10:50 AM — Prelude Music with the “Friends” Band
11:00 AM — Celebration Service
12:30 PM — Annual Picnic at Peninsula Park

Talk Title: “The Cause of It All”
Speaker: Rev. Larry King
Featuring Ernest Holmes’ How to Use the Science of Mind
Learn how the spiritual Law of “Cause and Effect” works in our lives—and some ideas on how to use it in positive ways. God does not “punish,” but the Law can sometimes produce negative outcomes. |

Inspirational Music from
Special Guest Artist:
Jim Solberg
Jim is a member of our beloved “Friends” Band here at the Portland Center for Spiritual Living and a perennial fixture in Portland-area clubs and bands. |

After the service, everyone is invited to join us at Peninsula Park for our annual picnic. The park is only a 1/4 mile from the Center at 700 N Rosa Parks Way. We’re at the NW corner of the park near the restrooms and kids’ water features. The Center will provide burgers, vegetarian-burgers and “dogs.” You bring your favorite picnic side dishes. This part of the park is in shade and should be relatively comfortable even if the day is hot.