More On Emma…

Facilitated by Kate Barrett, RScP and Rev. Marilyn Sprague
8 Weeks; Thursdays
7/22/2021—9/9/2021; 5:00—8:00 PM PT

Emma Curtis Hopkins is referred to as the Metaphysical Teacher of Teachers. Through readings, discussion and experiential exercises, this Spiritual Study Course features Lessons 7—12 of her Lessons in Truth. They show us how to demonstrate Spiritual Principle in service to each other in all situations.

This class is held online in our virtual classroom. Details, including your Zoom link, will be sent upon registration.

Required texts for this course:
Scientific Christian Mental Practice by Emma Curtis Hopkins
Unveiling Your Hidden Power by Ruth L. Miller, Ph.D.
(order your texts to be received by the start of the first class).

$200 Registration

All materials except the required texts will be provided to you.
There are no prerequisites for this class.

If You Would Like To Register…