A workshop to further assist our PCSL community with New Minister Selection.

Sunday, Feb. 4th from 12:30 to 3:30 PM in the upstairs classroom and on ZOOM.
a workshop led by Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller
As a means of enhancing our New Minister Covenant and further refining our vision as a community, let’s gather together after the Sunday Service with Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller to clarify who and what PCSL is and what we intend to become. Using a method called Appreciative Inquiry, Dr. Miller will lead us through a process to help us all find and name what we love about PCSL, want to see remain, and want to see more of, as the process of hiring a new minister to serve the congregation, unfolds.
A light lunch will be provided for those attending in-person. Please register by February 1st, 2024. Thank you and hope to see you there.