The True Action Figure

Sunday Service on Facebook Live and later available on YouTube and audio podcast.

10:50 AM — Prelude Music with the “Friends” Band
11:00 AM — Celebration Service
12:30 PM — Annual Business Meeting using Zoom Teleconferencing link

Talk Title: “The True Action Figure
Speaker: Rev. Larry King
Featuring Bob Goff’s Dream Big

It’s time to take advantage of the limitless opportunities that surround you and take action. The true action hero is willing to live (comfortably) on the edge of “Yikes!”

Inspirational Music from Guest Artist
Lauren Steele

Steele’s most recent EP, Trust My Love, tackles issues of love, race, equality, self love and forgiveness—concepts she works to make prevalent in all of her art. 

Annual Business Meeting

At 12:30, you’ll want to switch over to Zoom Teleconferencing for our Annual Business Meeting. Everyone is welcome to join us for the meeting and members will vote on a slate of Board candidates. We will present a full financial report, a program update and answer any questions that you might have.
You can download or read the reports we’ll be covering ahead of time:
Meeting Agenda
Financial Report for Year 2020
Board President’s Report
Minister’s Report

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 846 0538 6541 — Passcode: 165892
If you’re new to zoom, read more about it to get set up before the meeting.