Want to be part of the selection process?
PCSL is moving forward into the “next step” of hiring a new minister. We are now in the process of appointing focused, dedicated and reliable members to the “New Minister Selection Committee.” Please be aware that the committee does not select the new minister, the community does.
The Committee will meet as needed with Rev. Julie Labato of CSL home office for guidance and clarification.
Parameters for Committee (group of 8) to oversee Minister selection:
The selection committee will consist of up to 8 PCSL members in good standing, who tithe and have completed Foundations or Spiritual Principles and Practices class. If more than 2 members from any category apply, the BOD will select the names at random.
The 8 members will be comprised of:
- 2 Board Members (already selected: Helen McCann and Bev Simpson)
- 2 Practitioners
- 2 Members that are leaders but not Board members or Practitioners
- 2 Other active members
The committee will meet as often as needed, likely as often as weekly until the new Minister is selected.
The committee will:
- Create customized forms,
- Oversee preparation of the church description and video
- Review applications
- Recommend Applicants as Candidates
- Interface with the Board and membership
- Schedule Candidates For Sunday speaking and workshop
- Membership survey follow up
- Prepare the New Minister Compensation package
- Honor the required confidentiality and more
Applications will be received through May 21.
This is an amazing opportunity to provide sacred service while calling forth our new minister!
Application to apply for the New Minister Selection Committee is here.