What Lies Beneath the Surface

The Sunday Service is both online at Facebook Live and on Zoom.

10:50 AM — Prelude Music with the “Friends” Band
11:00 AM — Celebration Service

Talk Title: “What Lies Beneath the Surface”
Speaker: Rev. Bonnie Anderson

If we knew it all or could see it all, there would be no need for a curious, imaginative mind. Let’s appreciate the unknown, for without it life would be dull.

Inspirational Music from
Special Guest Artist:

“Rev. Andy has been described as a “singer, songwriter and poet who always comes from the heart.” He composes and performs visionary, spiritual music that inspires and uplifts. His music deeply impacts people and appeals to all age groups from children and teens to adults. It has been referred to as “spiritual food for the soul.” One of his greatest blessings is to inspire and wake up the world to a greater understanding of themselves through the power of his music.”