The Law of Attraction

Note: Based on health and safety guidelines
our in-person Sunday services have been cancelled
until public assembly restrictions have been lifted.

Virtually Join us this Sunday, May 17th at 11:00 AM.

We will be broadcasting a Facebook Live feed at 11:00 AM PDT, posting the talk on YouTube and providing our regular podcast.

Talk Title – “The Law of Attraction”


Rev. Larry King

We naturally attract the people and things that are “like us.” Find out how we can use this spiritual law to bring us more of what we want—and less of what we don’t want. Do you like what you’re attracting? If you want to attract something different, use this guide for creating powerful affirmations that will change your thinking—and change your life.

Affirmation of the Week
“I radiate success and prosper wherever I turn.” —Louse Hay

Donations Gratefully Accepted
Although the building is closed, our financial obligations continue. Please consider making a donation, to keep our programs alive and well. You can donate online at