When the Going Gets Rough

We invite you to join us this Sunday
at the Center for Spiritual Living

9:00 am – Inward Journey Service
11:00 am – Celebration Service (& Youth Church)

Talk Title – “When the Going Gets Rough”

Rev. Catherine Bonin
Featuring Pema Chodron’s “The Places that Scare You”

Learn how to lighten-up and find inner strength when we are provoked by others—even when the “going gets rough.”

Inspirational Music
(at the Celebration Service)
LaRhonda Steele

“…the legacy of the love of music will continue on through and as the irresistible soul music of LaRhonda Steele.”

Affirmation of the Week:
“I know in all things the Holy Spirit is acting through me. I go forth in confidence to do that which is mine to do.” — Marilyn Sprague, RScP