ERNEST HOLMES, founder of the “Science of Mind” philosophy, synthesized his teachings from the world’s great religions, scripture and philosophical books. At Centers for Spiritual Living, we use his teachings as the cornerstone for understanding the nature of God and of humanity.
Every year we use his many published writings to renew our understanding of the Science of Mind and the spiritual principles that he documented and illustrated. We teach classes and develop Sunday talks to bring his philosophy to new generations of people.
Below are some of his best writings and our corresponding local podcasts. His books are from an earlier time, so be prepared for a more formal style of presentation and language. You can also listen to some of Ernest Holmes’ audio and video recordings on YouTube.
The Art of Life by Ernest Holmes
Podcasts from 2017 by Rev. Larry King and Marilyn Sprague, RScP:
Universal Wholeness
Destiny Managed
Set Up on High
This Thing Called Life
Whether a newcomer to the philosophy Holmes founded or a veteran reader, you will find great power and practicality in the words that render Holmes one of the most celebrated and beloved mystical teachers of the past hundred years.
Can We Talk to God? by Ernest Holmes
Podcasts from 2017 by Rev. Larry King:
Can We Talk to God?
The Energy of Thought
Spiritual Evolution
Principle and Practice
Can We Talk to God? offers readers a framework for prayer that is compatible with traditional religion, yet moves beyond it in the recognition of a divine presence within each person. This book sets forth the teaching of Ernest Holmes, called Science of Mind, which is a synthesis of the greatest ideas of religion, science and philosophy. Originally published in 1934 as The Ebell Lectures on Spiritual Science, it is as fresh and profound today as it was then.
Words That Heal Today by Ernest Holmes
Podcasts from 2016 by Rev. Larry King:
Great Love; Great Law
The Human Condition
Heaven On Earth
Easter: Awake, Thou That Sleepest
Words That Heal Today is a compendium that focuses on the teachings of two spiritual masters, Jesus and the Apostle Paul. Ernest Holmes explains how to heal wounds based in anger, resentment, sadness, grief, and fear. Through the essential principles outlined in this book, you will learn that the true treasures of healing are divine and hidden within you.
Your Invisible Power by Ernest Holmes
Podcasts from 2016 by Rev. Larry King:
God: Your Silent Partner
God: Your Personal Self
God: Your Impersonal Self
God As Truth
Holmes considered this to be perhaps his most powerful work. John Arensma’s drawings illustrate the text of this very compact book.
The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
Podcasts from 2015 by Rev. Larry King:
The Thing Itself
The Way It Works
What It Does
How to Use It
This lecture series covers the first four chapters of the Science of Mind. Ernest Holmes, the founder of Centers for Spiritual Living, presents his basic spiritual tenets, showing readers how to get in touch with nature’s forces and God’s healing power.
The Basic Ideas of Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
Podcasts from 2015 by Rev. Larry King:
It All Starts With You
Thinking Through It
My Choice; My Life
Finding Life’s Riches
A brief account of the Science of Mind by the man who formulated it. Ernest Holmes has condensed the wisdom of his classic Science of Mind into this warm yet penetrating statement.
Creative Ideas by Ernest Holmes
Podcasts from 2015 by Rev. Larry King:
How We Got Here
My Life to Live
Mental Health Break
My Mind, My Body
On the Horizon
Creative Ideas hands us the keys to the kingdom. We are wealthy and beautiful beyond our dreams. This tiny book of prayers will open your heart to its natural generosity toward life.
This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes
Podcasts from 2014 by Rev. Larry King:
Made in God’s Image
Free as Can Be
Myself; My Life; My Work
Divine Intuition
One of Ernest Holmes’s cornerstone works, This Thing Called You is an intimate guide through which readers learn the important lesson of how they are an immutable part of the flow of life, and how they may fulfill the longing, within all of us, to live more fully. The book details methods of meditation used for healing, improving mind and body, and reaching one’s divine self.
How to Change Your Life by Ernest Holmes
Podcasts from 2014 by Rev. Larry King:
Your Dreams Come True
In Charge Again
The One and Only
My Life is God’s Life
The Royal Treatment
Ernest Holmes’s rational, lucid explanation of why our thoughts have power will instruct readers on how they can change their lives by changing their thinking. “The wisdom of God is within you, and you can use it to improve your life.”
A New Design for Living by Ernest Holmes
Podcasts from 2011 by Rev. Larry King:
New Thoughts for Old
Change is Your Friend
Discovering Yourself
Thinking Big
Successful Living
Health is Normal
Facing Facts
In its scope, and in its effect on readers, A New Design for Living is second only to Ernest Holmes’s magnum opus, The Science of Mind. In this cherished spiritual classic, Holmes demonstrates that wishes-from health, love, and friendship to the career and home of your dreams-are not only possible to realize but are within each person’s very reach.
Living Without Fear by Ernest Holmes
Podcasts from 2011 by Rev. Larry King:
Who Do You Think You Are?
Unlimited Spiritual Growth
The Thought’s The Thing!
Make My Day!
Does fear stop you from living your life to the fullest? In Living Without Fear, Holmes brilliantly navigates the reader through and away from anxiety, despair, and stress and toward the path to a richer experience in living. Learn to think constructively and creatively and to liberate yourself, finally, from all limitations so you can lead a life of greater health, happiness, and abundance.
Podcasts from 2010 by Rev. Larry King:
Believe To Receive
Effecting Your Cause
Is Bigger Better?
Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself
Love On My Mind
The Joy Of Living
Selfish Or Selfless?
Ernest Holmes was a beloved teacher and philosopher with a disarmingly simple message: Change your thinking, and you will change your life. Love and Law is a collection of carefully selected lectures and private lessons that have never before been in print. It is a splendid testament to the living philosophy of this remarkable guide and thinker.