Christmas Eve: Joy to the World

We invite you to join us this Sunday
for a Christmas Eve Candle-Lighting
at the Center for Spiritual Living

9:00 am – Inward Journey Service
11:00 am – Celebration Service (& Youth Church)

Talk Title – “Christmas Eve: Joy to the World”


Rev. Larry King

Featuring Susan Salzberg’s “The Kindness Handbook”

Our Christmas candle-lighting service gives everyone a chance to spread a bright light into their lives and the lives of the people around us. As we share our holiday joy with others, the whole planet is lifted up.

Inspirational Music
(at the Celebration Service)

The Friends Gospel Chorus

“To sing the one life flowing through all. Together as Spirit expressing Truth, Love Light and the Joy of it all.”

Our own gospel chorus under direction of
LaRhonda Steele and backed-up by  our “Friends”
Band: Ken Brewer,  Jim Solberg and Don Shultz
and featuring guest musician Renato Caranto.


Affirmation of the Week:
“I greet each day with enthusiasm knowing that the joy that I give to others returns to me magnified.”