Voting for our New Minister

Thank you for your conscientious stewardship in carefully reviewing this overview of voting for our ministerial candidate, Rev. Bridget McCann. It enables the community as a whole to determine who our new minister will be. If you still find yourself with questions after absorbing the following information, reach out to our Board President, Nadine Moller (

When can we vote?

Online voting begins THURSDAY, March 28th at 7 PM Pacific Time on our website.

In-person voting using paper ballots will be available in the sanctuary on Sunday, March 31st for those who prefer them. These ballots are to be placed in the box provided in PCSL’s sanctuary as you leave after the Sunday Service, no later than 1pm that day. If you forget to submit your paper ballot at the Center, you have until 7PM to vote online on our website.

All voting ENDS Sunday, March 31st at 7 PM Pacific Time.

We will ask you to please legibly sign AND PRINT your name on the ballot to insure our accuracy matching it with our membership records.

Who votes?

“Members in good standing.”
Portland Center for Spiritual Living By-Laws defines a member in good standing as one who:

…attends services on a regular basis.

…donates their time through sacred service.

…provides quantifiable financial support to PCSL. (Quantifiable means identifiable, such as, accounting can attribute donations to you by name. Rest assured it is not about donation amounts.)

…has taken a membership class and/or Foundations.

Non-members or attendees may vote to make their preference known. These non-member votes will not count towards the official vote. However, your input is valuable to us and could help us be completely informed.

The ballots will have two choices: “YES” means you choose Rev. Bridget McCann as our Senior Minister or “NO” means you prefer we continue the ministerial search.

How and when will the votes be counted?

Three active community members have been chosen by the Board to count the votes. They will contact the Board President ASAP with any questions and results of final tally.

More about the three community members – they are:
…not part of the Board of Directors, Ministerial Search Committee or the Practitioner team.
Each person will hold each other in integrity.

When will we know the results?

The community will be notified via email announcement and website posting as soon as the board chair is complete with necessary candidate notification.

The Board of Directors will proceed with negotiating a contract (Letter of Call) and start date.

Voting is now open. Click image below.