Sustainable Spirituality – How To Fan Your Inner Flame and Bypass Burnout

7:00 PM Meditation

Theme: “Sustainable Spirituality – How To Fan Your Inner Flame and Bypass Burnout”

Lead Facilitator: Sean Larkin, RScP

 Practitioner Sean AB Larkin will share wisdom on how to bypass Burnout by nurturing it’s opposite: Sustainable Spirituality. He will share a set of efficient and effective Spiritual Practices to cultivate a harmonious inner life amidst outer challenges as we all navigate being Spiritual on a Schedule. The key is to become spiritually self-reliant and tend our own inner flame.

Everyone is welcome to join our weekly Practitioner-led Wednesday night meditation.

If you are unfamiliar with Zoom teleconferencing set yourself up before the meditation. Once you’re ready, here is the link to join us online:
Meeting ID: 502 642 724
Password: 823969