7:00 PM Meditation (online only)

Theme: “Shine Your Inner Light”
Lead Facilitator: Sean Larkin, RScP
At the darkest time of year we are invited to direct our attention away from the outer world that dims to the indwelling light that flames and flickers within each one of us. This inner light is our expression of the One Light that is the Divine. Our conscious engagement with this light expands its glow and broadens our inner horizon of awareness of our own participation in divinity.
Join Sean AB Larkin as he shares inspirational music, readings and meditation prompts centered around the spiritual principle of luminosity and what it means to shine our inner light when the outer light is dimmest.
Have a virtual candle at hand if you wish for a practical prop for one of our activities!
Everyone is welcome to join our weekly Practitioner-led Wednesday night meditation.
If you are unfamiliar with Zoom teleconferencing set yourself up before the meditation. Once you’re ready, here is the link to join us online:
Meeting ID: 502 642 724
Password: 823969