The Star System

Based on health and safety guidelines, we invite
you to join us on Facebook Live at the Center for Spiritual Living.
Our service will later be available on YouTube and our audio podcast.

10:50 am — Prelude Music with the “Friends” Band
11:00 am — Celebration Service (with presentation of Rev. Marilyn Sprague)
12:30 pm — Reception for Rev. Marilyn Sprague on Zoom.

Talk Title – “The Star System”


Rev. Larry King
Featuring Shawn Achor’s Big Potential

The height of our potential can be predicted by the people who surround us. We can all learn to attract people with positive perspectives who will lift you up rather than drag you down. Learn about the Five SEEDS of Success.

Inspirational Music
(by our Music Director):

LaRhonda Steele

“…the legacy of the love of music will continue on through and as the irresistible Soul music of LaRhonda Steele.”

Affirmation of the Week
“I am recognizing my union with all people and all events.”
—Ernest Holmes This Thing Called You

Donations Gratefully Accepted
Although the building is closed, our financial obligations continue. Please consider making a donation, to keep our programs alive and well. You can donate online at