A Template on High

We invite you to join us this Sunday
at the Center for Spiritual Living

9:00 am – Inward Journey Service
11:00 am – Celebration Service (& Youth Church)
12:30 pm – Harvest Potluck (It’s Bring-a-Friend Sunday!)

Talk Title – “A Template on High”


Rev. Larry King

Featuring Ernest Holmes’ “The Art of Life”

We’ll discuss the great Hermetic Principle “As Above; So Below” and see how that is reflected in Ernest Holmes’ Principle of Mental Equivalents. Learn how to harness your creative energy!

Inspirational Music
from our Music Director,

LaRhonda Steele

and featuring Arietta Ward and MaryEtta Callier.

“…the legacy of music will continue on through the irresistible soul music of LaRhonda Steele.”

Affirmation of the Week:
“I cultivate an awareness of gratitude for everything I have in my life.”