7:00 PM Meditation
Theme: “SPAN-Mindfulness”
Lead Facilitator: Kathy Batten, RScP
The practice for today is MINDFULNESS. Mindfulness is thinking about what you’re doing and knowing why you’re doing it. If we just act in each moment with composure and mindfulness, each minute of our life is a work of art. Be aware of the motivation behind your action, the intention behind your words and the needs and experiences of other people. By doing so, you are making life more beautiful and you are more likely to make nonviolent choices.
“The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.” -Thich Nhat Hanh
Today: Choose something simple to do, such as eating a piece of fruit. Bringing my complete attention to it, I notice what my hands do, the way the fruit feels in my mouth, the taste, the texture, the idea of nourishing my body. Suppressing the possible diversion of talking or thinking of anything else, I will keep my attention on what I am doing. Similarly, I will practice being mindful in everything I do today.
Everyone is welcome to join our weekly Practitioner-led Wednesday meditation.
If you are unfamiliar with Zoom teleconferencing set yourself up before the meditation. Once you’re ready, here is the link to join us online:
Meeting ID: 502 642 724
Password: 823969