The Giving Heart

We invite you to join us this Sunday
at the Center for Spiritual Living

9:00 am – Inward Journey Service
11:00 am – Celebration Service (& Youth Church)

Talk Title – “The Giving Heart”


Marilyn Sprague, RScP

Featuring Sharon Salzberg’s “The Kindness Handbook”

Learn how to see the Divine in everyone—even those that appear hard to love. The principle of namaste overcomes all judgment and resentment.

Inspirational Music
(at the Celebration Service)

Marilyn T Keller

“Whether you love gospel, soul, blues, jazz, or music by any other name, I know you will be moved by this woman’s magical voice, by her honesty, and depth of feeling.”

Affirmation of the Week:
“The Divine in me honors the Divine in you.”