, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley invites us to put aside the “business” of life for a moment and explore the idea of sabbath—the “pauses” that allow us to rest, refresh and become mindful of who we truly are. Do you take time to refresh yourself spiritually?

    Be Still And Know… Sun, December 7, 2014, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon explores the power of the inward journey through stillness, silence, listening, contemplation and meditation. Find out why taking the time for “being” is as important as “doing.”

    The Gift Of Peace Thu, December 4, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    New Thought Center for Spiritual Living features Rev. Larry King one Wednesday a month. This month Rev. Larry talks about the state of peace (or not) in the world. This holiday message explains how we can become part of God’s gift of Peace on Earth.

    Living In Grace Sun, November 30, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about the difference between “being” and “doing” as it relates to success. He’s using Matthew Kelly’s book “The Rhythm Of Life” for inspiration. Learn why success is more than just a list of accomplishments or outward achievement.

    A Gift In Gratitude Thu, November 27, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry provides a “Thanksgiving Eve” address at the Center’s annual Gratitude Service. He talks about how to be grateful in all situations and how gratitude, prayer and focus are what we use to create more of anything. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

    The Rhythm Of Life Sun, November 23, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses a new idea of success. He’s using Matthew Kelly’s book “The Rhythm Of Life” for inspiration. Learn how a healthy rhythm of good sleep, a meaningful spiritual practice and observing the sabbath can help to create our best selves. For more information on using the power of the “Sabbath” in your life, also see Rev. Larry’s Thanksgiving Blog.

    Myself, Version 2.0 Sun, November 16, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about becoming the best version of ourselves. He’s using Matthew Kelly’s book “The Rhythm Of Life” for inspiration. Learn how to use your needs, your dreams and your talents to create the “user requirements” for a new version of yourself.

    The Meaning Of Life Sun, November 9, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a 4-segment series on Grace and Living on Purpose. He’s using Matthew Kelly’s book “The Rhythm Of Life” for inspiration. Do you know the meaning of life? Hint: it’s not, “He who dies with the most toys, wins.”

    Purity Of Heart Sun, November 2, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes the series on opening our hearts to receive more of God’s goodness. He’s using Marianne Williamson’s book “The Law of Divine Compensation” for inspiration. Learn three components needed for creating purity of heart.

    Proof Positive Sun, October 26, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses how a positive attitude opens our heart to receive more of God’s goodness. He’s using Marianne Williamson’s book “The Law of Divine Compensation.” Do you have a positive outlook on yourself, the world and others?

    Standing In The Way Sun, October 19, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses how we prevent prosperity in our lives through self-talk, anger, shame and blame. He’s using Marianne Williamson’s book “The Law of Divine Compensation.” Change the story you tell about life and life will respond!

    Love Is The Answer Sun, October 12, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses how we can make “love as the bottom line” and be successful in all of life, including business. He’s using Marianne Williamson’s book “The Law of Divine Compensation.” Have you heard of the “Love Test?”

    The Gift Of Comfort Thu, October 9, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    New Thought Center for Spiritual Living features Rev. Larry King one Wednesday a month. This month Rev. Larry talks about “comfort” This includes how God provides us comfort through acceptance, as well as stretching our comfort zone. Are you comfortable?

    The Law Of Compensation Sun, October 5, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry is starting a 5-week series on abundance and prosperity. He’s using Marianne Williamson’s book “The Law of Divine Compensation.” Do you feel the limitless riches of the Universe? Do you feel abundantly supplied?

    Opportunity To Feel Sun, September 28, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes a month-long look at the healthy expression of emotions. He’s using Daniel Goleman’s book “Emotional Intelligence” for inspiration. Find out how sadness can be a positive emotion when intelligently processed and why optimism is so important.

    Emotions Applied Sun, September 21, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry gives both spiritual and practical advice on the healthy expression of emotions. He’s using Daniel Goleman’s book “Emotional Intelligence” for inspiration. Find out how anger and fear can be positive emotions when intelligently processed.

    The Gift Of Discernment Thu, September 18, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    New Thought Center for Spiritual Living features Rev. Larry King one Wednesday a month. This month Rev. Larry talks about discernment—how this gift may be mis-used in the form of judgement. Learn to recognize Spiritual Truth among all of life’s “facts.”

    I Got A Feeling Sun, September 14, 2014, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley uses introspection to find the source of our feelings and to begin to take spiritual dominion over them. She’s using Daniel Goleman’s book “Emotional Intelligence” for inspiration. Do you ever feel emotional for “no good reason?”

    Emotional Intelligence Sun, September 7, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series on Emotional Intelligence. Lean how our IQ, is just one measure of our divine intelligence. He’s using Daniel Goleman’s book “Emotional Intelligence” for inspiration. Find out why you’re angry or fearful sometimes for little or no reason.

    Is It Really Work? Sun, August 31, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry asks us to re-evaluate our idea of power. He’s using Thich Nhat Hanh’s book “Work: How To Find Joy” for inspiration this month. Could we replace a model of “Competition” with “Cooperation” in business and at home?

    Home, At Last Sun, August 24, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry shows us ways of experiencing more happiness at home and at work. He’s using Thich Nhat Hanh’s book “Work: How To Find Joy” for inspiration this month. Do you bring “work” home with you? Do you have “work” all the time?

    God At Work Sun, August 17, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry says it’s time to remove stress from our work and our life. He’s using Thich Nhat Hanh’s book “Work: How To Find Joy” for inspiration this month. How we “look” at our work maybe more important than what we actually do!

    The Gift Of Connection Thu, August 14, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    New Thought Center for Spiritual Living features Rev. Larry King one Wednesday a month. This month Rev. Larry talks about relationships—about how we connect with each other as God’s love. Our connections define who we are and shape our happiness.

    Breakfast Of Champions Sun, August 10, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues his mindfulness series using Thich Nhat Hanh’s book “Work: How To Find Joy and Meaning In Each Hour Of The Day” for inspiration. Starting your day with joy and mindfulness may just carry through into the rest of your day!

    The Joy Of Work Sun, August 3, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a series using Thich Nhat Hanh’s book “Work: How To Find Joy and Meaning In Each Hour Of The Day” for inspiration. He challenges the idea of work as separate from the rest of life. Find out how we can intentionally find joy everywhere.

    Divine Intuition Sun, July 27, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about how God’s limitless wisdom is available to us in the form of intuition, insight and instinct. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “This Thing Called You” for inspiration. Learn how to access more intuition in your decision-making.

    Myself; My Life; My Work Sun, July 20, 2014, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley talks about how God responds to our thinking in all areas and aspects of our lives. She’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “This Thing Called You” for inspiration. Stand in your authentic power and see how God will co-create a successful life with you!

    Free As Can Be Sun, July 13, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about how we can experience freedom—despite outward circumstances. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “This Thing Called You” for inspiration. Find out how you can learn to adjust how you feel about life and the choices you make.

    These Gifts Thu, July 10, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    New Thought Center for Spiritual Living features Rev. Larry King one Wednesday a month. This month it’s “Christmas in July,” as Larry kicks-off his series on the gifts of life. Are you ready to receive what the Divine has to offer?

    Made In God's Image Sun, July 6, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a new series using Ernest Holmes’ book “This Thing Called You” for inspiration. When we hear that humanity was “made in God’s image,” what is meant by that? Find out how we are both “Divine” and “human” at the same time.

    Open Heart And Open Eyes Sun, June 29, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    You can use the language and insight of Love to help write the story of your life. Rev. Larry concludes the series inspired by don Miguel Ruiz’ “The Voice Of Knowledge.” Do you know how to speak the “love language?”

    The Voice Of The Heart Sun, June 22, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains how we can use our emotions as a gateway into learning about ourselves and our beliefs. He’s using don Miguel Ruiz’ “The Voice Of Knowledge” for inspiration. Do you know the difference between “blind” faith and “true” faith?

    Life Presented; Life Interpreted Sun, June 15, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains how we create “the story” of our lives. Tragedy, comedy or success-story, it’s up to us! He’s using don Miguel Ruiz’ “The Voice Of Knowledge” for inspiration. What’s the next chapter in your life?

    Loving Life Thu, June 12, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    New Thought Center for Spiritual Living features Rev. Larry King one Wednesday a month. This month, Larry discusses how expectations can hamper our ability to enjoy life—and how acceptance is vital in creating the joy and love we so deserve.

    Sex, Lies and Toltec Wisdom Sun, June 8, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry begins a new series using Don Miguel Ruiz’ book “The Voice of Knowledge” for inspiration. Part 1 talks about the cultural and personal lies under which we operate most of our lives. Learn how judgement block us from experiencing our freedom.

    Practitioner Sunday: Renewal, A Spiritual Journey Sun, June 1, 2014, CSL Portland's Practitioners
    The PCSL Practitioners explain how we can experience “Renewal” on four levels: the Material/Physical, the Mental/Emotional, the Metaphysical and the Mystical. The Practitioners share their insights and stories of renewal.

    New View-New You Sun, May 25, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry wraps-up the series on optimism. He’s using Martin Seligman’s book “Learned Optimism” for inspiration. See how our world-view mirrors how we view ourselves. Learn techniques for disputing and distracting ourselves from negative rumination.

    Applied Optimism Sun, May 18, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains how we can apply optimism to our work, our relationships and our health. He’s using Martin Seligman’s book “Learned Optimism” for inspiration. Find out how optimism can actually make us healthier!

    The Law Of Attraction Wed, May 14, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    New Thought Center for Spiritual Living features Rev. Larry King one Wednesday a month. This month, Larry discusses the Law of Attraction, in particular why people have trouble getting it to work effectively. Are you a magnet for wealth, or for lack?

    What You Think Is What You Are Sun, May 11, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry shows how we can use the way we explain “what happened” to measure our level of optimism or pessimism. He’s using Martin Seligman’s book “Learned Optimism” for inspiration. Learn how to shift our thinking to the positive side!

    Learned Optimism Sun, May 4, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a month about “Learned Optimism,” featuring Martin Seligman’s book. Learn how our brains filter information and how we can question the negative slant coming from media and our own thoughts. Could your “realism” actually be “pessimism?”

    Freedom Reborn Sun, April 27, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry uses Jesus’ Parable of the Dragnet to illustrate how we must consciously monitor and cultivate our thinking. He’s using Ervin Seale’s “Learn To Live” for reference. In the infinity of our minds, which of thoughts nourish mind, body and spirit?

    Easter: Another Fresh Beginning Sun, April 20, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry’s special Easter message is about fresh beginnings and newness. Are you ready to embrace something new in your life? He’s using Jesus’ parable of the yeast/leaven for inspiration. Happy Easter, everyone!

    Perceptions Reborn Sun, April 13, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry uses Jesus’ Parable of the Ten Virgins to illustrate how we use our senses and create perceptions. He’s using Ervin Seale’s “Learn To Live” for reference. Do you really see all of what’s going on?

    Loving Yourself Enough Thu, April 10, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    New Thought Center for Spiritual Living features Rev. Larry King one Wednesday a month. Larry discusses self-love and self-esteem. If you don’t love yourself, can you effectively love others? Find out why love is essential in so many areas of our life.

    Intentions Reborn Sun, April 6, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry uses Jesus’ Parable of the Sower to show how we can accept more Grace into our lives. He’s using Ervin Seale’s “Learn To Live” for reference. The seeds of Love, Life and Wisdom are always being sown. Are you accepting and nurturing your share?

    The Royal Treatment Sun, March 30, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about prayer—why we pray, where our prayers go and what empowers prayer. He’s using Holmes’ book “How To Change Your Life” for inspiration. Learn about Science of Mind “Treatment.”

    My Life Is God's Life Sun, March 23, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry explains how we transcend “worldly beliefs” to co-create our desires with God. He’s using Holmes’ book “How To Change Your Life” for inspiration. He also explains how we can “act as if” to help bring our dreams into fruition.

    The One And Only Sun, March 16, 2014, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley reads “What We Believe” and Rev. Larry explains how Science Of Mind beliefs work together to allow us to co-create our desires with the One source of all things. He’s using Holmes’ book “How To Change Your Life” for inspiration.

    Breaking The Law Thu, March 13, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Wednesday Night at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living features Rev. Larry King once a month. Larry discusses the spiritual “Law” of cause and effect. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “Love and Law” for inspiration. Are you breaking the law?

    In Charge Again Sun, March 9, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Learn how cognitive dissonance may keep you from realizing your dreams. Rev. Larry is using Ernest Holmes’ book “How To Change Your Life” for inspiration. Do you know how to reduce your old ways of thinking enough to accept a new, more powerful paradigm?

    Your Dreams Come True Sun, March 2, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series on Intentional Living using Ernest Holmes’ book “How To Change Your Life” for inspiration. Are you living your dream? Are you sure you know what it is? Find out what motivates us to create a better life for ourselves.

    Working Things Out Sun, February 23, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry completes his discussion of connection and love. He’s using Amir Levine and Rachel Heller’s book “Attached” for inspiration. Find out the 5 strategies for making the most of our relationships.

    Styles Of Love And Life Sun, February 16, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry introduces the ideas of “styles” of connection and love. He’s using Amir Levine and Rachel Heller’s book “Attached” for inspiration. Are you loving unconditionally? Are you forming lasting friendships? Find out how and why.

    Successful In Love Thu, February 13, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Wednesday Night at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living features Rev. Larry King once a month. Larry discusses how we can be more successful in our loving relationships by understanding how God loves us. Are you ready for more love?

    Celebration Of The Heart Sun, February 2, 2014, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley talks about the connection between our minds and our hearts. She describes how the open heart is essential in opening our lives to greater good and improved circumstance.

    How To Use It Sun, January 26, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry goes back to basics” with Ernest Holmes’ “The Science of Mind.” Learn how we can systematically make a plan and change our thinking. Rev. Larry also reads from one of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s sermons “Keep Moving From This Mountain.”

    What It Does Sun, January 19, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry goes back to basics” with Ernest Holmes’ “The Science of Mind.” Learn how God responds to our thinking as we co-create our reality. Rev. Larry also reads from one of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s sermons “A Tough Mind And A Tender Heart.”

    Of Love And Law Thu, January 16, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Wednesday Night at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living features Rev. Larry King once a month. Larry discusses Ernest Holmes’ idea that “Love and Law” are the essential components of understanding and harnessing the infinite power of God.

    How It Works Sun, January 12, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry goes back to basics” with Ernest Holmes’ “The Science of Mind.” Learn how God works through us to to co-create the universe. Rev. Larry also reads from one of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s sermons “The Death of Evil Upon the Seashore.”

    The Thing Itself Sun, January 5, 2014, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry goes “back to basics” with Ernest Holmes’ “The Science of Mind.” Learn how God is present everywhere and ultimately powerful. Rev. Larry also reads from one of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s early sermons illustrating “Our God Is Able.”

    The Golden Bowl: The Healing Journey Sun, December 29, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry leads us in a ceremony of release and renewal. His brief meditation is inspired by Jack Kornfield’s book, “A Lamp In The Darkness.” What intentions do you have for 2014? What are you willing to release and become?

    Christmas Eve: Heavenly Peace Wed, December 25, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    A Christmas Eve holiday message from Rev. Larry. Learn how Jesus left us with the recipe for lasting and heavenly peace on earth.

    High Intentions Sun, December 22, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses how to set powerful intentions and how to use intentions as a compass in difficult times. He’s inspired by Jack Kornfield’s book, “A Lamp In The Darkness.” Are you ready to make a “high, holy intention?”

    Practicing Forgiveness Sun, December 15, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses three aspects of forgiveness and leads everyone in a meditative forgiveness practice. He’s inspired by Jack Kornfield’s book, “A Lamp In The Darkness.” We forgive in order to free our hearts and our lives.

    Something About A Lantern Sun, December 8, 2013, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley begins a series inspired by Jack Kornfield’s “A Lamp In The Darkness.” Today she talks about navigating through some of life’s difficult times with acceptance and resilience.

    Time Enough Sun, December 1, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Are you frustrated by time? Is there enough time in your life? Rev. Larry is using Alan Cohen’s “Enough Already” for inspiration. Learn how ancient civilizations used both chronos and kairos (forms of time) to create balance in their lives.

    The Things That Count Thu, November 28, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Enjoy a special message of gratitude from Rev. Larry King on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Are you grateful for the things that count?

    How Perfect! Sun, November 24, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    What do you see in the mirror? Rev. Larry discusses comparisons and how we often (disastrously) compare ourselves to others. He’s using Alan Cohen’s “Enough Already” for inspiration. Are you satisfied and happy with yourself?

    Finders Keepers Sun, November 17, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Are you a “Seeker” or a “Finder?” Rev. Larry compares the two with some surprising results. He’s using Alan Cohen’s “Enough Already” for inspiration. Are you prepared to really find happiness?

    Radical Contentment Sun, November 10, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about maintaining a balance between being content with life and our desires for improvement. He’s using Alan Cohen’s book “Enough Already” for inspiration. When will you “have enough” to feel content with your life?

    Giving The Gift Sun, November 3, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about creating a balance between giving and receiving in our lives. He’s using Eric Butterworth’s book “Spiritual Economics” for inspiration. Learn how to give away your time, talent and treasure and receive a lifetime of abundance.

    Your Friend, Money… Sun, October 27, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry questions the love/hate relationship we have with money. He’s using Eric Butterworth’s book “Spiritual Economics” for inspiration. Learn how to change our understand of money and our language around it to improve our financial freedom.

    The Grateful Heart Sun, October 20, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about gratitude as one of the tools of prosperity consciousness. He’s using Eric Butterworth’s book “Spiritual Economics” for inspiration. Learn how to use the “view from the top” to keep gratitude working for you.

    Believing = Receiving Sun, October 13, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about our beliefs as the “cause” of our financial position. You will “receive” to your level of “belief.” He’s using Eric Butterworth’s book “Spiritual Economics” for inspiration. What beliefs keep you from the success you deserve?

    The Source Of Everything Sun, October 6, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about God as the infinite source of all things. He’s using Eric Butterworth’s book “Spiritual Economics” for inspiration. It could be your idea of God (and your connection to God) that limits your affluence.

    Living Successfully Sun, September 29, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses how we can use our connection to God to provide us with limitless success. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “Discover a Richer Life” for inspiration. Are you dreaming big enough? Do you know what success can mean to you and the world?

    The Power of Faith Sun, September 22, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses how we use faith to bring good into our lives (or to bring us problems). He’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “Discover a Richer Life” for inspiration. Your level of “good” may be limited to the depth and direction of our faith.

    Our Place In Life Sun, September 15, 2013, Rev. Lynn Johnson
    Rev. Lynn Johnson discusses where we humans fit into the divine nature of the Universe. She’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “Discover a Richer Life” for inspiration. Do you know how God blesses us?

    Practical Prayer Sun, September 8, 2013,
    Rev. Larry discusses the way we pray–including the idea of “Practical” prayer. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “Discover a Richer Life” for inspiration. You can download the handout on prayer that he references in the talk.

    Discover A Richer Life Sun, September 1, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses the 3-part nature of the Science of Mind–part philosophy, part science and part spirituality. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “Discover a Richer Life” for inspiration. Find out how we can achieve balance in our lives when we embrace all three aspects of it.

    This Moment Is Made For Joy Sun, August 25, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes the series on “Joy” using James Baraz’ book “Awakening Joy” for inspiration. What stands in the way of you experiencing more joy? Rev. Larry discusses being “type cast” and using compassion and service to jump-start joyous living.

    The Joyful Heart Sun, August 18, 2013, Rev. Lynn Johnson
    Rev. Lynn Johnson explains how we can open our hearts to experience joy. She’s using James Baraz’ book “Awakening Joy” for inspiration. As we love ourselves and others, we open up to new heights of happiness.

    Joy All Around Us Sun, August 11, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry shows us how to find joy right where we are. He’s using James Baraz’ book “Awakening Joy” for inspiration. You don’t have to wait for joy–it can be found or created using your own mind and heart.

    Awakening Joy Sun, August 4, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about bringing more joy into our lives. He’s using James Baraz’ book “Awakening Joy” for inspiration. His thesis is that joy can be found within ourselves–despite outward troubles.

    Here It Comes! Sun, July 28, 2013, Rev. Lynn Johnson
    Rev. Lynn Johnson discusses accepting life as it comes. She’s using Pema Chodron’s book of Buddhist wisdom called “Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change.” Can you make a commitment to live your life consciously?

    A Commitment To Everyone Sun, July 21, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses what it means to treat everyone with understanding and compassion. He’s using Pema Chodron’s book of Buddhist wisdom called “Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change.” Can you extend your compassion to include everyone?

    The Word Is: Freedom Thu, July 18, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Wednesday Night at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living features Rev. Larry King once a month. Tonight Larry discusses the true meaning of Freedom and how we can experience freedom every day of our lives.

    Long Live Life! Sun, July 14, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses what it means to “Cause No Harm.” He’s been inspired by Pema Chodron’s book of Buddhist wisdom called “Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change.”

    Ambiguous Life Sun, July 7, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a new series on Buddhist wisdom inspired by Pema Chodron’s book “Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change.” How resistant to change are you?

    Practitioner Sunday: Tools Of The Trade Sun, June 30, 2013, CSL Portland's Practitioners
    The Licensed Practitioners of the Center share their stories of personal transformation and the spiritual tools they use to change their thinking–and make the world a better place.

    Always Deciding Sun, June 23, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry ends the series on making powerful and intentional decisions. He’s using Raymond Charles Barker’s book “The Power of Decision” for inspiration. Learn 3 new techniques for improving your decision-making.

    Deciding To Be Prosperous Sun, June 16, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses prosperity–what it is and how we can create and maintain it. He’s using Raymond Charles Barker’s book “The Power of Decision” for inspiration. Do you know what thoughts and ideas stand between you and prosperity?

    Deciding To Be Happy Sun, June 9, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses happiness–what it is and how we can create it. He’s using Raymond Charles Barker’s book “The Power of Decision” for inspiration. Can you choose more happiness in your life?

    The Word Is: Power Thu, June 6, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Wednesday Night at the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living features Rev. Larry King once a month. Hear an excerpt from his talk on the creative power of your intentional word.

    Deciding On Life Sun, June 2, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a series on making powerful and intentional decisions. He’s using Raymond Charles Barker’s book “The Power of Decision” for inspiration. Are you making your decisions based on the rich fabric of life–or just on “existing?”

    Mastery Of Thought And Communication Sun, May 26, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry concludes our discussion of acceptance and mastery of our communications. He’s using Will Bowen’s book “A Complaint Free World” for inspiration and taking the “21-day Complaint Free Challenge.”

    The Language of Complaint Sun, May 19, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry challenges us to stop using complaints to motivate others. He suggests we use praise and gratitude instead. He’s featuring Will Bowen’s book “A Complaint Free World” for inspiration and taking the “21-day Complaint Free Challenge.”

    Waking Up To Acceptance Sun, May 12, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses how to focus on acceptance and making positive change instead of complaining about our circumstances. He’s using Will Bowen’s book “A Complaint Free World” for inspiration and taking the “21-day Complaint Free Challenge.”

    A Complaint Free World Sun, May 5, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses the negative aspects of complaining, criticizing and gossip. Everyone’s invited to take the “Complaint Free World” 21-day challenge! He’s using Will Bowen’s book “A Complaint Free World” for inspiration.

    Spiritual Evolution Sun, April 28, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses how we evolve spiritually. How do we make sure we’re thinking about what we want to see in the world? He’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “Creative Mind” for inspiration.

    A New Thought Sun, April 21, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses the “Healthy” beginnings of the New Thought movement and how we can use Spiritual Principles to improve our mind, body and Spirit. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ book “Creative Mind” for inspiration.

    The Law Of The Land Sun, April 14, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry continues talking about Spiritual Principles, the Law of Mental Equivalents and the Law of Attraction using Ernest Holmes’ book “Creative Mind” for inspiration. Worry and gossip are also discussed.

    The Principle Of The Whole Thing Sun, April 7, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry starts a series about Spiritual Principles using Ernest Holmes’ book “Creative Mind” for inspiration. Do you know what a spiritual principle is?

    Easter: The Great Awakening Sun, March 31, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry celebrates Easter metaphysically–inviting everyone to “wake up” to a life of more love and more joy. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ Science of Mind textbook (section V) and Jesus’ teachings for inspiration as he shows us how to embrace newness.

    Everyone At The Table Sun, March 24, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses diversity–both in the physical and mental sense. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ Science of Mind textbook (section V) and Jesus’ teachings for inspiration as he shows us how to embrace new ideas, people and ways of being.

    Divine Forgiveness Sun, March 17, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses God’s forgiving nature. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ Science of Mind textbook (section V) and Jesus’ teachings for inspiration as he shows how forgiveness sets us free to enjoy life more fully.

    Not By Bread Alone Sun, March 10, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry gives a brief lesson in Metaphysics. He’s using Ernest Holmes’ Science of Mind textbook (section V) for inspiration as he talks about how we are fed spiritually.

    Love: The Maintenance Manual Sun, March 3, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry summarizes how to have unconditional, loving relationships. He’s using Greg Baer’s book “Real Love” for inspiration. His theory is that we should treat relationships at least as well as we treat our cars!

    Loving Self; Loving Others Sun, February 24, 2013, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley discusses the true basis for loving others: loving yourself. She’s using Greg Baer’s book “Real Love” for inspiration. How do we begin to love ourselves more?

    Of Love And Faith Sun, February 17, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses how we can use a desire to change, faith and truth (honesty) to make our loving unconditional. He’s using Greg Baer’s book “Real Love” for inspiration. Do you know how to love unconditionally?

    Can You Really See Me? Sun, February 10, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses the importance of honesty and integrity in relationships. We must be authentically seen and accepted in order to be loved. He’s using Greg Baer’s book “Real Love” for inspiration. The service ends with the Centers annual “Recommitment of Love” ceremony.

    Real Love (And Its Imitations) Sun, February 3, 2013, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley kicks-off a series about “Real Love” using Greg Baer’s book by the same name for inspiration. Do you know what real love is?

    How To Use It Sun, January 27, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about how we co-create our lives with God using the power of our beliefs, intentions and thoughts. He’s gone “Back To Basics” with Ernest Holmes using the “Science Of Mind” textbook. What spiritual practices do you use?

    What It Does Sun, January 20, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about how God responds to our thoughts, beliefs, ideas and prayers. He’s gone “Back To Basics” with Ernest Holmes using the “Science Of Mind” textbook. Thoughts become things through our co-creative power with God.

    The Way It Works Sun, January 13, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about how God gets things done: through US. He’s gone “Back To Basics” with Ernest Holmes using the “Science Of Mind” textbook. What are your intentions for doing God’s work in the world?

    The Thing Itself Sun, January 6, 2013, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about the nature of God using the ideas of Omnipresence, Omniscience and Omnipotence. He’s gone “Back To Basics” with Ernest Holmes using the “Science Of Mind” textbook. What’s your idea of God?

    Golden Bowl: The Still Center Sun, December 30, 2012, Rev. Larry King
    Join Rev. Larry for a special “Golden Bowl” service to make intentions for 2013. He explains how to make intentions that really work and really matter. Release old ways that no longer serve us and bring in the new!

    Christmas Eve: Peace On Earth Tue, December 25, 2012, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry’s Christmas Eve message is on Jesus’ life as the “Prince Of Peace.” Learn how Jesus was both powerful and peaceful and the ways you can achieve peace in your own life. Meditation, Prayer, Inclusion and Education can change you and the world!

    Solstice/Christmas: Bring In The Light Sun, December 23, 2012, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about the similarities between the celebrations of Solstice and Christmas. He also encourages us to focus on the most important aspects of life: the people in it. Are you taking time to really connect with people?

    Living In Freedom Sun, December 16, 2012, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses releasing some of our limiting attachments to things we like and dislike. He also talks about training our senses to better experience freedom. He’s using Eknath Eswaran’s book, “Take Your Time” for inspiration.

    A Higher Image Sun, December 9, 2012, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley discusses about keeping our life in balance. Slowing down and fulling living in the moment bring great rewards. She’s using Eknath Eswaran’s book, “Take Your Time” for inspiration.

    One Thing At A Time Sun, December 2, 2012, Rev. Sharon Lee Foley
    Rev. Sharon Lee Foley talks about the importance of slowing down. This allows us to experience the present moment and the things that are really important. She’s using Eknath Eswaran’s book, “Take Your Time” for inspiration.

    A Piece Of Peace Sun, November 25, 2012, Rev. Marquita Pierre-McAlister
    Rev. Marquita Pierre-McAlister shows us how acceptance of God’s co-creative power allows us to experience peace in the midst of any difficulty.

    I Am Grateful God Is Gracious Thu, November 22, 2012, Rev. Larry King
    In a special Wednesday night (before Thanksgiving) service, Rev. Larry talks about being grateful for all of God’s bounty.

    Be The Blessing Sun, November 18, 2012, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about what a powerful blessing we can be to ourselves, our loved ones and to the planet. Each of us has the ability to really make a difference.

    Grateful For Everything Sun, November 11, 2012, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about why experiencing gratitude can be difficult–but how we can overcome obstacles and really be grateful for everything in our lives.

    Goodness Gracious! Sun, November 4, 2012, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses the power of Gratitude and ways we can bring its healthful and helpful practices into our lives.

    Who's In Charge Here? Sun, October 28, 2012, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry shows how the world exists as the result of everyone using the Law of Attraction. He also reminds us that we are in charge of our own, personal experience of life. He’s using Esther and Jerry Hicks’ book, “Ask And It Is Given” for inspiration.

    To Have Or Have Not Sun, October 21, 2012, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry brings up the dual nature of desire–to have and to have not. He also asks us to be clear about what we really want: the “thing” or the “experience of the thing.” He’s using Esther and Jerry Hicks’ book, “Ask And It Is Given” for inspiration.

    Success = Attention + Emotion Sun, October 14, 2012, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about emotional set-points and how we can raise them. This allows us to open our hearts to receive God’s good. He’s using Esther and Jerry Hicks’ book, “Ask And It Is Given” for inspiration.

    The Law Of Attraction Sun, October 7, 2012, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry describes how we might harness the Law of Attraction to experience a richer life. Aligning our emotions and thoughts are key in this process. He’s using Esther and Jerry Hicks’ book, “Ask And It Is Given” for inspiration.

    You Create Your Reality Sun, September 30, 2012, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry discusses the many ways that we create our lives–just as they are as well as we wish them to be. Our thoughts become things. He’s using Esther and Jerry Hicks’ book, “Ask And It Is Given” for inspiration.

    What Am I Worth? Sun, September 23, 2012, Rev. Lynn Johnson
    Rev. Lynn Johnson talks about how our view of ourselves effects our ability to receive–Merengue dancing included! She’s using Brené Brown’s “The Gifts Of Imperfection” for inspiration.

    I Am Enough? Sun, September 9, 2012, Rev. Larry King
    Rev. Larry talks about sufficiency. How much “good” is enough in your life? He’s using Brené Brown’s “The Gifts Of Imperfection” for inspiration.

    The Resilient Spirit Sun, September 9, 2012, Rev. Lynn Johnson
    Rev. Lynn Johnson talks about overcoming adversity without closing our heart or becoming numb to life. She’s using Brené Brown’s “The Gifts Of Imperfection” for inspiration.