We are pushed by pain until we are pulled by vision

The Sunday Service is in-person, on Facebook Live and later on YouTube and audio podcast.

10:50 AM — Prelude Music with the “Friends” Band
11:00 AM — Celebration Service

Talk Title: “We are pushed by pain until we are pulled by vision”
Special Guest Speaker: Rev. Gayle Dillon

“We are pushed by pain until we are pulled by vision” (passion) ~ Michael Beckwith

Have you ever wondered why we wait for the proverbial 2X4 before we take action? What would life look like if we really BELIEVED we were worthy of all God’s good. I believe we are designed by God for Greatness so why the heck do I continue to limit the unlimited. Let’s get real and find out what’s really stopping us from being pulled by our vision. I’m not fond of pain, you?

Inspirational Music from
Guest Musician: Ellen Whyte

ELLEN WHYTE has fronted bands continuously now for 30 years, as she has three critically acclaimed albums in addition to the latest effort. She was captivated by music since she was a child growing up in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Leaving the humidity and the taffeta dresses of her accordion marching band behind, Ellen branched out to blue grass, gospel, rock, blues and jazz. Her eclectic tastes in music include heroes such as Ray Charles, Ella Fitzgerald, Joni Mitchell, and Bonnie Raitt.

In addition to the Northwest, Ellen tours in the Mid West and on the East Coast, and was a featured artist in the International Blues festival in Montreal. Look for her soon at a “Four Way Stop” in your area!

She not only sings like an angel, but brings her own styling and phrasing to every song that is completely individual.

—Dennis Walker, Grammy award producer