7:00 PM Meditation

Theme: “SPAN-Uniqueness”
Lead Facilitator: Kate Barrett, RScP Emerita
The practice for today is UNIQUENESS. Dale Carnegie said “The greatest need people have is for love and approval.” Most of us cannot help comparing ourselves with others, at least now and then. This has become so entrenched in our culture that to have self-esteem, it seems almost necessary to say “I am better than he or she” implying therefore I am good. As long as we compete with each other and compare one with another, a certain amount of envy is inescapable. It is the very rare person who is completely free from jealousy. Fortunately as our awareness grows, we will know that there is a uniqueness about everyone. The truly nonviolent person does not compare himself with others, rather recognizes, acknowledges and celebrates his or her uniqueness, while also being aware of our oneness. This uniqueness/oneness awareness creates a sense of peace.
Today: I will do something that shows how unique I am. I may draw a picture, sing a song, dance or write a story. I will praise, compliment or honor the uniqueness of someone I know and by doing so, notice the positive impact I make by recognizing their uniqueness.
Everyone is welcome to join our weekly Practitioner-led Wednesday night meditation.
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Meeting ID: 502 642 724
Password: 823969