10:50 AM — Prelude Music with the “Friends” Band
11:00 AM — Celebration Service

Talk Title: “No Judgment, Only Unconditional Love”
Speaker: Rev. Bridget McCann
This month we go back to basics, exploring some of the foundational principles of our spiritual philosophy as a Center for Spiritual Living, a positive spirituality. First up – God, what It is and what It isn’t. We believe in and teach a concept of God based on the simple Truth that God Is Love, and that God is all there is. That’s It. But, of course, we’ll have more to say about what that means.
Inspirational Music from
Guest Vocalist:
Bobby Jo is an explorative, hopeful, spiritual, queer artist who strives to make music and poetry that is good medicine for everyone. Bobby Jo has won multiple awards for his songwriting, given a Tedx Talk, and is a believer in the soft and steady power of everyday acts of love to heal our world.

His new book “Your True Name” is a collection of 112 stories, poems, and lyrics around coming home to yourself, and his latest album “The Thing About A Heart” explores human behavior and belonging in our confusing modern world. When he’s not touring the country extensively, he lives in Portland, Oregon with his husband Tim and their puppy, Kizzy.