Climbing The Tower

We invite you to join us this Sunday
at the Center for Spiritual Living

9:00 am – Inward Journey Service
11:00 am – Celebration Service (& Youth Church)

Talk Title – “Climbing the Tower”


Rev. Larry King

Featuring John Demartini’s “The Heart of Love”

Understanding our own values and ideals–and using the information to form fulfilling relationships. Rev. Larry also walks everyone through a personal values survey which can be downloaded and completed at home.

Inspirational Music
(at the Celebration Service)

Christopher Worth

Worth’s melodic construction entices and never feels imposed.  The voices find their wings in soaring melodies and lyrics that resonate as organic and real.  These compositions have come from a vast well of emotion and experience.

Affirmation of the Week:
“My relationships move me toward a greater appreciation and understanding of my own wholeness.” — Dr. John F. Demartini