Note: Based on health and safety guidelines,
our services are now presented online.
Virtually Join us this Sunday, June 28th at 11:00 AM.
We will be broadcasting a Facebook Live feed at 11:00 AM PDT, posting the service on our YouTube and providing our regular podcast.
Talk Title – “Rejoicing In Things As They Are”
Rev. Larry King
Featuring Pema Chodron’s Taking the Leap
You are surrounded by the divine—and it wants you to experience pure freedom. Learn how you can begin to take satisfaction in everyday life and leave behind fear and doubt.
Music, Featuring
LaRhonda Steele
Our Music Director, LaRhonda Steele, will present pre-recorded music with the help of the “Friends” Band.
Affirmation of the Week
“I now free myself from destructive fears and doubts.” —Louise Hay
Donations Gratefully Accepted
Although the building is closed, our financial obligations continue. Please consider making a donation, to keep our programs alive and well. You can donate online at