My Spiritual Journey began in 1983 in Twelve Step which lead me to CSL in 1989. For the first year I attended the Costa Mesa Church, and I cried every Sunday as I listened to the messages by Rev. Dr. Jim Turrell. I started attending classes the same week I found the church. I moved to Portland in 2000 as a Practitioner and found the RSI church, Westside Church of R.S. Within 2 years I was the acting Spiritual Leader and was preparing to be an RSI Minister. In 2005 I connected with Rev. Julie Applegate. Rev. Julie and I Co-Lead Open Spirit and joined International CSL as it’s conception. A year later we experienced the coming together of both CSL’s. After 10 years with Open Spirit, in 2015, I joined Unity of Beaverton as their Spiritual Leader. I retired in Nov. 2023 and now enjoy my free time deepening my spiritual understanding.
Email: cathigcondon@gmail.com