Vaccination Status

Starting June 13th, our sanctuary will be open for in-person Sunday services at 11:00 AM. For now, the Oregon Health Authority will only allow sanctuaries like ours (social distancing not available) to reopen for fully-vaccinated adults. To allow reopening, we must check for vaccination status at the door prior to entry. To help us accomplish this, you can:

  • Show your vaccination card
  • Show a picture/copy of your vaccination card (smartphone image is fine)
  • Show other proof of vaccination with your name and dates of vaccination (pharmacies and other sites can provide this if you’ve lost your vaccination card).

We’ll looking forward to seeing many of you at our “reopening” on June 13th at 11:00 AM. For those of you who are not fully vaccinated or who prefer to stay at home, we will continue to provide our 11:00 AM Facebook Live presentation (which is later posted to YouTube and available via audio podcast).

For now, we will not be re-opening Youth Church, the bookstore or our hospitality services. We will only have one Sunday Service at 11:00 AM.

Stay safe and re-join us in person when you’re ready!