
Rev. Barbara Leger

Dr. Barbara has been seeking a deeper understanding of what peace is, what is does, how it works and how to use it her entire life as she grew up in a bi-cultural family in Quebec Canada. As a single parent she found being an entrepreneur gave her ability to parent and be free to explore her many interests. She was active in her children’s schools and has co-founded and served as a Board leader for several California non-profits in media, youth services, global exchanges for understanding, and global trade. As a consultant / owner of YES Productions she served as consultant for non-profits, entrepreneurs, business and government agencies. As the owner of LEGER Internationale, she was a global consultant and project manager for large infrastructure projects and manufacturing corporations in re-engineering phase of change. The last 23 years, since arriving in Ukraine on 9/11, she has encouraged a new mindset of peace, purpose and possibility with adults in classes, lectures and conferences. She founded an organization, taught New Thought and SOM classes and had a  chartered center with many practitioners. In the past three years, she co-founded nonprofit Golden Path of PEACE and teamed up with a Ukraine NGO to implement ‘The Understanding PEACE Project’ which, in the past 3 years of pilot project development,  has had over 14,110 students, 386 teachers in 302 schools using their Resilient Compass of Peace building program every day for 5 weeks. Her theme of PEACE, PURPOSE AND POSSIBILITY has really found it’s mark developing curriculum for the public schools and providing training and support for teachers. This work is the  highlight of her career of seeding and cultivating peace for the greatest well-being of this precious planet earth and our humanity. While nowhere near retiring, she does love being close to her children and grandchildren and involved in their lives. She loves to  garden, journal, write poetry and just finished her ‘read-out loud children’s book’ Tall, Small and the Joy of It All and is working on two others:  Grandmother’s Fever & Don’t Call it Soup, It’s Borscht. Mostly she loves life and is learning how to live her best life more each and every day.