Most Treasured Gift

The Sunday Service is in-person, on Facebook Live and later on YouTube and audio podcast.

10:50 AM — Prelude Music with the “Friends” Band
11:00 AM — Celebration Service

Talk Title: “Most Treasured Gift”
Interim Minister: Rev. Christine Green

Possessions are wonderful and a blessing. But our greatest gift is the awareness of our eternal Oneness and infinite possibility.

Special Music from
Friends Band, PCSL Singers, and the Portland Interfaith Gospel Choir

Portland Interfaith Gospel ChoirThe Portland Interfaith Gospel Choir (PIGC), under the direction of LaRhonda Steele, is a community-based interfaith choir and non-profit.  We aim to inspire joy and unity through traditional black gospel traditions that foster cross-cultural and cross-racial understanding and connection. We strongly believe that gospel music has the power to heal and unite.

In addition to our concert performances,  we are constantly looking for new ways to expand our community-outreach efforts. PIGC proudly partners with community-based organizations that also promote and celebrate diversity, social justice, equality, and peace.


Friends Band, PCSL Singers:

KEN BREWER  Guitar, piano, and vocals. He joined The Friends Band at Portland Center for Spiritual Living in 2005.

JIM SOLBERG Electric & Standup Bass and Vocals. A fixture in the Friends Band.

DON SHULTZ Drummer. He joined The Friends Band in 2006

The other singers are members of the congregation at PCSL.