REV. BARBARA WUEST has worked at a number of churches in Oregon. Barbara has discovered that true connection with individuals is her soul’s desire. She finds that in creating talks, she has the chance to bring love to the forefront of all of our lives.
1989 was the “new beginning” for Barbara. Her father had just died, she was going through a divorce becoming a single parent of a 4-year old, and then an amazing God moment occurred! Since then she has been on a major roller-coaster of life, taking her around a corner that she didn’t expect—becoming a minister! Ever since her licensing and ordination in 2000/2001, she has continued to be enthralled with spirituality and has found herself moving to different churches and being open to God’s guidance.
“Joy is the way it is! I love to have fun, laugh, and share the many things I have learned from my life experience and I enjoy hearing about how others have come to their own spiritual awareness in their lives. Come into my life and live Joy! Let’s laugh, cry, and be together. That’s what I truly want!”
Email: revbarbarawuest@gmail.com