The 3 “La’s” Reunite! LaRhonda Steele, Lauri Jones and Laura Berman in Concert
Saturday, August 12, 2023 — 4:00 pm
Portland Center for Spiritual Living
6211 NE MLK Jr. Blvd
Portland OR 97211
Four years ago, in “the before times”, three multi-talented singer-songwriters–LaRhonda Steele, Laura Berman and Lauri Jones–came together as “The 3 La’s” for a memorable holiday concert. This August, join them as they reunite at an informal afternoon event, where you can hear what music they’re creating now, both individually and together, in an intimate setting. It’ll be uplifting, inspiring and entertaining!
Tickets are $25 in advance, and we expect to sell out, so don’t delay in purchasing your tickets. ONLY IF we have capacity, will you be able to buy tickets at the door for $30.
Thanks to our generous sponsors: Sandy Leybold, Sylvia Miller, LaRhonda Steele, Rev. Christine Green, Debbie and Mark Pettijohn. You can also choose to make a tax-deductible donation when you purchase your tickets. Thank you!