Senior Minister/Spiritual Director

Rev. Bridget holds a MA in Consciousness Studies from the Holmes Institute and is a licensed minister with Centers for Spiritual Living. She joined Portland Center for Spiritual Living as its Spiritual Director in June 2024.
Rev. Bridget speaks and teaches from her lived experience, having taken spiritual principles into her everyday life, and thereby discovering that much clarity, joy, love, acceptance, and wisdom where available to her. Her messages are filled with examples of spiritual living from a wide variety of diverse voices, knowing that the Divine speaks to and through all Peoples of the world, and throughout all times. She is committed to revealing the Golden Thread of Truth that winds through all spiritual traditions.
She believes deeply in the power of spiritual community, in its ability to help people heal, remember the truth of their being, to know that they matter (no matter what), to create the lives they dream of, and to make our world a better place – A World That Works For Everyone. Rev. Bridget believes that her work as Spiritual Director is to lift-up others, to provide the resources they need to discover and shine their unique lights.
Rev. Bridget first discovered Science of Mind and Spirit (the spiritual philosophy we teach) in 2008 at Mile Hi Church in Lakewood, Colorado. She is fond of saying that she kept going back because “they didn’t ask me to check my brain at the door, and their concept of God did not offend my scientific knowledge.” She remembers crying just about every Sunday that first year or so, tears of healing, forgiveness, and release of old limiting beliefs.
Rev. B. was an attorney before becoming a minister. She worked mostly on behalf of immigrant and refugee children, serving them as they moved through the process of gaining legal status and the right to stay, and thrive, in their new home. She speaks a great deal of Spanish, is an avid cyclist, and loves hiking and travel.